Sick of all the A$$HOLES!!

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Well-Known Member
Why do people on here insist on being so mean to eachother??

I dont get why people have to make fun of someone that just happens to be a beginner and knows less than you. YOU WERE ALL BEGINNERS AT SOME POINT! i've been yelled at for asking too many questions in a post....seriously? i have to think twice before asking something because im afraid i'll just get bitched at. Isn't cannabis about being kind and easy going to everyone? Theres so many uptight people on here its rediculous! Why do they even bother replying if its just to say something mean? Seems like a waste of time to me. One guy pretty much called me retarded because i didnt know what a "darwin list" was. sorry I've NEVER heard that before! :cuss:

i've only been a member less than a year and im a newbie grower and for some reason the makes me the STUPIDEST person on earth to 90% of the people on here. isnt the point of this site to HELP eachother out, newbies and veterans alike? its so hard to get anyone to give me helpful information around here. i've started 5 or 6 threads and i dont think i've ever gotten over 10 replies. now, im not lazy and know how to use the search button but lets face it....THERES MILLIONS OF THREADS AND POSTS ON HERE! You're gonna miss things sometimes and i guess thats unacceptable??:finger: if i reply to someones question i try to answer their question and then give them a direct link to a more informative thread if i can find it. Maybe im just a nice person but i sure would appreciate someone doing that for me.

And one more thing... whats with not +repping people? i add to you're rep just for replying to my post without being an asshole, even if its not that useful! I have 40 posts and only ONE person has ever added to my rep. kind of a bummer.

EDIT: nevermind about the +repping....not really a big deal but thanks to all that did!

Im not trying to sound like a sensitive little pussy, just pointing out the lack of common courtesy shown by many of the members.

anyway RIU i just wanted to put my thoughts out there! im sure plenty of people will hate on me for this haha. Please feel free to comment and add to this!! share your stories of asshole replies you've gotten, everyones welcome!



Well-Known Member
just kidding i saw a thread where guy snapped at you earlier an i was thinkin the same thing. Eh people just get bugs up their ass and since you cant stop em they they resort to trying to make you feel bad. oh well ef em. Stick around and you will notice the A holes come an go


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of people on here who just cant wait to smoosh you into the ground and tell ya how full of shit you are or how horrid your shit looks. fuck em, those dickheads are not what this site is for. theres so many cool people on here. seriously its like being able to send tiger woods an email and hes gonna sit there and tell you what your doing wrong......there are some serious tiger woods of weed on here and they are awsome people....dont get the wrong idea 90 out of 100 are solid people here
i had a guy accuse me of lying about my harvest because i stopped posting picks of the plants half way through. its not even like i said i got a pound off a plant. it was only 3 oz a plant. which IS NOT impossible. i had 60 plants , and the smell was all the way to the sidewalk in front of my house. i got real paranoid and stopped posting. never mind the fact my pc shit the bed.


Well-Known Member
my take on this has always been either cops or kids

cops to shake things up, give bad advice etc.

kids because younger generation does not understand respect or courtesy

I tend to simply move on but sometimes it's funny


PS I try to give links or at least a solid search term


Well-Known Member
yea i see what you guess are saying! i know theres a lot of awesome people on here and i try not to take it personally. but sometimes its like.. come on im just trying not to kill my plants or myself hahaha.

Big P

Well-Known Member
fuck you guys you guys all suck!!!

stupid newbs!!!!


ya dont sweat it, if somone gets smart with you tell them to blow it out thier shorts:bigjoint:, or tellem you used to make they're momma wear shorts so you could just slide it in whenever you wanted:bigjoint:

First Time Growin

Active Member
Some people are just born to troll, just ignore them and dont feed them your time. When you dont get an answer, and can't find it on a stickied thread ASK ASK AGAIN!
It might not be that people don't want to help you, it just might be that they are currently not online to help. Also I wouldn't be to worried about the rep thing, who cares what people think of you, when you're brand new(just like me)? If your after some quick rep, get a grow journal accomplished and i am sure you will get lots of it. :)
Good luck and happy growing:leaf:

it was a joke but seriously...go get your ass kicked a couple times, it will toughen you up..

i was brought up where my dad would kick your ass if you whined... :bigjoint:
There's a difference between whining to your father because he wont devote any time to you, and posting a thread asking why some people are acting dicks towards NEW GROWERS on a GROW FORUM.


Well-Known Member
Some people are just born to troll, just ignore them and dont feed them your time. When you dont get an answer, and can't find it on a stickied thread ASK ASK AGAIN!
It might not be that people don't want to help you, it just might be that they are currently not online to help. Also I wouldn't be to worried about the rep thing, who cares what people think of you, when you're brand new(just like me)? If your after some quick rep, get a grow journal accomplished and i am sure you will get lots of it. :)
Good luck and happy growing:leaf:
yeah, re should be for knowledge spread not brownie points....

Big P

Well-Known Member
rep should be mainly used to judge how acurate the advice the person gave you may be,

like if they got good rep chances are they are giving you good advise.

but i got most of my rep for the funny pictures thread i made:bigjoint: so go figure:bigjoint:


Just a bunch of punks behind a keyboard. Don't sweat em. Some need to learn more constructive crtisim instead of bashing. Theres some good peeps on here tho. Juz go with the flo.


Active Member
I think I see more posts from people crying about rudeness, than actual rudeness. For christ sake's, its the godamn internet. If you're gonna get your feelings hurt every time someone doesn't wipe the milk off your mouth like mommy used to do when you were little, then you should probly turn off your computer and get back to watching CMT videos or some shit.

Guess what? Growing weed is some SERIOUS shit. People that grow weed well, are SERIOUS people. Having to sift through 55 different fucking threads every day that consist of "what's the best way to clone", "what's a good temperature", "is miracle gro any good", when all of these very BASIC questions have been answered 15,678 times already, and are stickied multiple times in every single grow section, is annoying to alot of people that did the work themselves.

People should have enough respect for this site to at least LOOK for the answer themselves(this means more than 5 mins), before starting another godamn retarded thread, and clogging out the good nugs.


New Member
also I wouldn't hold that stupid title under ur name too highly because it goes up just by ur post number. I've seen plenty of Mr' Ganjas that were dumbasses with not even one grow under their belt yet, they just post a lot of useless garbage.


Well-Known Member
I think I see more posts from people crying about rudeness, than actual rudeness. For christ sake's, its the godamn internet. If you're gonna get your feelings hurt every time someone doesn't wipe the milk off your mouth like mommy used to do when you were little, then you should probly turn off your computer and get back to watching CMT videos or some shit.

Guess what? Growing weed is some SERIOUS shit. People that grow weed well, are SERIOUS people. Having to sift through 55 different fucking threads every day that consist of "what's the best way to clone", "what's a good temperature", "is miracle gro any good", when all of these very BASIC questions have been answered 15,678 times already, and are stickied multiple times in every single grow section, is annoying to alot of people that did the work themselves.

People should have enough respect for this site to at least LOOK for the answer themselves(this means more than 5 mins), before starting another godamn retarded thread, and clogging out the good nugs.
let em have it.....
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