Vote yes prop 19

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
No thanks... too much bullshit contained therein. Pass. Wait two years, if people really care let's help pick up the torch that Jack can't carry for us anymore. CCHHI in 2012.


New Member
You should really read up on the proposition before deciding what to vote, Im all for legalizing but doing it right, not in a way that gives the gov't total control and fucks us.
the government fucks us anyway, who cares? just one more way, but atleast we can be high Legally while were getting fucked. im going to be out on my own in california without a home or family, i wil not know anyone, so i would like to be able to walk in to a store and buy my weed without having to worry about cops, i want to be able to grow weed in my back yard without any problems, i want to buy marijuana brownies at WALMART,. if weed was legal i would have a much much more fulfilling life


Active Member
Advantages of Prop19...

Even under Prop 215, the adult cannabis consumer is guilty of being a criminal unless proven innocent as a patient. When Prop 19 passes, the adult cannabis consumer is considered innocent until proven guilty. It is a complete game changer for law enforcement, because:
  • the smell of marijuana on your person is no longer probable cause to search you;
  • that joint in your pocket means nothing;
  • the seizure of stems, leaves, and seeds from your trash is irrelevant;
  • a couple of baggies with weed residue in them are just garbage;
  • the sight of that bong on your table visible through the kitchen window isn’t a “welcome” mat for a police search;
  • your utility bills raising a bit for water and lights don’t matter;
  • your neighbors smelling skunky plants is just a nuisance, not the source for an “anonymous tip”;
  • receipts for lights, soil, fertilizer, ballasts, trimmers, and stuff are meaningless;
  • infrared signatures of your home aren’t evidence of anything;
  • marijuana sniffing K-9 units are out of a job; and
  • pre-employment drug testing programs become harder for businesses to maintain for cannabis.
Basically, one of the simplest tools law enforcement has for harassing cannabis consumers – the sight and smell of cannabis and paraphernalia – is no longer in the tool belt. As long as you’re an adult, keep your grow in a 5′x5′ area, don’t smoke in front of kids, and don’t leave the house with over an ounce, you are free from police harassment.
And even if you don’t follow the law perfectly, who’s to know? If you’re pulled over and there’s an ounce and a half in your backpack, how does that cop know? Does it “smell heavy” in your car? So long as you refuse a search, how will he know? The smell of pot isn’t cause for a search; you’re allowed to have an ounce of it.
If you have a 10′x10′ garden, who’s to know? Is the electric bill that much higher? Does the garden smell more (probably not at all if you build a good grow room)? Plus don’t forget that you’re allowed to have more than one ounce, namely, any amount that you grow within your 5′x5′ garden, at the location of the garden. I think by the time law enforcement came back with a warrant to investigate how big my garden is, three-fourths of it would be cut down and I would suddenly have my 5′x5′ garden and my hanging plants from the last 5′x5′ area I harvested.


New Member
if this law dont pass there will probably never be another chance in USA's future for the legalization and taxation of marijuana. if it does not pass im moving out of the country to Jamaica or Amsterdam.

if americans dont want weed legal then im not welcome, and neither are you.


Well-Known Member
if it were actually a state issue we\'d have no problems. The US muscles foreign countries into cracking down on weed, there\'s no way in hell the DEA is going to let the California thing slide, they will bust ANY shop that opens and bust as many people for growing as their money allows.


Well-Known Member
Prop 19 is the best thing to happen to MMJ patients since 96.
Prop 19 is in affect to adults 21 years of age and older.
19 on 215 patients will only benifit from this. (21 years or older)
1. you can STILL grow your 12 plants, and another 5/5 grow area, prop 19 DOES NOT override sb 420
2. you can carry an oz more, lol
3. the law will be so much more leanit to the situation

let it pass, it prolly will. people need to open there eyes here, the goverment fucks us HARD every stinking day.
now we get a lil space to relax and not worry about one less thing. one less BIG thing. VOTE YES
trust me, its all benifits for both card holders, and non holders


Active Member
if it were actually a state issue we\'d have no problems. The US muscles foreign countries into cracking down on weed, there\'s no way in hell the DEA is going to let the California thing slide, they will bust ANY shop that opens and bust as many people for growing as their money allows.
Right on Jack... Just like they do now.
Fuck prop 19. The government cant let anything be w/o trying to get their dirty conniving hands all up in the mix. If this bs passes we'll all have to pay the consequences.


New Member
Fuck prop 19. The government cant let anything be w/o trying to get their dirty conniving hands all up in the mix. If this bs passes we'll all have to pay the consequences.
who is "the government" u dont even know, who cares if they tax it you wont have to pay for it anyways, you could just walk down the street and bum a joint off of a stranger just like bumming a cigarette

you could grow your own for free!!

why are people so stubborn