How to make an easier sandwhich


stays relevant.
dude I clicked this thread looking for an easier way to make a sandwich too...

i hate the mess made from tomatoes and can totally relate to the whole sliced to thick/sliced too thin... Of course, thin is better than thick...

Also, am I the only one who thinks tomatoes should have the skin removed before you put it in a sandwich? Nothing worse than pulling the tomato out of the sandwich and getting mayo all over yourself because the damned skin is too strong to just bite through, or is bend and doesn't break because it's too thin.


Active Member
personally i'll never understand why anyone would like raw tomatoe's but to each their own i suppose though when im forced to slice tomatoe's for whoever else usually just use a nice sharp serated knife work's like a charm... and @ brevity that looks like a heart attack on a plate and i suddenly want one...>.> what all is in that thing?!


New Member
personally i'll never understand why anyone would like raw tomatoe's but to each their own i suppose though when im forced to slice tomatoe's for whoever else usually just use a nice sharp serated knife work's like a charm... and @ brevity that looks like a heart attack on a plate and i suddenly want one...>.> what all is in that thing?!
yum yum this is a tasty sandwich.



New Member
personally i'll never understand why anyone would like raw tomatoe's but to each their own i suppose though when im forced to slice tomatoe's for whoever else usually just use a nice sharp serated knife work's like a charm... and @ brevity that looks like a heart attack on a plate and i suddenly want one...>.> what all is in that thing?!

you are asking the wrong person.
its my sandwich :lol:
personally i'll never understand why anyone would like raw tomatoe's but to each their own i suppose though when im forced to slice tomatoe's for whoever else usually just use a nice sharp serated knife work's like a charm... and @ brevity that looks like a heart attack on a plate and i suddenly want one...>.> what all is in that thing?!
I no rite. Raw tomatoes arent my cup of tea either. That's just your average gourmet philly cheese steak. :-D


Well-Known Member
i like the ones you cant eat.

If by cant eat you mean huge....Then i agree. The ones that fill you up lol.

But then again i also love the ones where its just two slices of meat,Ham possably, Nice peice of smoked chedder and a thin layer of mayo and mustard.