super soil not yielding well, not hot enough?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I did some calling around today to try and find some decent base soil so I can use Sub's exact recipe. Nope. Nothing. Can't even order fox farm or roots soil, they won't allow it across the border.

Everywhere has sunshine mix #4, and Promix HP. Does anyone know what I would have to add to sunshine or promix in order to make it an acceptable base soil?

If I can figure out how to replace the base soil, then I can just use the rest of sub's recipe to the T, and thus cut down on a lot of my guess-work.

If this has been covered somewhere else, just let me know, but so far multiple searches haven't turned up much.
You're in Canada I see.

You want Sea Soil. It's a high quality mix (made in BC). Lots of microbiological activity, good nutrient base. You can get it easily on the west coast and I know there are folks in the east using it as well.


Well-Known Member
I would not fret over the base soil. Buy something at true value or lowes and HD.
Our safeway is actually selling a offbrand potting soil that has good ingrediants.

Keep your eyes open.


Active Member
Teas are the way to go. As everyone is saying more Worm Castings will help. The thing about teas is you can mix it up and it prevents you from making your soil to hot. I expect my soil is good for about a 4-6 weeks with the size pots I use with out burning plants trying to msk it to hot; after that it is either time or time to repot depending.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I did some calling around today to try and find some decent base soil so I can use Sub's exact recipe. Nope. Nothing. Can't even order fox farm or roots soil, they won't allow it across the border.

Everywhere has sunshine mix #4, and Promix HP. Does anyone know what I would have to add to sunshine or promix in order to make it an acceptable base soil?

If I can figure out how to replace the base soil, then I can just use the rest of sub's recipe to the T, and thus cut down on a lot of my guess-work.

If this has been covered somewhere else, just let me know, but so far multiple searches haven't turned up much.
Not to worry, either one of those mixes will be fine, but my experience is more with the promix.

Actually, I make my own, but the peat moss I use (Premier), is from the same co that makes Promix.

Finally got figured out that 250ml=1 cup+-.

If that's the case, yes your mix was way light, even lighter than a *normal* amendment addition.

Search or Google LC's Soiless Mix #1 or #2. Comparing this with SS will give you an idea of amounts and such, or rather the differences.

My own *Chili* is hotter than LC's and milder than Sub's.



Active Member
why not just make your own base soil and then use that to follow subs recipe to the T ?
That is the plan.

The problem is I don't know how to make a base soil that would be equivalent to Fox Farm or Roots Organic. Those LCs soilless mixes don't seem to be nearly as rich as ocean forest or roots organic. I could be wrong though.

Would LC's soilless mixes be a good base soil replacement as is? Or should I be amending them with anything BEFORE I add-in the organic nutrient mix?

Also, on Sea Soil: Did some reading and this stuff looks to be quite good. And it's made here in BC, so it shouldn't be a problem to locate it, or so I thought. Called all the local distrubuters in a 100mile radius, and they are all sold out until spring.



Well-Known Member
I have a different recipe than subcool,(I am in Canada as well and I couldnt find all the ingredients so the guy at the hydrostore helped me create the recipe) and so far so good, I am 35 days into flower and I top dressed about 2 weeks ago. I am starting to realise that the way to go with SS is to go big! I will try the 7 gallons next year. Anyway, I have been giving them a fair amount of compost tea and if you haven't, I would strongly recommend it! you can check out my journal in my signature for my recipe on the first page and my results so far on the last :)

Somebody mention that they keep the soil wet (wetdog?) as suppose to do the dry/wet cycle. I am worry of doing this because I am scare to overwater, I have been letting my soil dry really good each time and things are going well. I figured there is always enough moisture to keep the microbes alive deeper in the pot. How do you know that you are not overwatering if the soil is always wet? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Somebody mention that they keep the soil wet (wetdog?) as suppose to do the dry/wet cycle. I am worry of doing this because I am scare to overwater, I have been letting my soil dry really good each time and things are going well. I figured there is always enough moisture to keep the microbes alive deeper in the pot. How do you know that you are not overwatering if the soil is always wet? Thanks
No, I do a wet dry cycle for plants.

When the mix is 'cooking', I'll keep it moist/wet, but nothing is planted in it. I use 5gal buckets to do my cooking in and just leave them uncovered, outside. It seems like, because of the drainage holes in the buckets, even if they get saturated from rain or whatever, the mix doesn't sour from lack of air.

Not at all like when in 32 gal trash cans and you get too much moisture, even with drainage holes.



Well-Known Member
That is the plan.

The problem is I don't know how to make a base soil that would be equivalent to Fox Farm or Roots Organic. Those LCs soilless mixes don't seem to be nearly as rich as ocean forest or roots organic. I could be wrong though.

You can add whatever to make them far beyond FF or RO at 1/4 the cost or so. It's not hard, or rocket science.

Would LC's soilless mixes be a good base soil replacement as is? Or should I be amending them with anything BEFORE I add-in the organic nutrient mix?

????? The 'organic nutrient mix' IS the amendments. I add something like 11 different things to my mix and no, I can't think of them all off the top of my head. LOL In any event it is way beyond FF or RO IMNSHO. Just read the ingredients on the bag and use the same, or a similar substitute, usually obtained locally.

Also, on Sea Soil: Did some reading and this stuff looks to be quite good. And it's made here in BC, so it shouldn't be a problem to locate it, or so I thought. Called all the local distrubuters in a 100mile radius, and they are all sold out until spring.

Can't comment, no experience.

Stop trying to half ass it and follow the recipe. All of the SS amendments are redilly available online, and cheaper than the stuff you listed anyway. Things like greensand are 1. a limited resource. and 2. Take longer than a year to start to break down in your soil.

Do that, add more light, and add some type of myco-amendment. Such as


Active Member
Stop trying to half ass it and follow the recipe. All of the SS amendments are redilly available online, and cheaper than the stuff you listed anyway. Things like greensand are 1. a limited resource. and 2. Take longer than a year to start to break down in your soil.

Do that, add more light, and add some type of myco-amendment. Such as
I'm not trying to half ass it you dick. I would happily follow the exact recipe, but there are certain things that you CANNOT import into this country. Read the thread before you run your mouth.


Active Member

  • Would LC's soilless mixes be a good base soil replacement as is? Or should I be amending them with anything BEFORE I add-in the organic nutrient mix?

    ????? The 'organic nutrient mix' IS the amendments. I add something like 11 different things to my mix and no, I can't think of them all off the top of my head. LOL In any event it is way beyond FF or RO IMNSHO. Just read the ingredients on the bag and use the same, or a similar substitute, usually obtained locally.

Sorry, I made that sound pretty confusing.

I really am a dummy when it comes to this stuff. Before I got sick, I had never planted so much as a flower, so gardening is all new to me. I'm trying to learn as much as possible, with as little guesswork as possible. I choose to grow organic because of my health problems, and I just don't have any time to waste with trial and error so I need to rely on a proven formula that I know will take me to harvest with the best quality and quantity I can manage. The fact of the matter is, if I lose my grow, I lose my medicine. This isn't recreational for me; this is the difference for me to be able to eat or not, for me to be able to actually participate in life.

The reason sub's supersoil is so appealing to me is because it's basically set-it and forget-it, but without sacrificing yield or quality. I'll go through days were I can't get out of bed because I'm too sick, so I really need to grow in the most low-maintenance way possible because I might not always be able to mix up nutrients or feed on a regular schedule.

I know I might be irritating with all the questions, but I really just don't know enough to get as close to this recipe as I can. I'm really not good enough at this organics thing yet to be able to look at the ingredients on a bag of soil, and try to build it myself. I would have no idea how much of everything to add.

Like I said before, I would happily just follow subs recipe perfectly, but I just cant - at least not exactly.

If I can figure out how to make a decent base soil, then I'm off to the races.

Maybe it seems like I'm overthinking this whole 'base soil' thing. But here is the way I look at it: The base soil is the main component in the mix. It provides a fairly healthy amount of nutrition on it's own. Even Sub says not to cheap out on the base soil as results will suffer. Now if I try and do this by guesswork, or trial and error, I will likely end up with a base soil that is too hot, or too cold compared with the FFOF or Roots. Since the base soil make up between 50-75% of the total soil mix, chances are I would either burn my plants beyond repair, or do the opposite (like what is happening to me now) and underfeed, ending up with deficiencies that I am not skilled enough to identify soon enough to correct.

I am not lazy, I am not just looking for anyone to spoon feed me the information either. But I am not in good health, and my resources are very limited. I want to learn as much as I can, but I still need a lot of guidance at this point to keep me from fucking up beyond repair, costing me time and money that I don't have.

I appreciate everyone's input very much. Each post is read carefully, and with consideration.

Thanks folks.
I'm not trying to half ass it you dick. I would happily follow the exact recipe, but there are certain things that you CANNOT import into this country. Read the thread before you run your mouth.

I did read yo, not my problem if you can't follow a recipe. You can get all the amendments in the main SS recipe, you just aren't trying hard enough. The only thing you can't import is anything live and/or soil.


Well-Known Member
Hey man I'm currently running A brand of soilless by"Gaia Green" Organics. I'm using their "living soil" blend cut with Promix HP as my base on my plushberry. No amendments. Other than a little lime and the difference between my Ktrain that's in straight Promix is definitely noticeable. Plushberry has been problem free where my K has given me calcium, phosphorous, and mag deficiencies at different times. Gaia green is based in Grand Forks and they have a distributor in Surrey. If you can get a hold of it, it should take care of your base soil Issues and round off your recipe. Good luck in your endeavors man and don't let the fucking haters get at ya. Peace


Active Member
Hey man I'm currently running A brand of soilless by"Gaia Green" Organics. I'm using their "living soil" blend cut with Promix HP as my base on my plushberry. No amendments. Other than a little lime and the difference between my Ktrain that's in straight Promix is definitely noticeable. Plushberry has been problem free where my K has given me calcium, phosphorous, and mag deficiencies at different times. Gaia green is based in Grand Forks and they have a distributor in Surrey. If you can get a hold of it, it should take care of your base soil Issues and round off your recipe. Good luck in your endeavors man and don't let the fucking haters get at ya. Peace
Thank you, I actually use almost exclusively the Gaia Green line amendments (kelp meal, fishbone meal, guano, etc). However, I was unaware that they had a soil product, Thanks very much for bringing that to my attention, I will look into that for sure.


Well-Known Member
It still blows me away at some ppls fucking arrogance on this site everybody started growing dope with little to no knowledge of the plant at the beginning and you fuck up along the way and learn from your mistakes and if they're is something you get hung up on what do you do? Ask someone who knows! Which is what this site is for, the exchange of cannabis related info. It's the basis of this site and If everyones position is to "use the fucking google bar" then this site would be useless. So if someone asks for help instead of being a piece of shit try having some compassion especially for someone who smokes to medicate. And especially at Christmas fuckers
Sorry for the hijack man


Active Member
Thanks for the kind words buddy, much appreciated.

So with your half and half mix of the Pro Mix and Gaia Green products, what do you use as their food source?

Do you use compost teas, or top dress? Or are you using a commercial fertilizer product?



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words buddy, much appreciated.

So with your half and half mix of the Pro Mix and Gaia Green products, what do you use as their food source?

Do you use compost teas, or top dress? Or are you using a commercial fertilizer product?

Right now I'm using the full General Organics line for my nutes BioGold ecto/endo Innoculants I just started compost teas and the difference they make to keep the microbes In your soil happy is amazing! I have a batch of supersoil cooking right now and for my bases I used Promix HP and Gaia green living soil I'm running that soil mix now with only lime and no other ammendments ive noticed with a vegan nute regime you really have to keep the soil happy and then feed heavy with the GO nutes. My next run will be with the vegan nutes but a 75% organic 25% Veganic soil recipe