Kids with ADHD prescribed MMJ in Cali


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David Knowles

Medical Marijuana Prescribed to Kids with ADHD

Filed Under:Nation, Health

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(Nov. 23) -- In California, the state with the nation's most permissive medical marijuana law, some children with attention deficit hyperacitivty disorder, or ADHD, are being treated with marijuana -- a fact that has sparked a heated debate over the move.

Reliable figures on the use of marijuana to treat ADHD are hard to come by. Though California says it has issued over 36,000 medical marijuana cards since 2004, the state does not compile statistics on prescriptions for specific conditions, like ADHD. And many doctors and patients are reluctant to talk about it. Still, experts say such prescriptions are becoming more common as the number of pot dispensaries and doctors prescribing marijuana continues to grow.

And not everyone is happy about it.

"Let me count the ways in which prescribing marijuana for teens with ADHD is a bad idea," said Stephen Hinshaw, professor of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley. Marijuana, Hinshaw said, is a "cognitive disorganizer" which produces roughly the same affect in users those associated with ADHD.

"The active ingredient in pot, THC, causes short term memory problems and inattention," Hinshaw said, "the very same things you want a medicine for ADHD to help alleviate."

Since marijuana has not been put through the FDA approval process, very few reliable studies have been conducted to show how it may affect ADHD, Hinshaw said.

But if the idea of prescribing pot to minors seems counter-intuitive, it might be worth considering that Ritalin and Aderall, two of the most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD, are essentially amphetamines. And Hinshaw said hundreds of studies show that in low dosages amphetamines are an effective treatment for ADHD.

"I'd have no hesitation of giving a youngster with ADHD a trial of oral marijuana," said Lester Grinspoon, emeritus professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the author of "Marijuana: The Forbidden Medicine."

"For some kids it appears to be more affective than traditional treatments. And marijuana certainly has fewer potential dangers than Ritalin."

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, children with ADHD show a variety of hyperactive symptoms, including difficulty concentrating or following directions, being easily distracted and increased hyperactivity or fidgeting.

Roughly 4.5 million American children have been diagnosed with ADHD, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, but scientists are unsure as to what causes the condition.

"My son was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 6," a Grass Valley, Calif. woman who wished to remain anonymous told Sphere. "He was hyperactive, and had trouble in school, but we didn't want to put him on Ritalin. Too many side effects. When he got to high school, I suddenly noticed that he'd calmed and could concentrate. I couldn't figure it out. Then he told me that he'd started smoking pot."

Now 28, the woman says her son still smokes pot, and has very little problem with his ADHD.

While Grinspoon concedes that the evidence of marijuana's effectiveness in treating conditions like ADHD is mostly anecdotal, he believes that practitioners would be wise to start listening to the everyday experiences of their patients. "It has been hard to collect hard data because the federal government has, for so long, said, no, marijuana is not a drug."

Hinshaw is intrigued by success stories of patients treating ADHD with marijuana, but he cautions against euphoria in the absence of data. "People with ADHD are terrible at self-reporting, that's one of the things that characterizes the condition. Still, this is worth looking into. Any hypothesis that adheres to the proper ethical limits is worth investigating."

At Harborside Health Center in Oakland, for instance, a doctor's recommendation for marijuana is verified with the physician, then the medical board is consulted to make sure the doctor is in good standing. In the case of minors, only a parent or guardian is allowed to enter the dispensary.

As for the future of treating ADHD in kids with marijuana, Grinspoon said he's optimistic. "In the long run, I think it will prove to be a wonder drug, and a less toxic one at that."

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i had some serious adhd when i was a child, like really bad

was on all kinds of shit for it...

this is going to make it really easy to get that card


Well-Known Member

I think it's a step forward, that Dr.'s are seeing finding that it treats conditions in even children.. i'm not syaing kids should be on drugs... but if it helps, isn't that their job.. to help.. if not cure, then to "comfort"...and finding that it helps in children, is proof that their are benifits for marijuana, in everyone.. besides.. think of the

Sr. Verde

I can see it as a treatment for ADHD in adults but for some reason Marijuana and Kids just doesnt make sense to me :


Well-Known Member
aslong as it's done responsibly and only for medicinal purposes to treat an ailment thats restricting the child from a proper life and well being... then I can't disagree... if you're just gettin them high just to get them high.. then no... but if it helps, then why not? It can also be a way to teach your child at an early age, that moderation and responsibility is the key to a healthy life...

I don't know.. i'm getting tired, my back hurts from sittin in this beanbag, and my head's getting tired... not to Mention Barry White puttin me to sleep... I find Soul music very relaxing.. so I think i'm done for tonight..

Hope to see more opinions on the matter


Well-Known Member
NO WAY, not because I am a hypocrite. It is because I had to search high and low to score a fukin bag, and these lazy little fukers are gonna get this shit handed to them... by their parents? Like there isnt an obesity problems already. Get them stoned and watch them annihilate the cereal. I bet it would be funny to watch.:leaf:

Straight up G

New Member
I have ADHD, weed has only intensified the symptoms and effects of the condition, started baking out when I was 13, IMO you should start at 18, no younger..

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
I have ADHD, weed has only intensified the symptoms and effects of the condition, started baking out when I was 13, IMO you should start at 18, no younger..
You do realize that different drugs have different effects on different people, right?

What works for you doesn't necessarily work for another person, and what doesn't work for you might work wonders for someone else.

I'm not saying that I approve of this, because more research would need to be done, but your statement is obscene.

Straight up G

New Member
^in that case how can it possibly be justified to prescribe it to a gen. pop. of young children?

don't know about obscene bit of an erratic comment, more like not entirely founded..

Hidden Agenda

Well-Known Member
Are you forgetting how many children are prescribed f'n AMPHETAMINES on a regular basis?

Sometimes those don't work as intended either. I'd say MMJ is a little safer than speed.


Well-Known Member
Are you forgetting how many children are prescribed f'n AMPHETAMINES on a regular basis?

Sometimes those don't work as intended either. I'd say MMJ is a little safer than speed.

Got a point there.. though i'm sure someone will argue that you're wrong.

Straight up G

New Member
^yep me, to do with supplimentary testostorone during a vital stage of development or am I just making obscene claims again

Straight up G

New Member
Adgenda agree with you on the weed/speed thing aside from one thing, the kids are there to learn and will no doubt be less coherent after using marijuana..

Straight up G

New Member
So what do you suggest? I mean, with the available science.. they're giving kids amphetamines, and thats ok with you... but alittle pot is bad?
I suggest mind training and mind discipline not drugs that no-one can truly comprehend the effects of, but, I am not qualified to answer your question..