would the cops really care if i had one small plant in backyard?


Active Member
Just curious as to what they would do if for some reason they saw my one little plant. I am safe about it and also have a big veg garden for cover. Would they just destroy it or would they take me in? What is the penalty for one plant in veg, no baggies, scales or drying operations. Just one small plant(12-16"). Texas is my home by the way.


Well-Known Member
your setup sounds just like mine but i have 3 plants i think the cops around me would tell me its not smart to grow in my back yard prolly would not care but i live in small town and the cops are not far out of high school


Well-Known Member
Probably death penalty.

Just kidding of course...people from California have a slanted view of Texas ;)


Active Member
i don't know but you should answer your Question with your own common sense, what i mean is i've seen cops be dicks over a dub of weed so i think just depends what kind of cops you run into some will be cool but there's always gonna be the one's who take little things like that way to serious you know what i mean bro so yea just be careful and good luck man be safe.


Active Member
your setup sounds just like mine but i have 3 plants i think the cops around me would tell me its not smart to grow in my back yard prolly would not care but i live in small town and the cops are not far out of high school
right on. I am not worried about my neighbors so much because i did pretty much the same exact thing i am doing this year and had no problems. I live in a sub of a big city and i am almost positive that most the cops are dicks but i just wonder what they could really ticket me for? What's the deal with getting busted with a plant in veg? No actual marijuana yet.


Well-Known Member
be careful the sentencing depends on what state you live in but in any state you will diffidently get in some big trouble probobly at least a few months in jail an a huge fine and don't count on the fucking pigs giving you break and just taking the plant most likely they are going to trash your plant and throw your ass in jail just don't get caught


Well-Known Member
i told the cop i was gonna rape his wife, then he saw the ganj-

i said i was just kidding, he didn't care, then i started the nazi "sieg heil" march and i was promptly beaten and arrested, go figure


Active Member
i have tried to look up similar situations in where people got arrested but could only find cases where people had 50 + plants. thanks for the replies guys


Well-Known Member
dude one plant might as well be a weed farm dont matter if u got one or 98 the charge can be the same. Manufacturing, trafficking, and distribution of a schedule I narcotic, 5yrs. cops dont give a shit about your intent. Its not like u would have to do five but back in TN cops will fuck u for growing, I figure texas is probably on the same level. God speed sir andbest of luck with those coppers


Well-Known Member
i have a friend thats on probation for pulling over on the side of the road to look at ditch weed....he uprooted a plant and was just checking it out when a cop rolled by, flipped a bitch and ticketed him with possesion......fkn bullshit but thats the way the robot dickhead cops are.....and texas????that will b the last state along with florida to go medical if the feds havent made it legal by then....just watch your ass and u should be cool......and if uve done this before with no probs what are you worried about??? u piss someone off thats a snitch???......3 rules of growing...1.tell no one.....2.tell no one.....3.tell no one........good luck bro and happy harvest


Well-Known Member
Dude, I got busted with one 4 week old girl and not only got arrested but charged with cultivation which was a felony. However, since I was 13 years old the D.A. reduced it to misdemeanor possession (-)28 grams. And of all places... The Bay Area, California!!! Be smart and grow indoors.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they will fuck you over for sure. They have war on drug money at stake, more people they can bust the more money they get for their *success* in the war. Tunaboat beat me to posting the norml link, I just looked and im kind of confused to be honest, I see absolutely nothing about growing/manufacturing itself being illegal and its penalties. I wonder why that is, maybe you'd just get a possesion charge? that being said they cant do anything if they dont know about it, so keep it hidden well and your good.


Well-Known Member
One plant in the cover of a garden will be fine man don't sweat it! Will they care? YES, but will they see it? NO. If a pig could spot one weed plant amongst other plants from the sky i'd shake his hand, I got one in my backyard in a patch of actual weeds and last year I had two, save yourself the stress and enjoy your hobby.