Holy Tits My Landlord Just Walked In. My Wife


Moderatrix of Journals
my child owes his life to cannabis. no joke.
if his mom (me) hadn't been a prolific grower, his parents would never even have met.

BUT THEN AGAIN, if his dad had shown me one iota of the misogyny present in this thread, he never woulda gotten past a handshake, either......


Well-Known Member
Big ups to all the female stoners and growers.

Me and my fiance are on our first grow, and she's got more experience growing plants so she's very helpful. I had a nightmare that she killed one of our plants by overwatering it one time and I told her, so now I water them LOL

I was just joking on the first page.

It's awesome being in a partnership with someone who shares your hobbies!!!!


Pickle Queen
To all the pathetic humains that call themselves men and claim women can't grow first let me lmfao, this summer my fine ass is going "balls out" (sorry mine are bigger, i call them titts), i have over 30 plants, multiple strains, going in my personal forest of over 30 acres, when october comes around and i'm able to hide in my fort of mason jars full of the sweet herb i call mary jane who's gonna be laughing?? muhahahaha. Thanks to this site , it's knowledgable members and my natural female abilities i've quickly learned the fine art/hobbie i love to dear. ( And from the cross eyed look on my mans face after 2 bongs of my most recent grow, Iknow he likes it better then the med kush i bought)
My man has nothing to do with my grow, besides labour i ask of him hehehe.
I don't post many pics of my grow and veg room like most men because i don't need other people to approve or give me rep, hell i spend most my time reading or chatting in toke n talk, I grow because i like it, and i'm very good at it.

And thank you to all the real men who enjoy having women in their grow rooms.
Rant over.


Active Member
It's funny how this goes from one end to the other... Some guys hate and some guys want a woman to be part of their grow. As I see it, if your wife is trying to be a part of your 'hobby' then it most likely because she is trying to connect with you and wants to spend time where you spend most of yours... But, to each his own...

In all honesty, I kinda hate my husband trying to get into my garden... He didn't take an interest from the start, and I find it rather tedious to try and explain things to him when he could have learned with me when I started. Also, a super bonus that my hubby doesn't smoke, so my crop is all mine!!! LOL
Funny, my experience exactly. I hate hearing "Haven't those taken a long time? Aren't they ready?" when he has looked at them maybe one time during the whole cycle.....but he wants to know all the details, I am sure it's a control issue, he would like to think he has some control :-)


Pickle Queen
My man know's better, he calls them my babies, and also asks if he can smoke my personal stash, i grow it, it's mine
But i NEVER say no, always be a share bear!!


Active Member
To all the pathetic humains that call themselves men and claim women can't grow first let me lmfao, this summer my fine ass is going "balls out" (sorry mine are bigger, i call them titts), i have over 30 plants, multiple strains, going in my personal forest of over 30 acres, when october comes around and i'm able to hide in my fort of mason jars full of the sweet herb i call mary jane who's gonna be laughing?? muhahahaha. Thanks to this site , it's knowledgable members and my natural female abilities i've quickly learned the fine art/hobbie i love to dear. ( And from the cross eyed look on my mans face after 2 bongs of my most recent grow, Iknow he likes it better then the med kush i bought)
My man has nothing to do with my grow, besides labour i ask of him hehehe.
I don't post many pics of my grow and veg room like most men because i don't need other people to approve or give me rep, hell i spend most my time reading or chatting in toke n talk, I grow because i like it, and i'm very good at it.

And thank you to all the real men who enjoy having women in their grow rooms.
Rant over.
Cdogg23 and Posse, you can't touch this one in the grow room.


Active Member
Funny, my experience exactly. I hate hearing "Haven't those taken a long time? Aren't they ready?" when he has looked at them maybe one time during the whole cycle.....but he wants to know all the details, I am sure it's a control issue, he would like to think he has some control :-)
And you say that women don't belong in the grow room, which one would you like to test??? Don't be shy now.


Well-Known Member
Where is one of the forum trolls to come make a joke about getting in the kitchen and making me a sandwich. j/k :lol:

Good thing they stay in Toke and Talk, for the most part.:grin:


Well-Known Member
I don't get a lot of the responses either. My wife helps tons with ours.
But... I took the OP to mean that the wife wants the landlord to hang out in the room. (Female landlord referred to in "My wife thinks she can hang out in my green room.wtf")


Well-Known Member
step 1. grow out 30+ plants

step 2. tell her since she comes into the garden she must help you trim and manicure it. laugh as she complains the whole time

step 3. never worry about her coming around the garden again


Pickle Queen
aww chillwills can't deal with the ladies anymore???

And i also make a kick ass sandwich!! ( Thank subway lmfao)


Well-Known Member
Lmao well thanks msbbb for the link seems like you girls got this handled! Its just asinine to say a woman doesn't belong in the grow room my ex tried to pull that shit on me then came begging me to save his plants..in the end I ended up with the grow and kicked his ass to the curb... Is there a reason ya don't want her in there? Long as she isn't messing shit up there should be no reason for this mantrum (man tantrum) your throwing....


Moderatrix of Journals
step 1. grow out 30+ plants

step 2. tell her since she comes into the garden she must help you trim and manicure it. laugh as she complains the whole time

step 3. never worry about her coming around the garden again
as a trimmer locally nicknamed "the Woodlathe", i rather resent that comment.

as a "triple threat" (<- canopy control, lst, cloning) labourer, i leave TEAMS of men in my dust ("ok, you 3 do that half, i'll do the other half"). crafters have nimble hands. my man's in charge of the design/setup/build part of it but even he knows he can't touch me for the repetetive stuff.

and for all you [men] out there who consider growing their lifelong hobby and still believe women should be kept out of it, i wish you and your partner (when you find her) all the happiness in the world as you live out your separate lives together. ;)


Well-Known Member
as a trimmer locally nicknamed "the Woodlathe", i rather resent that comment.

as a "triple threat" (<- canopy control, lst, cloning) labourer, i leave TEAMS of men in my dust ("ok, you 3 do that half, i'll do the other half"). crafters have nimble hands. my man's in charge of the design/setup/build part of it but even he knows he can't touch me for the repetetive stuff.

and for all you [men] out there who consider growing their lifelong hobby and still believe women should be kept out of it, i wish you and your partner (when you find her) all the happiness in the world as you live out your separate lives together. ;)
You tell them kitty! I hate seeing shit like this when men think that they are better its just bullshit oh and did I mention I worked 4jobs while growing as well and built my own grow box when I see men saying they are better than woman I can only laugh!


Active Member
Okay, so you want your grow room all to yourself, I understand. Growing is a peaceful and relaxing hobby and sometimes we like to keep our hobbies all to ourselves. Don't dawg on women like we have limitations that don't allow us to grow or understand what is involved to grow. Most of the men I know are better in the kitchen cooking and preparing meals than their women. We are all multi-talented individuals able to do just about anything we put our minds to, both men and women. At least let the wife stand in the doorway, even hand you a beer, sometimes anyway. Are you afraid she might be better at it than you are?


Pickle Queen
as a trimmer locally nicknamed "the Woodlathe", i rather resent that comment.

as a "triple threat" (<- canopy control, lst, cloning) labourer, i leave TEAMS of men in my dust ("ok, you 3 do that half, i'll do the other half"). crafters have nimble hands. my man's in charge of the design/setup/build part of it but even he knows he can't touch me for the repetetive stuff.

and for all you [men] out there who consider growing their lifelong hobby and still believe women should be kept out of it, i wish you and your partner (when you find her) all the happiness in the world as you live out your separate lives together. ;)
And mellokitty's claws just came out, meowww