Seedman Haze not Flowering

400w 4 weeks at 18/6 then its been 12/12 for 7 weeks and not flowering the temp is between 75 80 when fan is on then about 90 i have fresh air coming in every 15 mins the going out for 15 mins ph of coco is 6.8 to 7 im feeding it ata organics bloom feed every 4 days with no burning and nice green leafs but no show signs of flower or balls this is my 2nd haze grow


Active Member
400w 4 weeks at 18/6 then its been 12/12 for 7 weeks and not flowering the temp is between 75 80 when fan is on then about 90 i have fresh air coming in every 15 mins the going out for 15 mins ph of coco is 6.8 to 7 im feeding it ata organics bloom feed every 4 days with no burning and nice green leafs but no show signs of flower or balls this is my 2nd haze grow
The most common problem in this scenario is a light leak. After inducing 12/12 (and your sure your timer is set correctly) if flowering doesn't begin the plants must be finding a source of light during the dark cycle. Either that or they are some weird genetic freaks that won't flower, but that is surely not the case. How sure are you that your room is 100% light tight?


Well-Known Member
The most common problem in this scenario is a light leak. After inducing 12/12 (and your sure your timer is set correctly) if flowering doesn't begin the plants must be finding a source of light during the dark cycle. Either that or they are some weird genetic freaks that won't flower, but that is surely not the case. How sure are you that your room is 100% light tight?

You forgot to ask for pictures so you could accurately see what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you forgot to answer the question.
No rocket scientist I just do not make shit up to look cool I leave that kind of response up to you. When I see pics and understand what exactly I am dealing with I will give him my thoughts of what is going on. You see Dan Dan The Hydrostore Man that way I do not get my stupid answers posted up on someones signature. Which by the way is quite popular so keep up the great work. LOL


Don't take any shit from that plant, cut your light back to 11 or 10 hours for a while. Some sativas like to be huge before they want to flower. Also check for light leaks when your intake/output fans are running, they sometimes stretch the tent enough to let a little light in.


Well-Known Member
WOW! Sorry but I am stumped here buddy. The nutes you use are not high in N which can cause them not to flower but that is not the case. You are using this right? ATA Organics - Bloom- C and nothing else that would have a high N content?

Lets post this again in a new thread "7 weeks and no flowering yet"and when you do be sure to add all the things you learned already. No Light leak: -post your nutes with a link to them and schedule- and anything else that is in your tent and plants that you can think of like lighting, heat ,medium , seeds or clones and where they came from. Give us all the info you can and lets see if we can get someone smarter to chime in i just have no clue.



Well-Known Member
Don't take any shit from that plant, cut your light back to 11 or 10 hours for a while. Some sativas like to be huge before they want to flower. Also check for light leaks when your intake/output fans are running, they sometimes stretch the tent enough to let a little light in.
Or we could just kick its ass your call. LOL That is an interesting thought I wonder if he did kick the lights down it would trigger flowering.
i had done that 11/12 trick for the 1 st 4 weeks and ive also done a 24 darkness in the last weeks to force flowering but still nothing no leaks from ducking fan light has been tape out i did it when i 1st done my darkness check i done that as there was a green light on the outtake if they keep growing at this rate i will have no head room and ill have to put them out side for the summer to save it my last haze grow was one of the best smoke iv had
light is 400w sunmaster dual spec lighting. food atami organics.soil is canna coco i veg for 4 weeks i used the rootc for 4weeks as well as the terra leaves at one 1 ml at liter at a time which i up up at half a ml at a time intill 4 weeks then stop useing then went onto atazyme at 1 ml to 1 liter of water and the same for terra max as above. ph of soil all the way has been 6.8 to 7.0 i flush half way into grow to get rid of salt build up week 7 i used the bloombastic at 1 ml to 1.5 liter. now im on week 8 and no flowering my head hurting there is no light leaks as i check this once a week when i do my deep clean and all wireing check all fans have been check as well as ducking when on i have some pics but not the best npk of terra max 2-2-4


Well-Known Member
sounds like the guy knows his stuff!

if after all that you still got not a single white hair after 7 weeks (!!), this perhaps is freak genetics. also a very strange looking plant, even for haze... never seen such thin leaves. try taking it down to 6 hours. maybe that'll do the trick. also look for other people who had this issue. weird as hell


Well-Known Member
sounds like the guy knows his stuff!

if after all that you still got not a single white hair after 7 weeks (!!), this perhaps is freak genetics. also a very strange looking plant, even for haze... never seen such thin leaves. try taking it down to 6 hours. maybe that'll do the trick. also look for other people who had this issue. weird as hell
As soon as I had him move it to a new thread people started chiming in. WTF? LOL


Active Member
My SSH just started stretching mid week 5 of 12/12, but its showing hairs. has yours started to stretch?

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
You said this is your second grow w/ haze, is it the same seeds? What was your last experience like? If you have any more I would reommend throwing them into the tent and growing them 12/12 from seed and seeing if it ever comes around or if the others outperform it.
before i forget thanks for every one getting back to me this is my 2 grow with haze and they came from the same packet the 1 st one was fucking great ill put it in my top 5 smoke it has stretching but so much it hitting the roof man i have a foot to play with b4 its to big for my tent and im going to have to flower outside it was meant to be my summer weed im so fucking stressed but we learn by our mistakes. no hairs still just at the nods on the main stem it has little thin bits of green so it got to be female. ill put it down to 6 hrs of light to see if that works the leafs are thin but isnt that meant to be with sativas ill put a pic on with my last baby002.jpg007.jpg


Well-Known Member
funny they don't even look the same plant! did the prev. one also have such strange thin leaves?
not as small but i was cutting the leafs of on my last grow towards the end but they were a little bit bigger than these ones it must have some think to do with the environment as its 4 plants and not one or im just fucking unlucky and it is some fucked up freak genetics.
i started 6hrs last night im going to do that for a week to see if flowering happens then its going to be game over which is sad as one was looking forward to having haze again.