HOLY SHIT POLICE RAID!!! Dont get much closer


Active Member
U would blame it all on me....wait u r one of those failures who blames everything on other people for thebeing stupid....I'm in college university of central Florida fuck boy get on my level quit growing pot to make trailer payments
You sound like your in college.


Well-Known Member
Kenny you sure sound very uneducated for a person who is attending school. No seriousily if you WERE educated and read you would see that I am growing because stomach issues... And I dont mind sharing because sharing is caring.
And man you think you are a tough guy because you did 3 years..That dont mean shit.Prison aint shit when ur tossin salad..You could have been in PC for all we know.
And you say no one of us ever caught us a serious charge. My Y.O offences alone make your 10 grams of EX look like a walk in the park. The only reason why you get snitched out is because the people you attend to do buisness with. You are challenging people to come to your area and come up to you and talk shit. That being said you are probabily one of them fucking punks that sit in groups on the corner with nothing better to do then sell crack and carry a pistol and talk shit. No wonder why you got busted. Your friends probabily dont even know your real...just your street name. BUT some how yall are still friends....LOL
your banished


Well-Known Member
As a convict let me just say this a snitch is the lowest form of life. It doesn't matter who you snitched on if you are one inside you get some steel up in ya. I think people who don't know what they are talking about should shut the Fuck up. You may know about a real neighborhood but I know about the joint and snitches still do time and second to child molesters they are the bottom rung so good luck. I have kids too and I would rather do some time and walk out rather than being a bitch ass and rolling out in a bag just sayin. I don't mean disrespect but Fuck man there are a lot of men in those walls that hate being there but are not rats.


Active Member
As a convict let me just say this a snitch is the lowest form of life. It doesn't matter who you snitched on if you are one inside you get some steel up in ya. I think people who don't know what they are talking about should shut the Fuck up. You may know about a real neighborhood but I know about the joint and snitches still do time and second to child molesters they are the bottom rung so good luck. I have kids too and I would rather do some time and walk out rather than being a bitch ass and rolling out in a bag just sayin. I don't mean disrespect but Fuck man there are a lot of men in those walls that hate being there but are not rats.
so what you are saying is that if i see a bunch of black guys beating up and old lady and then shooting her i should keep it to myself? WTF is wrong with you? snitching first of all isnt bad if you play the game fair. Now if you are going to sell crack, mug people, and murder other people than shit i am glad someone snitched on you and put your ass behind bars where hopefully someone will toss the shit out of that salad of yours. If you grow weed simply dont say HEY EVERYONE IM KOOL BECAUSE I GROWING SOME MARY-JU-ANA. if you get snitched on its because your a dipshit and slipped. I been doing this business for 5 years now and never relax or not worry for a second. I trust nobody and tell nobody.


Active Member
my closest call was my own stupid fault. Wasn't a major operation by any stretch of the imagination but had 8 plants at various stages of flowering in the spare bedroom upstairs. the whole floor had an strong aroma about it.
i'm downstairs having a smoke and i hear this massive bang from outside, i look out and theres two guys trying to kick in the door of a shop across the road. So i stand an watch until the door pings open and they disappear inside. i'm basically a good guy at heart, underneath all my actions run a vein of niceness and without thinking i pick up the phone and call it in. i love my street, every shop you could ever need and not a major corporation conglomerate company in sight, i know the majority of shop owners too, so yea i rang it in.
not half an hour later theres two cops buzzin around my flat, sniffing, looking everywhere while taking my statement is clearly not the priority. told them the mrs was asleep upstairs, which she was, but that kept them from going up. bout 45 mins later they leave and i relax and spot my nearly full grinder on the end of the sofa lol was the only thing i'd missed in my frantic hide everything cleanup.
i know chances are i coulda sparked up an only gotten a warning, certainly dont think they were gonna do anything to a witness with regards to possession, but get the wrong guy in a bad mood who's fiance was killed the night before they get married and blames it all on weed then he's picking me up. not many of them guys around thankfully. it will be me who finds him tho


Well-Known Member
That's nuts. Just keep your eyes open.

Where ur buddys growing? Do u kno why they got raided? Were they pushin?

Didntt read whole thread so don't know if u mentioned it.


Active Member
seen it in a thread bout a week ago, maybe 5-6 days made me laugh......for an hour. wanted to keep it around, go check back on the thread, sure i commented.

in this densely over crowded over populated world where more people dont have access to clean water than do, i think we can share some words on a screen can't we?


Well-Known Member
Y'all have kids....lol lemme guess y'all are talking about ya I wouldn't snitch if I went to jit camp ha....of course not ur gonna give ur life up and never see ur wife...kid....we call those dead beat parents.....welcome dead beats go beat ur kids...and then ur wives....dam mitt I hate fkn redneks wit no teeth n shit ahhh nasty
Oh wow this poor excuse for a life is back.
Dont you have another 5 year stint to do or something?


New Member
You know... if any law enforcement officer are reading this thread, maybe the information OP presented is enough to find him.
Maybe not, but I do belive RIU, ICmang etc. are real intelligence nuggets for LEO.

Snitching myself by passing too much info in my RIU posts, now THAT would suck.


Active Member
Nothing worse then waking up in the middle of the night hearing the multiple banging noise as they try to bust your door down. I've been asleep at a mates house while they were getting raided and all I heard was 4 knocks then bam I'm on the ground getting handcuffed and dragged out to the dog box.


Active Member
U would blame it all on me....wait u r one of those failures who blames everything on other people for thebeing stupid....I'm in college university of central Florida fuck boy get on my level quit growing pot to make trailer payments
kenny u speak truths but man its just the way u put tings over, dont just tell a guy he will b in jail net week ! if thats what u think then break that shit to him with a lil more tact is all,,, fuck u might need is advice in the future so try not make enemys when ur trying to put a valid point across, is all my man. peace !


Yeah the first my bud zak had some plants growing (three of 'em) they were about a foot and a half tall we also sold a shit load of herb and there was a knock at the door a rather burly stern sort of knock so I ask out the door whosit police! they sez! so i run! into my room strip! the leaves off the plant and proceed to mow them down in a frenzy I then (with bright green ass teeth) answer the door as calmly as I can turns out they were just there cuz a kid we knew hadn't been seen for a while and he hung with us so yeah needless to say my buddy got home and was pissed!

***!LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is fictional and is provided for entertainment purposes ONLY!***


Well-Known Member
a few years ago before i was growing or even smoking the cops showed up at my house 4 in the morning, i live out in the woods with no close neighbors, anyway i was in the driveway about to leave for work when they came in like gang busters. could you think of what my place would of looked like if i had been in bed sleeping. they were looking for the house 2 doors down. they realized their mistake after having me down on the ground and checking my i.d. a few minutes later down the road i heard a couple of booms and then they lit the place up like a football field. come to find out the guy was runnung a heck of a meth/coke and theif setup. since then i put up a mail box with my address clearly marked in accordance of the local 911 ordinance.
Yeah the first my bud zak had some plants growing (three of 'em) they were about a foot and a half tall we also sold a shit load of herb and there was a knock at the door a rather burly stern sort of knock so I ask out the door whosit police! they sez! so i run! into my room strip! the leaves off the plant and proceed to mow them down in a frenzy I then (with bright green ass teeth) answer the door as calmly as I can turns out they were just there cuz a kid we knew hadn't been seen for a while and he hung with us so yeah needless to say my buddy got home and was pissed!

***!LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This story is fictional and is provided for entertainment purposes ONLY!***

The disclaimer is false. That story is obviously fictional however it had no entertainment value