DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
you sayin you throwin the lil wuns iin 12/12 already? that makes me feel so much better about puttin mine in flowr so soon.
Yeh, I was sitting thinking about the sun and how much exposure MJ actually gets in a natural setting. Well in the Himalayas and most other tropical areas, sunlight exposure is max around 13-14 hours. So my thinking is based on that. So they are going in.

I was wondering that lol never had the chance of dooing seedlings into 12/12
Wonder no more lad. T'will happen ya!!

The box looks pretty darn good DST. Im betting that those open corners are letting out some exess noise. I know its probably to late for suggestions but the ends could be cut down and slid into the main sqaure screwed and glued. Ive also seen other folks line the inside with a sound proofing material just thoughts bru, It always sucks when a great plan dosen't work as good as anticipated. You still get an A in shop class old buddy :)
I lined the box with bubble wrap, then filled all empty spaces with bubble wrap. Now I am thinking I should have left some space...perhaps not. And yeh, I didn't think about putting them inside...doh. Ahw ell, I can always change as the ends are not glued.
Cheers bru!!

Neither have I. Was considering it with some zhars or c-4s that are freshly rooted. I have a mini sog coming up with 12 bb, think I'll throw a few of the new ones in too. Gotta experiment, right lol

Saw Bassnectar sit in with The String Cheese Incident at a New Year's Eve show in SF, Ca a few years ago and was impressed.

String Cheese Incident sounds interesting....will need to check that out.

Alright mate, you need to clear some space or ? so I can P.M you bro!

On it son.

Have a good un folks,



Well-Known Member
Hello everyone, sorry been a bit lard ass with the journal of late. Anyway, some pics to keep you going over the chilly winter weeks...Pea Soup in the Dam today.

PICS, yah.

Lets start with the DOG, revegged from a clone taken 4 weeks into flower, looks like a lovely puppy.

SHe needs a lot of lst'ing

well if MackyD's can have an arch, so can I!!!

The 12/12 troops

My DPQ mum clone, also revegged from a 4 week flowering clone....

Psycho Killer

btw, you may see small white dots, that's diatomaceous eath that has ended up on the leaves...just for your information of course.

This is the Timewapr lady, also quite stretchy like the male. I was thinking, I am going to bend this girl over. So I lifted her out of the space she was in and due to her height I kind of bashed her on the shelf above and the LST'ing/Bending was comeplete, hahaha.

One of the shelfs (I have removed all the boys, they are on pics posted in the https://www.rollitup.org/breeders-paradise/392046-club-600-breeding-showcase-4.html)

Ground floor shot

Take it easy folks,



Well-Known Member
Damn DST!
I don't get in here often enough apparently. Your grow is looking really good and I like the 12/12 from seed plants. I have some of them going in 1gal pots and 5 RBC in party cups myself right now that are all growing nicely except I nute burned a Cat Kush and a Headband a couple of weeks ago.

Box looks good and seeing it reminds that I need to get on making one of my own for my loud ass fan, lol.


Well-Known Member
Some nice Porn there mate! Dont know where to start lol. First off i've been a lazy bass. too! All's ok, just finnishing off my OLD strians to bring in the new! But gonna have to be a small op till i move in the new year! Well gonna try keep it small lol.
Aye, you got some lovley creations going on D. Just hope the like's of yourself, Mr. West ect... can one day be rcognised for your amazng effort's!



Well-Known Member
Hey peeps, muchas thankios for the visits and all the nice words....it's not even midnight and I am coming over all emotional!!!

Well tonights the night - HOGMANAY!!!! woohoo, party.

PEace, DST


Well-Known Member
If anyone needs a tree cutting down, just holler, I've got some new saw blades......:mrgreen:

Stretched a bit when it went through the light reduction and into 12/12, but not as bad as the OG. Looks like some trippy leaves, sat dom, lots of bud sites and looking happy. Looking forward to this, thanks to the Fairy and my good friend, you know who you are, hope all is well and you are getting things back on track I21!!!

:peace: DST