So, How hard would it be to move to Australia?


Well-Known Member
I am seriously afraid to live in the US...we can now be preventatively detained the US can now detain people for being likely to commit a crime...and anyone deemed a combatant of the US can be locked up for as long as they want to keep you there...WHAT MAKES SOMEONE A COMBATANT?! Is it anything? or is there something specific?! OMG OMG...we could flee to Canada but i think that would be too close, and not armed well enough, they'll be overtaken. Holy hell...OMG OMG I am seriously having a freaking freak out...This is some scary stuff...


Pickle Queen
I am seriously afraid to live in the US...we can now be preventatively detained the US can now detain people for being likely to commit a crime...and anyone deemed a combatant of the US can be locked up for as long as they want to keep you there...WHAT MAKES SOMEONE A COMBATANT?! Is it anything? or is there something specific?! OMG OMG...we could flee to Canada but i think that would be too close, and not armed well enough, they'll be overtaken. Holy hell...OMG OMG I am seriously having a freaking freak out...This is some scary stuff...

Smoke a bowl, chill and PLEASE don't come 2 canada.
Are u doing suspicious things? Most people don't need to worry about being detained unless they are doing weird shit, or would u rather be blown into a million pieces by some smelly idiot wearing a diaper on his head


Well-Known Member
Im kinda agreeing with the op, run while you can. America is rotting from the inside.


Well-Known Member
Relaxing is the worst thing a person can isn't that they are doing this to protect us from is that regardless of the reason the bill still allows the military ot preventatively detain anyone seen as a combatant to the US..


Well-Known Member
So at first you are a combatant if you are a terrorist, and then if you know a terrorist, and then if you say something against the government...hell I've probably said too much now...the idea that this will only affect suspicious people is ludicrous...This is exactly what HItler did in Germany. Give me the power as the leader of the military to detain anyone including citizens without cause---it is the only way I can keep us "safe"..and then anyone who opposed him was "indefinitely detained"


Well-Known Member
So you can be arrested, and detained indefinitely without cause, or wrong doing and you people say relax?! I say pack! Not relax! Run...don't fight...that would make you a US combatant

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
There's that American spirit. When the going gets tough... run like hell. Makes you wonder how we ever became a country in the first place.


Well-Known Member
April this means nothing to you because you are not in the us, this is a big deal and to quote your use of the word sheeple in the past, the majority of the "sheeple" in the us dont know or care about this, but this is a fatal blow to democracy


Well-Known Member
the government is only going to take as much power from you as you are giving to it. don't be a paranoid conspiracy theorist. do a little research to where the idea of this bill came from. i can provide some insight by having seen how this kind of idea came to be. there were scumbags trying to kill other people by any means necessary ex. using bombs from a distance, children to detonate them, or some other kind of ambush like attack that would be short lived. it turned into us no longer taking epw's (enemy prisoners of war) but now to be called detainees. now, for you to be detained is like being arrested. we'd catch these guys doing some real "bad guy" shit then have to release them because paperwork, photos, or enough evidence was not being provided. now understand that the evidence and paperwork of "beyond reasonable doubt" facts was being submitted by people with at most mediocre training on how the whole system worked. i do not think that this solution is reasonably efficient for taking care of the real problem, however, the people writing it are probably less ignorant to the whole situation than you are. don't get me wrong, i may be way off here, but i have a feeling you have no real perspective on what's actually going on in the world outside of some kind of media or word of mouth telling you. that's just a guess. if you really cared so much, then you would look into it and try to change it, because as an american, you have that fucking possibility!!! the general public is so fucking sheltered it makes me sick sometimes. then again, this is making me remember why i was recommended to medically use marijuana. going to take bong rips and consider your point of view. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
First... in all seriousness, calm down. You're not helping anyone by panicking. Take a deep breath, step away from the media sources, and get ahold of yourself.

After you've done that, do what ever you want. Move if you want to. How hard is it? I don't know, why don't you try getting a passport and getting the ball rolling?

I'm on the fence about this one, because I certainly see how this bill could be used to detain many, many innocent people. However, I am also a big fan of the motto, keep calm and carry on. Don't panic. It cannot and will not help anything for you to lose your head over this or any other issue. I will say that I'm strongly considering relocation, because I feel this country is dangerously close to violating our civil rights as citizens. However, if I do, I will do it peacefully, amicably, and without fear, because it is a matter of preferential belief.

For what it's worth... right now, I see this bill as a tool they may use as leverage to prevent mass protests like the occupy movements. And, while I don't approve of that usage, I'm also not out parading in the streets. My big concern is if this bill is used in conjunction with the SOPA (stop online piracy act, aka censor the internet, aka take away our first amendment) in which case there could be a serious danger and threat to many people who exercise free speech on boards very much like this one.

However, the talks on that bill are strained right now, and there has been a major delay indicated at this point, which is a good sign in my eyes. it means that there are enough people speaking up and creating resistance that it's not just going to pass without some serious editing.

The most important thing to do is to stay calm and rational. You can do what ever you think is in your best interest. I agree that the language used in the NDAA is seriously suspect. However, I will not ever let such a thing shake me into fear, as that is what is really desired from those who pull the strings at the top of the pyramid scheme. The more fear, conflict, and strife, the more the average man loses his perspective and belief in his own strength; the more control is gained by the few who are unshaken. BE unshaken, rather than letting yourself be shaken.

Do you know that you are an infinite being of unimaginable source? Do you know that you are a creation of your own imagination? Do you know that you are God experiencing itself subjectively through a series of fragmented consciousnesses for the sake of entertainment? This life is a play. And it's time that we took center stage. If you are scared by anything in life, I'd advise you to find a way to deal with that fear, rather than run away from physical parameters. Avoiding surface parameters will, in the long run, prove irrelevant and fruitless when you realize that you are going to die anyway. Find that infinite part of you that gives strength, and let go of surface conflict.

Find some peace. However you do that. Panic will solve nothing.