Tea Party People and weed


Well-Known Member
I was wondering... If the tea party people are for smaller government and no government control over individuals rights, then why are these the same people who would call the fuzz if they saw some "trees" on my property? Just throwing it out there...


New Member
There is no reasonable explanation for this. Mainly, they want to destroy our govenment as we now know it. That and commit treason by overthowing the society and culture that we all hold dear.


I cant speak for other concertizes but in a country made of laws you break the law you pay the price, regardless if you agree with the law or not. It's about education most the population that believes mj is a terrible drug is lacking proper education. MJ is a drug there is no disputing that but if used properly it can do wonders for many people, and is far safer than your typical of the counter drug that the government can control and TAX..

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Cognitive Dissonance is the answer to your question.

Freedom lovers have one litmus test. Do not initiate aggression against others.

People that understand that credo have room for you to do what you believe in, whether it is something they would or would not not do is irrelevant.

When people cherry pick "freedom" to mean it must align with their beliefs, they miss the real meaning of it.


New Member
Cognitive Dissonance is the answer to your question.

Freedom lovers have one litmus test. Do not initiate aggression against others.

People that understand that credo have room for you to do what you believe in, whether it is something they would or would not not do is irrelevant.

When people cherry pick "freedom" to mean it must align with their beliefs, they miss the real meaning of it.
Rob, said way better than some of my over politicized rants. Kudos. :peace:


Well-Known Member
These all make sense. I still think there is a load of hypocrisy. If legislation was passed and cannabis was legal, these same people would be up in arms. "Protect the children. Repeal! Repeal!". I'm pretty sure that even if there were no laws regarding cannabis they would still be shitting bricks. With pitchforks in hand.


New Member
It's typical of these low tolerance people, Their minds are snapped shut. Talk about a steel trap, only these never open. ,The old parachute parable applies here. I was visiting a couple of acquaintances, (Conservatives) this weekend, it is abominable what the republican party has done to their minds. They see Obama as the devil incarnete, I believe in this instance, they are pretty prejudiced also. They actually believe Obama is comingg for their possessions, their car, their home etc. Incredible. I refused to argue with them on grounds that ignorance is bliss, but in this case they aren't blissful, just pissed off.


Well-Known Member
There is no reasonable explanation for this. Mainly, they want to destroy our govenment as we now know it. That and commit treason by overthowing the society and culture that we all hold dear.
I don't know where you get that they want to destroy our government.

The Teabaggers are a cross-section of the population, mostly Conservatives, who want lower taxes. That is the common denominator.

Some bought into the Hopey-Changey thingee and feel betrayed.

Some honestly want a Federal government which is confined to the limits set forth by the Constitution.

Some are part of the Religious Right.

And admittedly some of the protesters would like to see a revolution in the Jeffersonian tradition.

Just like some of the war protesters of the Bush era advocated a revolution in the Bolshevik tradition.

And the war protests were much more vicious and indignant than the tea parties or the town hall meetings.

Those war protesters have become quite muted over the last year or so. I suppose it was not war they hated so much as they hated Bush.

On the whole, Democrats seem quite content with Obama's war. :lol:
These all make sense. I still think there is a load of hypocrisy. If legislation was passed and cannabis was legal, these same people would be up in arms. "Protect the children. Repeal! Repeal!". I'm pretty sure that even if there were no laws regarding cannabis they would still be shitting bricks. With pitchforks in hand.
Not all of those same people would do as you describe. There is no way you can prove otherwise.

Some might, in fact some probably would. But no more than currently have their pitchforks in hand over the cannabis issue.


Well-Known Member
It's typical of these low tolerance people, Their minds are snapped shut. Talk about a steel trap, only these never open. ,The old parachute parable applies here. I was visiting a couple of acquaintances, (Conservatives) this weekend, it is abominable what the republican party has done to their minds. They see Obama as the devil incarnete, I believe in this instance, they are pretty prejudiced also. They actually believe Obama is comingg for their possessions, their car, their home etc. Incredible. I refused to argue with them on grounds that ignorance is bliss, but in this case they aren't blissful, just pissed off.
You probably didn't argue with them because in person you are as docile as a hindu cow.

Only in the safe anonymity of the internets do you feel safe to share your beliefs in the presence of the opposition.


New Member
I don't know where you get that they want to destroy our government.

The Teabaggers are a cross-section of the population, mostly Conservatives, who want lower taxes. That is the common denominator.

Some bought into the Hopey-Changey thingee and feel betrayed.

Some honestly want a Federal government which is confined to the limits set forth by the Constitution.

Some are part of the Religious Right.

And admittedly some of the protesters would like to see a revolution in the Jeffersonian tradition.

Just like some of the war protesters of the Bush era advocated a revolution in the Bolshevik tradition.

And the war protests were much more vicious and indignant than the tea parties or the town hall meetings.

Those war protesters have become quite muted over the last year or so. I suppose it was not war they hated so much as they hated Bush.

On the whole, Democrats seem quite content with Obama's war. :lol:
Now here is where it sounds funny. I and many people do not want radical teabagger change! Society and governement, thou not perfect, have been operating pretty well, thank you.

Why change things in a radical way? Health refrom is nothing more than a long over due "tweak" in the way things are done.

Why in the fuck do we need or want to radically transform society ala teabag? I love my country just the way it is, thank you.

Bush's Iraq war was an illegitemate war. If our resource were allocated as they should have been, maybe that fucking asshole Bin Laden would be dead.

Our resources are more appropriately focused now.

With respect to Bolsheviks, commies or whoever; just keep your hands off my stack dickwads!


Well-Known Member
I just get the feeling that if I went to one of those rallies and asked as many people as I could on their views on marijuana, MOST of them would be against it. Yet, if I was giving out free beer at a rally, I'm sure the line would stretch for miles.


You probably didn't argue with them because in person you are as docile as a hindu cow.

Only in the safe anonymity of the internets do you feel safe to share your beliefs in the presence of the opposition.

Well said....

Libs can't cant bring anything to the debate other than there personal belief. Once you bring facts to the debate they call you a narrow minded racist, bigot, ignorant, RICH whit man.

Guess what libs I'm white not rich, I use slurs of ALL kinds (If you don't like it STFU I'm an American last I checked I still had freedom of speech. Not to be confused with COMMITTING a racist .) If I don't agree with your back wards ideological belief I will tell you my point of view and try to change your mind for the better. If not O FUCKING well your just another lost soul and I can go on with my life knowing I at least tried....

You see I dont care if someone I'm talking to agrees with me or not. If it's a friend and I happen to know I'm wright on an issue I'll tell them they are wrong even if it cost me my friend ship. (which it has, being a 30 year old conservative has down falls.) Why, because I'm a real friend not some fake pig lib who will only tell you what you want to hear...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieAnyways I need a drink....


Well-Known Member
Well said....

Libs can't cant bring anything to the debate other than there personal belief. Once you bring facts to the debate they call you a narrow minded racist, bigot, ignorant, RICH whit man.

Guess what libs I'm white not rich, I use slurs of ALL kinds (If you don't like it STFU I'm an American last I checked I still had freedom of speech. Not to be confused with COMMITTING a racist .) If I don't agree with your back wards ideological belief I will tell you my point of view and try to change your mind for the better. If not O FUCKING well your just another lost soul and I can go on with my life knowing I at least tried....

You see I dont care if someone I'm talking to agrees with me or not. If it's a friend and I happen to know I'm wright on an issue I'll tell them they are wrong even if it cost me my friend ship. (which it has, being a 30 year old conservative has down falls.) Why, because I'm a real friend not some fake pig lib who will only tell you what you want to hear...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieAnyways I need a drink....
Whats the matter, did they kick you out of the bar because of this drunken rhetoric?


Well-Known Member
Well said....

Libs can't cant bring anything to the debate other than there personal belief. Once you bring facts to the debate they call you a narrow minded racist, bigot, ignorant, RICH whit man.

Guess what libs I'm white not rich, I use slurs of ALL kinds (If you don't like it STFU I'm an American last I checked I still had freedom of speech. Not to be confused with COMMITTING a racist .) If I don't agree with your back wards ideological belief I will tell you my point of view and try to change your mind for the better. If not O FUCKING well your just another lost soul and I can go on with my life knowing I at least tried....

You see I dont care if someone I'm talking to agrees with me or not. If it's a friend and I happen to know I'm wright on an issue I'll tell them they are wrong even if it cost me my friend ship. (which it has, being a 30 year old conservative has down falls.) Why, because I'm a real friend not some fake pig lib who will only tell you what you want to hear...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilieAnyways I need a drink....
The same could be said for conservatives. Sounds like you could use a bowl or two...or ten...


Well-Known Member
Both dems and repubs are the same they only care about their party and they would like to make you forget about the constitution that this country was FOUNDED on. We're not talking radical change if you knew what you were talking about (which most people don't because they are sheep and take what comes from media sources for fact instead of researching for themselves, haha you probly think we like Sarah Palin) all we want is a return to the Constitution in a few key areas. And for your info I probly smoke more weed at one Tea Party with everyone than you do in a month


Well-Known Member
Many of those folks^ were admittedly very misguided but that is the nature of the American public. You should look for the same type of thing about Bush protesters (not that I'm for Bush, he's still ahead of Obama in ruining the Country points) I'm sure they were just as wrong, also the hippies that spit on Vietnam vets were extremely misguided, so in every faction of protest there are those that don't educate themselves, they simply jump on the band wagon and begin spewing out things they hear


Well-Known Member
Many of those folks^ were admittedly very misguided but that is the nature of the American public. You should look for the same type of thing about Bush protesters (not that I'm for Bush, he's still ahead of Obama in ruining the Country points) I'm sure they were just as wrong, also the hippies that spit on Vietnam vets were extremely misguided, so in every faction of protest there are those that don't educate themselves, they simply jump on the band wagon and begin spewing out things they hear
hmmmm do you have any example in which this kind of thing went on with Bush ????


Well-Known Member
Look at any footage of protest from the last 10 years and you will see things like "Bush is the Antichrist", "Oil for Blood" etc.


Well-Known Member
Both dems and repubs are the same they only care about their party and they would like to make you forget about the constitution that this country was FOUNDED on. We're not talking radical change if you knew what you were talking about (which most people don't because they are sheep and take what comes from media sources for fact instead of researching for themselves, haha you probly think we like Sarah Palin) all we want is a return to the Constitution in a few key areas. And for your info I probly smoke more weed at one Tea Party with everyone than you do in a month
No shit. I'm pretty sure it takes more weed to get more people high than one person needs. You are a fucking genius. Congradulations!