Hawaii Growers


Merry Christmas gang, I got another question for the peeps.
Has anyone in this outdoor thread attempted to use Sensi and the additives from Advanced Nutrients for a soil grow?
Im curious because I think it would last much longer used for soil then hydro garden.
Has anyone here done well with the Iguana Juice line and other Advanced Organic products?


Does anyone know where to get Hosea & Garden's products locally.
Im looking for Roots Excelerator and was wondering how this compares to Advanced Nutrients Vodoo Juice, and B52..Anyone know?

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I harvested my girls. Pics below.

Super Lemon Haze & White Widow
"Winner,winner,..Chicken Dinner!! Nice work Cru31. How many weeks into flowering were they when you broke out your Machete? I myself have some 'Super Lemon Haze', that went into flowering on Dec.1st . Four female plants, plus wifey took several clones off of them too! I can't wait to smoke on them. When they are ready, I will go seek out my old buddy, 'Buddy Budman',to share with him. He is a major fan of 'Silver Super Haze', and I'm a big fan of 'Lemon Skunk'. So between us, we should be two pretty happy campers.


Well-Known Member
Sept 01, 2010 i applied for my medical mj card.....i received it yesterday....lol....fucking lazy government workers


Well-Known Member
yeah but what's the expiration date?
12/31/11... and the initial letter from the state expired 11/17....so for a month I was in the gray area of the law...It seems if the state knows they are 3 month behind in processing the applications they should make the initial letter expire on the same date you get the blue card. If you call The Dept of Narcotics they’ll tell you they are a month when in fact they know they are 3 months behind....what’s the point of lying about it?


Well-Known Member
well your plants are probably going to always flower a bit stunted in hawaii since we never get quite enough sunlight to produce the huge plants u see coming from california but i get big enough plants for me when i start planting in mid to late march and let them grow and then flower in mid-late summer and harvest around the first of october.

does anyone know any formulas to take care of the fucking reason why i get this dark brown/black/grey mold like disease that grows in my buds, i dont know if its from bugs or not and i always get it later into flowering.


Active Member
well your plants are probably going to always flower a bit stunted in hawaii since we never get quite enough sunlight to produce the huge plants u see coming from california but i get big enough plants for me when i start planting in mid to late march and let them grow and then flower in mid-late summer and harvest around the first of october.

does anyone know any formulas to take care of the fucking reason why i get this dark brown/black/grey mold like disease that grows in my buds, i dont know if its from bugs or not and i always get it later into flowering.
welcome back man , hope you had a good trip there MC ....i just pinched off the top of my outdoor medusa buds , something i regreted in their final week of flower ( 11 )
but ...looking left over my shoulder at the the new PVC domes ,as discarded them as offerings to the wind ... i knew dam good and well that they will prevent this in the future .
in other words , i think they may have been dampened a tinge by rain and encouraged by humidity ....that MOLD my brother is a game we ourselves can manage daily with shelter and good air circulation.....good luck with the rest of the crop . ...Pepper