Anyone Harvested ak-48?

Dr Lg

Active Member
Been trying this stuff out. Seems to be a little tricky with drying and curing. Not like other strains.. anyone have some insight on this?


Well-Known Member
Just give it time, I just smoked some 1 1/2 week cured stuff there and the smell and taste are starting to come back real nicely.


I have had several AK48s (have some in jars for over 5 weeks now) and have run into probs, too. Seems, for me, that the outside dries quick after cut and starts to smell like dry grass immediately upon signs of dryness, and you jar it and that smell just doesn't get better (until you break it up, then it smells good)... You jar it a little to soon and it tastes like mildew fast... I keep missing the window apparently... I know I need more practice at curing, but switching to Northern Lights and hoping for better luck with getting a good cure.


Well-Known Member
It's nothing really to do with the strain tho, it's super stinky (it's a triple bagger) if you just give it a slow dry and cure.


Active Member
i have grown out about 5 ak-48's...

i didnt like any of them ...
some of the phenos i had, had that grass smell as well ...

also i just didnt get that high off of this strain ...
every other strain ive grown came out proper, so its the strain ...

u live n learn ...


I grew AK48 for my first grow and honestly it was probably my healthiest plant out of the other 2 strains I grew. However, I stuck it in my growing structure to dry (with my 8in fan running) and it dried into a hay in a matter of 3 days. Honestly even with curing I couldn't return the smell it once had before drying.

However I didn't cure very long before smoking it so I suppose with proper curing you could revive some of that fruity smell.


Well-Known Member
Slow dry and cure for AK-48 is required. Why? Firstly she's a bushy little indica, usually with thick colas and buds. Those take alot longer to dry properly. I have had the same 'fresh mown hay smell' a few times till I figured out it had to dry more first, before jarring.
Great strain (mine from Nirvana BTW) and it is a stinky lil biatch to be sure. Let her dry out quite well, cure properly and when you break it up and grind her, that lovely original aroma will return. Mine dry for well over a week in complete darkness @65 degrees f. with no fan blowing on them but a gentle breeze in the room itself. BTW that's all AK-48 in my avatar. :)


Well-Known Member
Ak-48 really isn't known for it great flavor or's known for its potency, I've grow it several times, growing it organically brought the flavor and smell to its highest potential, but it really wasn’t anything to write home about. If you’re into the smells and flavors there are better genetics out there to serve that purpose


Well-Known Member
Ak-48 really isn't known for it great flavor or's known for its potency, I've grow it several times, growing it organically brought the flavor and smell to its highest potential, but it really wasn’t anything to write home about. If you’re into the smells and flavors there are better genetics out there to serve that purpose
I'd agree taste isn't great but that smell... :D

Dr Lg

Active Member
I think I've hit success boys.. anybody having trouble with this strain check out smoke reports i'll put it there.

Dr Lg

Active Member
Fuck it.. I'll write it here. Don't listen to any of the haters of ak-48. This shit is bushy like no other. I popped 4 beans and they all grew the same. As soon as they took root you could tell because they just explode. It'll start branching out the first week! Very nice yields with this strain. I had one lst'd and it was just a monster bush.

Im gonna have to say your wrong about this harrekin. I've seen a lot of posts regarding problems with drying and curing ak-48. It has took a lot of garbage buds to finally figure it out but lemme tell you now that this strain needs to be dried slooow. Make sure it is COMPLETELY dark where you are drying. When you think its ready to be jarred up... put it in a paper bag or shoebox and let it dry even slower. This stuff doesn't have the best taste but the smell I had while flowering is now more and more evident and its because I'm able to monitor the humidity level. I know this now because I jarred up some buds earlier then the rest because I was impatient and I can tell you the smell is COMPLETELY different than the ones I was more patient with.



Well-Known Member
Fuck it.. I'll write it here. Don't listen to any of the haters of ak-48. This shit is bushy like no other. I popped 4 beans and they all grew the same. As soon as they took root you could tell because they just explode. It'll start branching out the first week! Very nice yields with this strain. I had one lst'd and it was just a monster bush.

Im gonna have to say your wrong about this harrekin. I've seen a lot of posts regarding problems with drying and curing ak-48. It has took a lot of garbage buds to finally figure it out but lemme tell you now that this strain needs to be dried slooow. Make sure it is COMPLETELY dark where you are drying. When you think its ready to be jarred up... put it in a paper bag or shoebox and let it dry even slower. This stuff doesn't have the best taste but the smell I had while flowering is now more and more evident and its because I'm able to monitor the humidity level. I know this now because I jarred up some buds earlier then the rest because I was impatient and I can tell you the smell is COMPLETELY different than the ones I was more patient with.

How am I wrong? I told you to dry and cure it slowly...then you magically came up with that exact same answer I gave you but said I was wrong somehow. No offense, but Iv been growing and smoking purely AK48 for about 2 years now, please dont try make out I don't know that strain.

Dr Lg

Active Member
Sorry to come off like that but all I was saying is that ak-48 has a higher tendency to smell like shit if you don't watch when you start the curing process and duration of drying/curing before long term storage.


Well-Known Member
Sorry to come off like that but all I was saying is that ak-48 has a higher tendency to smell like shit if you don't watch when you start the curing process and duration of drying/curing before long term storage.
The smell will come back regardless after a period of time as long as the buds weren't overdry before the cure starts...the cure needs water to work and it's what activates the smell chemicals.

Dr Lg

Active Member
Yea for sure if you are curing it too dry then you will not be happy with the results.. but also I have noticed that even if you have it at the "long-term storage humdity" of 55%-60%, the smell will not be as pungent if you slowly let it dry/cure from 70% RH to 69,68,67,66,65.. and eventually to the 55-60 percent RH after a good long dry/cure. All in all.. hygrometer is your best friend. :)


Well-Known Member
i grew AK48 from nirvanna last year, smelled like grapes during flowering

Once it was dry it lost almost all smell

Cured for a month and it smells fruity grape again and tastes great

Gets me the highest ive ever been

Best weed ive ever smoked


Well-Known Member
i grew AK48 from nirvanna last year, smelled like grapes during flowering

Once it was dry it lost almost all smell

Cured for a month and it smells fruity grape again and tastes great

Gets me the highest ive ever been

Best weed ive ever smoked
Not a great yielder tho, I wouldn't be looking to buy a house with it or anything. Nice for the head stash tho.

It does make EPIC bubble hash too, like melt your face strong.


i find out of the 5 strains of nirvana i have tried/grown , ak48 did need the longest cure to taste as good as the others. While others tasted fine after 3 days of just air drying (i dont mean like omg best tasting weed ever i just mean like it was smokable/didnt taste like a lawn obv still needed their cure as does any weed) the ak on the other hand still had a very fresh chlorophyll taste to it, Its allll in the strain my friend.


Well-Known Member
i grew this a few years ago i think this strain is very unstable from the phenos i got, very different plants, all of them were low yielding medium potent
one was a tiny indica that had a nice flavor hard to describe,kinda hash like
the other oppiste extreme was a huge sativa with massive internode space, and the worst yield i think i have had from any plant, but it had a really nice pineapple flavour
and she developed and stretched so quickly , all in all disappointing strain