How much do you think I'll get?


Well-Known Member
make sure to keep us posted if you dont want to tie everything down i just take the bottom stalks and tie them to the pot with long bread ties and a wire all the way round the pot. tried to download a pic but 10 min later i gave up check out my journal i think you can see one in their. gives the whole plant more light.


Active Member
you should flower already,,that plant is going to double in size....
I'm working on that,dude. She's been on 12/12 for the last 14 days. I can't make her go any faster.
As far as tying her down... What exactly am I tying? The fan leaves? I really thinking I should've cut them off AND topped her a long time ago. Oh well, it is my first time... next time I willmake sure to do that. I have plant wire, but I don't have a clue what to tie. I checked out How long does it take for most plants under 12/12 before they're done flowering? I know I want to wait until 60% or so of the pistils to turn amber... but how long is that:confused: I checked out your post kayasgarden. I didn't see the pic of that. I'm glad your plants are turning out great! I'll keep you posted on what happens and keep my pics up to date.


Well-Known Member
You would be doing yourself a favor to tie it over. Tie a string around the top and pull it to the side. All of those flowers will grow up into big colas and get more exposed light. Growing that plant sideways will get more light in there and you will yield more.

Come on you can do it.


Active Member
Alright... lmao. I'll do myself a favor and tie it.:hump: Thanks for talking me into it capncash. I'll put up some pics when I'm done. TTYL


Active Member
Okay, this is painful and I need consoling. I just went to tie my plant down and she snapped on me. I don't know what to do, so I just tied her around the top and hung her back up loosley from the ceiling. Does anyone know if she's going to die now??? On the bright side, the light is lower and the little buds underneath will get more light now, but what good will that do if the plant dies? HELP?!?!? Please.


Well-Known Member
I dont know If I ever Laughed so f/en hard in my life...................................sry man.:cry::confused::blsmoke::mrgreen:.....smoke on ..peace....


Well-Known Member
it should be will heal itself should anyway...did it crack the bark on the back side?if it did. us should stand it back up and seal it t heal itself...if not DONT crimp it...straighten it again.......and hope for something!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
to save the plant, mmmmmmmmmmm well to tie it from the celing with a rope or something is good but do it so the bud is not standing up straight. what i do know is the stem can heal through alot of shit i have done this before im just thinking because the plant is soooooo big i dont know what to do?


Well-Known Member
i had my dog completly tromply a plant and the lower branced actualy started ripping off but i just left it and it recovered i have only bent plants outdoors


Well-Known Member
then funny thing was if u read back u see his apprehention on tying doiwn the plant...........then he gets talked int it .........then tradegy.............lmao..he should have just let it go..but everyone was right in tellin him that but inexperience prevailed..but he should be ok...if it didnt SNAP...smoke on...peace


Well-Known Member
next time my friend what u should do is ....................
1. if ur tying the plant down you should start it at and early age GRADUALLY start to curl the plant down on a DAILY/BIDAILY basis remembering that the tip of the plant will always reach for the light and tie down as necessary.....
2. and if ur going to do it when the plant is well past 2/3 feet then u should REALLY take caution in bending GRADUALLY or as far and the plant will tolerate......good luck next time....


Well-Known Member
i did read see my comment giving him anothe tie down method , although it doesnt exactly help witht he main cola. I tie all my lower brances to the sides of the pots and they get lots of light. Like i said sorry i should not have called you a jerk.