Cheap ways to get rid of the smell


hey where w0uld be a g00d place i can start my thread 0n my pics? im g0ing t0 be waking her up s00n and w0uld like t0 share her with every0ne and hear sum input


i dnt wanna place it in the wr0ng area and have sum ppl bitching saying u sh0ulda p0sted here 0r here blah blah blah haha


0k thanks im be making my p0st in a bit il b waking her up in 10 mins d0 wat i g0tta d0 take sum snaps n p0st any input is welc0med p0sitive feedback please th0 being its my first gr0w


Well-Known Member
No hydro shops around here. Lowe's and Home Depot are the best we have in 'Bama. I might could find it online though.
LOL. I know who Grizzly Adam's is, but I thought you were talking a particular kind of home. Some crazy Canadian slang or something. :)
When in doubt - ebay....

He lived in like a cabin... we are all in igloos here :P