Source: Administration Weighs Bypassing Congress to Let Illegal Immigrants Stay


Well-Known Member
Does this guy have a death wish? the odds of this happening are slim to none BUT if this does take place get ready for some serious shit to go down in this country!

The Obama administration has been holding behind-the-scenes talks to determine whether the Department of Homeland Security can unilaterally grant legal status on a mass basis to illegal immigrants, a former Bush administration official who spoke with at least three people involved in those talks told
The issue was raised publicly by eight Republican senators who wrote to the White House on Monday to complain that they had heard the administration was readying a "Plan B" in case a comprehensive immigration reform bill cannot win enough support to clear Congress.
The White House would not confirm or deny the claim. But the former Bush official said the discussions are real.
"The administration at the very minimum is studying legal ways to legalize people without having to go through any congressional debate about it," the source said, calling the senators' claim credible. "Whether somebody pulls the trigger on that, that's another issue."
The senators -- Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa; Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; David Vitter, R-La.; Jim Bunning, R-Ky.; Saxby Chambliss, Ga.; Johnny Isakson, R-Ga.; James Inhofe, R-Okla.; and Thad Cochran, R-Miss. -- claimed in their letter that the administration was looking at extending what is known as deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens in the United States.

The former official said it's unclear what specific avenues the administration is considering, but that one potentially feasible option would be to use either deferred action or parole to legalize at once the millions of immigrants who have overstayed their visas -- not necessarily those who crossed the border illegally.
Deferred action and parole would give illegal immigrants the ability to seek a work permit and temporary legal status.
Those two tools are usually used on a case-by-case basis. The former official said any move to broaden that authority and use it on a mass basis would be "woefully inappropriate," though politically brilliant.
The Republican senators who wrote to President Obama expressed a similar view. They wrote that any unilateral action would "further erode the American public's confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books."
The discussions of blanket legalization come in the middle of several concurrent and heated debates over illegal immigration. The recently signed immigration law in Arizona has divided the country, with some states trying to replicate the state's tough legislation and other jurisdictions boycotting the state in protest. The Obama administration plans to file a court challenge.
Democrats, meanwhile, have been trying to round up support for an overhaul bill in Congress.


Well-Known Member
We don't need no congress, nor do we need courts. what we really need is a tyrannical king/emperor that will take care of all us little people. I want bread and circuses damnit!!!

Big P

Well-Known Member
how could so many have been so dumb, poeple are too trusting, voting a virual unknown man into the white house, we have come a long long way from his election day and tho i did not vote for him, i had no idea he would be like this, and i have been seriously shocked and more than disapointed but almost wanna call it worried, but i dont wanna sound like a bitch:bigjoint:

enjoy the summer guys

make sure you vote in November, ima be doin the moonwalk into my polling place and throwing my vote to send all these assholes back to the gutter when they belong

we have to win both houses we dont know what this fool may do next. I dont trust him one bit


Well-Known Member
you don't want to sound like a bitch huh... big fail... :blsmoke::blsmoke:

i haven't been able to find ANY evidence to back up this claim by FOX NEWS. i've looked and looked. nothing.

all i gotta say is that there is a 'problem'... people are arguing that illegal immigrants are straining our social systems...

there is a need. a need to enforce immigration law. in marketing when you identify something people 'need', they call whoever 'needs' it a niche... there's a niche here...

there's an opportunity here. people are unemployed. there's a need to register these 'illegals' and give them the opportunity to have a decent life without having them sending 3/4 of what they earn back to mexico.....

somebody has to get the ball rolling on this. and i don't think it's gonna be obama...


Well-Known Member
there's an opportunity here. people are unemployed. there's a need to register these 'illegals' and give them the opportunity to have a decent life without having them sending 3/4 of what they earn back to mexico.....
just how does granting any kind of amnesty to millions of our southern neighbors' poor either employ our own citizens or keep these intruders from sending their paychecks home? perhaps you propose sending our own poor south and inviting the relatives of all those working in the u.s. illegally to come and live here. the opportunity to live a decent life has been afforded us by over two centuries of hard work by citizens and legal immigrants. why are you and so many others so willing to betray that effort and take away that opportunity from our own citizens? i do empathize with the poor around the world, but our society's first duty is to our own needy. if we can manage to clean up our own house, then we can open up the flood gates.


Well-Known Member
Man, IMO.. and I'm a grown ass man too.. not some kid.

But, IMO.. I sincerely think that, our government here in the United States of America should deport all the Illegal Mexicans (dirty people) back to Mexico. I also think that they're actually doing a fairly good job with the new wall that they're constructing along our borders. The wall, once its done.. will help put a MAJOR dent into illegal dirty smelly Mexicans coming over into our wonderful country of The United States of America! Possibly even stop it all together..?? Eh, doubt that..

but again, I know its going to put a major dent in cartels running drugs back and forth across the border... and stop most of the illegals coming over to the U.S.A.

Apparently we don't want them in our country.. which.. I can't really blame our government for thinking that. I actually agree with them on something.. which is rare. ;)

just MO.. my 2cents worth.



Well-Known Member
i didn't say it was going to be easy. it's gonna take legislation, time, and money.

what we have now isn't working.

it has to be a coordinated effort between immigration, customs, the secret service, and the IRS. it's not impossible, and the need is there, there is DEMAND. there's a niche....... we gotta seize that opportunity. it'll create jobs, and boost the economy....

we can't deport anybody anywhere. we've done that for 10+ years and that technique is pointless because they'll just try again. i know a guy that hiked 100+ miles of desert more than 9 times to make it to this country. if he gets sent back, he'll just start hiking again. and again, and again...


Well-Known Member
i didn't say it was going to be easy. it's gonna take legislation, time, and money.
what we have now isn't working.
more legislation, even though our government refuses to enforce the legislation that is already on the books. more money, money we can scarcely afford to have ripped from the strained pockets of the american taxpayer. time? just how much time are we supposed to allow our southern neighbors to get their house in order, while we support their corruption?

we've seen what our government calls "immigration reform" before. ronnie's ill fated amnesty of several decades ago was gutted of its enforcement and did little more than flood the labor market with the illiterate and the criminal from other nations, enriching our neighbors at the american taxpayer's expense. it generated another tide of illegal immigrants, all just waiting for the next round of capitulation. what we have now doesn't work precisely because our government lacks the desire to make it work.

it'll create jobs, and boost the economy....
how does a flood of illiterate peasants from the third world create jobs or add anything to our economy? it may add to the profits of a few or even drive some prices down, but that far from makes up for the millions of american citizens who must scour the employment market for scarcer jobs and lower wages. we do not lack for labor. it is sitting here idly, suckling off the the teat of the welfare state and creating nothing but a massive drain on those who do produce.


Active Member
So let's see ... the original poster says "serious shit" would go down if illegals in the states were granted citizenship status (like what Ronald Reagan did during his administration - my second favorite twentieth century president, by the way).

I say bullshit.

What would be "serious shit" is if we somehow were able to wave a magic wand over the US and magically deport all estimated 20 million illegals currently living in the US. That is roughly 7% of our national population. I wonder what would happen to our Gross Domestic Product. I imagine removing 7% of the working population would have a devastating effect on our national GDP and cause our current recession to continue to drag on.

But should we tolerate the status quo? Hell no!

Our naturalization and green card systems need to be completely overhauled. They are unbelievably costly and inefficient (because government runs them) and the system should be immediately privatized. All the government should do is provide how many of what type of worker we want (professional, academic, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled) and then spot check to ensure security and other procedures are in place and working.

At that point we tell Mexico how many of their people we will take each year and penalize them for every illegal we have to return to them by taking away from their allotment and giving that allotment to their southern neighbors in latin and south america. Voila, problem mostly solved. Mexico will probably build the damn wall for us.


Well-Known Member
I hope they dont do it but what fox news fails to tell its base is that Reagan was the last and only president to grant amnesty to over 8 million illegals in 1989. 20 years later and now their ARE 10-20 million illegals


Well-Known Member
Granting amnesty again to millions of illegals w/o fixing the problem will just lead us to granting amnesty again in another 20 years. Only proves the only good thing either party is good at is kicking the can to the next generation while racking up billions in debt to pamper the current generation in power.


Well-Known Member
sure we been deporting......some people. But our government knows full well we just let them back in cause we dont defend the border....on purpose. Big business is why we allow it to happen. Big business would rather ship jobs overseas and underpay illegals in this country then pay people what they work for.

This is nothing about compassion, its all about the money,


Active Member
Corners, you really have no clue about what you are talking about do you?

Big business wants illegals? Really? Care to give some data to back that up?

Out of the estimated 20 million illegals in the US, close to 5 million are working in cash only work in the underground economy. Want some data for that number? Check out the study done by Bear Stearns and others. The Milken Institute gives a number close to that as well.

So do you really think that Big Business (whatever that is supposed to mean, I am assuming you are talking about Fortune 500 companies) is intentionally paying close to 5 million people under the table? Can you give me some numbers to support that assertion? I mean you should be able to point at hundreds of thousands of people being found working for these Fortune companies illegally.

No you can not. Why? Because these wealthy companies do not need the headache. Instead, most of these illegals are working in semi and unskilled work, with close to 25% of them not even working on the books.

Has nothing to do with Big Business, but it does have everything to do with politics and international relationships. If you care to know what I mean by that question, just ask. I'll be happy to tell you.


Well-Known Member
So let's see ... the original poster says "serious shit" would go down if illegals in the states were granted citizenship status (like what Ronald Reagan did during his administration - my second favorite twentieth century president, by the way).

I say bullshit.

What would be "serious shit" is if we somehow were able to wave a magic wand over the US and magically deport all estimated 20 million illegals currently living in the US. That is roughly 7% of our national population. I wonder what would happen to our Gross Domestic Product. I imagine removing 7% of the working population would have a devastating effect on our national GDP and cause our current recession to continue to drag on.
I was 2 when Reagan was elected, I don't give a shit about him or anyone who refers to him..I had no control over that. How do you know if all of those 20 million illegals are employed, what if only half are and another 20 percent receive welfare of any form? Where do you get 20 million from? "The Department of Homeland Security reported that illegal immigrant population dropped to 10.8 million in 2009 compared to 11.6 million in 2008." so if everyone of those illegals were working (which you know damn well not all of them are) that would only be 3.5 percent of GDP. We have 10% unemployment may I remind you. Illegals are cared for medically, academically and socially via tax payers not to mention the net deficit they cause in taxes paid vs benefits received. When I say "serious shit" it's not a threat but I happen to believe that a small population of Americans will not stand by and let this happen, myself not included.