How the US turned Iraq into Hell!


Well-Known Member
Why do people champion other people that don't give a shit about them? Do you think Haji cares about your plight to supposedly show how bad you think we have made it?


Well-Known Member
Of course Iraq is a shit hole ... that was the plan ... so the illegitimate bush regime and their corporate friends can continue to steal resources from their land ...

... and since they have videos, reports, and pictures of the shit ... it's a matter of who you gonna believe ...


Well-Known Member
Of course Iraq is a shit hole ... that was the plan ... so the illegitimate bush regime and their corporate friends can continue to steal resources from their land ...

... and since they have videos, reports, and pictures of the shit ... it's a matter of who you gonna believe ...

(we haven't taken 1 drop of oil from Iraq)


Well-Known Member
so what? ... you deny the record profits oil companies are making ... you deny the record profits companies like halibruton are making not the mention all those defense contractor ... get real ... :sleep:


Well-Known Member
so what? ... you deny the record profits oil companies are making ... you deny the record profits companies like halibruton are making not the mention all those defense contractor ... get real ... :sleep:
I will only add that War just like Oil, makes the world go round. Those that have the power to take; usually do. Be it right or wrong. We are only human after all.


Well-Known Member
so what? ... you deny the record profits oil companies are making ... you deny the record profits companies like halibruton are making not the mention all those defense contractor ... get real ... :sleep:
No..I'm going to guess the profits are coming from the $3.25 a gallon down the street, and of course defense and weapon stock goes up in war, logically. If I had some money I would have invested in that shit.


Well-Known Member
Of course Iraq is a shit hole ... that was the plan ... so the illegitimate bush regime and their corporate friends can continue to steal resources from their land ...
Are you saying that we made Iraq a shithole,if so your being silly,that place has been a mess since the dawn of time & will continue to be a mess,the only thing that ever helps stabilize countries like Iraq are dictators who rule with an iron fist.

Are companies making money off the war you bet,its called the spoils of war,instead of sitting on their lazy ass'es bitching about how bad the Americans are they need to stay the hell out of church for a few days & help rebuild the country,ya know,like the Germans did.

All i see from Iraq is a bunch of lazy ass whiners who'd rather bitch & fight than accept real change.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that we made Iraq a shithole,if so your being silly,that place has been a mess since the dawn of time & will continue to be a mess,the only thing that ever helps stabilize countries like Iraq are dictators who rule with an iron fist.

Are companies making money off the war you bet,its called the spoils of war,instead of sitting on their lazy ass'es bitching about how bad the Americans are they need to stay the hell out of church for a few days & help rebuild the country,ya know,like the Germans did.

All i see from Iraq is a bunch of lazy ass whiners who'd rather bitch & fight than accept real change.
Its true,
Saddam ruled with an iron fist because he had to, all the cruelty he performed was for power. However, his sons, which did some fucked up shit, did it for pleasure. I'm glad they're dead.

However, there are people in Iraq who want stability and not fearing of their market or school blowing randomly. But the news doesn't shed light on these folks, they focus on the crazy radicals.


Well-Known Member
Are you saying that we made Iraq a shithole,if so your being silly,that place has been a mess since the dawn of time & will continue to be a mess,the only thing that ever helps stabilize countries like Iraq are dictators who rule with an iron fist.
Yeah ... I'm saying just that ... the US drove out millions of middle class Iraqi ... they STILL don't have on going power and clean water ... their people are STILL being tortured ... :dunce:

Are companies making money off the war you bet,its called the spoils of war,instead of sitting on their lazy ass'es bitching about how bad the Americans are they need to stay the hell out of church for a few days & help rebuild the country,ya know,like the Germans did.
Yeah it's also called looting and raping after illegally invading a sovereign nation.

Those sitting on their stupid ass who excuse and condone war crimes need to be ignored as being :sleep:at the wheel.

All i see from Iraq is a bunch of lazy ass whiners who'd rather bitch & fight than accept real change.
... and I see Iraqi's who what an illegal occupying force to get the fuck out of their country ... they obviously don't like your :dunce: idea of "real change". :spew:


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... I'm saying just that ... the US drove out millions of middle class Iraqi ... they STILL don't have on going power and clean water ... their people are STILL being tortured ... :dunce:
That is pretty close, if not, the most retarded thing I have heard in a long while. Why do you talk about things that you have no concept of?

Yeah it's also called looting and raping after illegally invading a sovereign nation.

Those sitting on their stupid ass who excuse and condone war crimes need to be ignored as being :sleep:at the wheel.

... and I see Iraqi's who what an illegal occupying force to get the fuck out of their country ... they obviously don't like your :dunce: idea of "real change". :spew:
Looting and raping... Thats it, its time to put you in your place.

You haven't the SLIGHTEST clue of how much the USA is holding back on Iraq, they are DAMN lucky we do not want their shithole of a country. If this was not the greatest country in the world, we would have went in there, killed untold thousands of INNOCENT civilians, taken everything they own, probably would have used total war tactics (which means burn what you don't want), taken their women, and either killed all the males or put them into slavery. Yeah, this was common back in the day, people didn't even question it in war.

You are so wrapped up in your self-righteousness that you cannot even distinguish actual war crime to how lenient the US military actually is. You want a war crime? How about the holocaust? (which saddam was working toward).

Some bored soldiers make some Huajies do a pyramid, god forbid. Alert the media that these fuckers were trying to kill these men and women, lay ambushes, plant IEDs, and every cowardly tactic imaginable, were fucked around with. I would have simply killed them. The second you aim a gun at me, your life is forfeit.

And you are so DUMB!!!!! The Iraqies want us there! If you remove your head from your ass and take what CNN says with a grain of salt, you might be able to make some sense.

You could not be more wrong, it is physically impossible even if you tried.


Well-Known Member
That is pretty close, if not, the most retarded thing I have heard in a long while. Why do you talk about things that you have no concept of?
You're the one that has no concept of what is happening dumbass not me ...

Looting and raping... Thats it, its time to put you in your place.
Bwahaha ha ... I can hardly wait ... :roll:
Hersh: children raped at Abu Ghraib

Looting Iraq by Executive Order

You haven't the SLIGHTEST clue of how much the USA is holding back on Iraq, they are DAMN lucky we do not want their shithole of a country. If this was not the greatest country in the world, we would have went in there, killed untold thousands of INNOCENT civilians, taken everything they own, probably would have used total war tactics (which means burn what you don't want), taken their women, and either killed all the males or put them into slavery. Yeah, this was common back in the day, people didn't even question it in war.
Wow what an idiot freak you are ... the US HAS KILLED untold thousands ... so wrong again ...
Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

So again the dumbass bushparrot is blowing it out his ass ...

You are so wrapped up in your self-righteousness that you cannot even distinguish actual war crime to how lenient the US military actually is. You want a war crime? How about the holocaust? (which saddam was working toward).
It is YOU that can't comprehend war crimes ... in your confused mind you think it's alright if the US does it ... well it's not ...
US war crimes

Some bored soldiers make some Huajies do a pyramid, god forbid. Alert the media that these fuckers were trying to kill these men and women, lay ambushes, plant IEDs, and every cowardly tactic imaginable, were fucked around with. I would have simply killed them. The second you aim a gun at me, your life is forfeit.
Only a dumbass with your mentality would say something like that ... these people are defending their country ... whether you like it or not ... YOU (as you fame it) don't belong there in the first fucking place ...

And you are so DUMB!!!!! The Iraqies want us there! If you remove your head from your ass and take what CNN says with a grain of salt, you might be able to make some sense.
Bullshit ...
Iraqis want Americans out

Majority of Iraqi parliament want Americans out Iraqis want Ameicans out

You could not be more wrong, it is physically impossible even if you tried.
You are wrong ... and it is physically possible for you to be even more ...

So tell us again how you are going to put me in my place ... bwa ha ha ha ... :lol:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Yeah ... I'm saying just that ... the US drove out millions of middle class Iraqi ... they STILL don't have on going power and clean water ... their people are STILL being tortured ... :dunce:

Yeah it's also called looting and raping after illegally invading a sovereign nation.

Those sitting on their stupid ass who excuse and condone war crimes need to be ignored as being :sleep:at the wheel.

... and I see Iraqi's who what an illegal occupying force to get the fuck out of their country ... they obviously don't like your :dunce: idea of "real change". :spew:
The only reason why they are without power is because their lazy ass'es wont rebuild the infra structure,to hell with all the excuses,its their country they should help rebuild it or even rebuild it all,instead they waste their time fucusing on what time of day their neighbor prays or at what angle their neighbor wears their head gear.

After ww2 the Germans didnt sit on their ass & bitch,they worked their balls off rebuilding their country,they also ostracized,turned in or killed anybody who would stand in the way of getting the country back to normal,not the Iraqi's,they wont do shit to help,what they will do is harbor insurgents & spread violence,dirty bastards always have time to get on the news crying about how bad they have it.

Here's an idea,get off your ass & help !

These savages dont know how to govern themself,they've never known,god governs them ,which would be ok if the idea of what god is didnt change from one street to the next,i say they deserve all the misery they are getting right now & will receive in the future.

Your right about one thing though,we should not be there,fuk them animals,we should split as fast as possible,then when they need help we can send Sally Struthers fat ass over there with some of that oatmeal lookin shit she feeds them,thats all the help you get loosers,fat ass Sally Struthers & her oatmeal or nothing,take it or leave it,were outta here.


Well-Known Member
Wow ... what a stupid bigot you are ... who don't know his ass from a hole in the wall ... are you really that stupid? does it come naturally or do you work at it? ... :spew:


Well-Known Member
You see how i got looked at yesterday and today and ppl are posting, even you managed to put together a sentence I could read. What it has to do with this thread I don't know?


Well-Known Member
Wow ... what a stupid bigot you are ... who don't know his ass from a hole in the wall ... are you really that stupid? does it come naturally or do you work at it? ... :spew:
A bigot :confused:

I know all about you after that remark,ive been dealing with guy's like you my whole life,using that term & racist are your ace in the hole & you throw it at anybody who dont talk all pc like you do,fuk being pc its for pussies & pencil necks.

Me calling them savages has nothing to do with race,im sure you know that but part of your shtick is trying to hammer people who dont agree with you.

You like to point out shit about others but how's bout turning that twords yourself.

You spend all your time obsessing over war,news & politics,also you get your jollies by insulting people,how many political forums do you monitor daily,i'd be willing to bet its very many.

Why not get out & get some pussy,or dick if your a girl,experience life,go have some fun,so far all ive seen from you here is constant bitching & whining about how bad other people have it,if your so damm interested in these savages sell your computer & send the proceeds to them,infact other than monitoring political forums wtf do you do to help anybody else beside yourself.

Do you donate time at a food bank or give part of your money to charity,help elderly people,anything at all?????,i'd bet the answer is no but you sit on the highest horse of us all.The way you talk is as if you walk on water & anybody who dont agree with you is beneath your feet.

Oh yeah,one more thing,the internet tough guy's with the biggest mouth's are always the weakest men in real life,the big mouth & stupid threats are to make up for a jelly spine & lack of ambition,telephone tough guy's have been around forever,people were not impressed over the telephone with the likes of you & their equally unimpressed with your tough guy act on the WWW.

Edit,have you ever been out of the country & seen with your own eyes the things you whine & cry about ?

Now back to your computer cave (mom's basement) with your bad self.


Well-Known Member
You're the one that has no concept of what is happening dumbass not me ...
Incorrect, first of all, your furthering my point, thanks. Second, you still have no concept.

Well, I humored you there and looked at your links. And they are by no means a credited source, if this is the best you got, then you are already defeated. I continued my quest to find the video to your first link, but there isn't one. (of course)

And the second link, (which is not even close to a creditable source)is the same bullshit that flows from your mouth, biased, left-winged, and partial information. Discredited.

Wow what an idiot freak you are ... the US HAS KILLED untold thousands ... so wrong again ...
Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

So again the dumbass bushparrot is blowing it out his ass ...
And I was hoping you were going to pull that bullshit number at me, I was just waiting for it. Notice in my original post I said INNOCENT. And that number you gave me, is all death, and over 80% was from the Iraq terrorist to the Iraq people. Not US related.

Just in case you don't get it, I shall underline and bold, to make it more clear since you have trouble reading my posts.

Al Qaeda continually bombs and kill Iraq Citizens in school districts, marketplaces, and official establishments. They are responsible for the continual increase in the death toll. AMERICAN FORCES HAVE TO HAVE CLEARANCE BY THEIR SUPERIORS TO ENGAGE ENEMY FORCES!

What that means is, if your out on patrol, doin your thing, and you get ambushed. You cannot fire back in any case. You have to request authorization to engage the enemy. So the military aren't just going ape shit and lighting up a crowd.

So theres that.

It is YOU that can't comprehend war crimes ... in your confused mind you think it's alright if the US does it ... well it's not ...
US war crimes
I can't open PDA, but I'm sure its retarded just from your statement, I didn't say it was okay for the US to commit war crimes, I said they don't. So theres that.

Only a dumbass with your mentality would say something like that ... these people are defending their country ... whether you like it or not ... YOU (as you fame it) don't belong there in the first fucking place ...
THEY ARE NOT DEFENDING THEIR COUNTRY YOU MORON. These are terrorists. Do you not get that word you fucking preteen, do you really not? They aren't freedom fighters, they are killing their own people god dammit. Your really pissing me off with your ignorance. They are murderers. They are not soldiers, they are a small radical group who believe killing infidels will get them into heaven.

I'm not even going to go to those links cause I know for a FUCKING FACT that its COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT. You know my sources? My dad and my 2 best friends. They tell me that Iraqies come and thank them on the street for risking their lives so they might shop without fear.

Fuck you.

ou are wrong ... and it is physically possible for you to be even more ...

So tell us again how you are going to put me in my place ... bwa ha ha ha ... :lol:bongsmilie
I was mistaken, I didn't think you could prove to me that you were a bigger idiot, I stand corrected. Bravo.

Your place is in the fucking shithole where your world exists to your standards and proven else makes you cry yourself to sleep and dream that you aren't a complete douche. Sweet dreams.


New Member
Dear Zenmaster, What a misnomer. You must consider that all the death and misery would not be on the scale that it has been if the US did not invade Iraq. Therefore, in even the slightest of responsibilities, the US is responsible for the carnage. What say you to that? Please refrain from posting all the lies about Sadam being this horrible threat to the world or the USA. Keeping it civil!


New Member
Dear Zenmaster, What a misnomer. You must consider that all the death and misery would not be on the scale that it has been if the US did not invade Iraq. Therefore, in even the slightest of responsibilities, the US is responsible for the carnage. What say you to that? Please refrain from posting all the lies about Sadam being this horrible threat to the world or the USA. Keeping it civil!
Saddam was a horrible threat to his "own" people. Now he's dead. Saddams sons were horrible threats to the people of Iraq. Now they're dead. Zacharia Moussaoui was a terrible threat to the people of Iraq. Now he's dead. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
Dear Zenmaster, What a misnomer. You must consider that all the death and misery would not be on the scale that it has been if the US did not invade Iraq. Therefore, in even the slightest of responsibilities, the US is responsible for the carnage. What say you to that? Please refrain from posting all the lies about Sadam being this horrible threat to the world or the USA. Keeping it civil!
You do know he killed hundreds of thousands of his own people, and he loved to gas them, throw them in prison, or just take anyone's wife and bed them?

And as a threat to the world, I'm sure that saddam was building WMDs and just got rid of them before we came, hell we gave him a 3 month warning we were coming. thats a long time to either start burying or scrapping the evidence. If he was alive and had WMDs, I'm 100% positive he would have used them, either on us or israel.