Tent, Single Site ScrOG, 400W CMH, Waterfarm, (yup Scottyballs, lol) Aurora Indica...


Hey I looked through that Ultimate Waterfarm and Scrog guide but I didn't see anything about how much water should be used to "fill" to the max level about 2 gallons? is that about right?
Ya there's a little line on the drain tube that shows you where to fill to, it takes 2 gallons.


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks, mine is coming tomorrow ;] Good luck with your grow, I'm subscribed


Same to you my friend, if you have any more questions ask away. My advice to you when you get the Waterfarm is to focus on the hydroton. Wash the living shit out of it, seriously. Then soak them in pH 4.5 water for at least 2 or 3 days.


Here she is, about 2 days old:


The foil is a must in this type of set up. It keeps things cool and moist under there but allows me to have a 400W CMH on this 2 day old plant. As you can see there is a small light hole now in the foil for the seedling to find its way thru.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you've got her going well. To answer your question, i have a homemade t5 cab that i use for small plants. I start under that, but i dont see any reason not to start under your cmh. Scottyballz did on his. crazy fast growth was the side effect. :leaf:


Hey Kriznarf great to have you on board. Definitely seen you around in my endless pages of journal reading lately.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man! I'm on my 2nd Ballz inspired grow now just flipped her on the first. Dont wait 3 weeks to add nutes you will probably have some deficency's at least I did on my current grow. The first grow I started her at 200 ppm using 50 ppm tap water and Cal/mag and she was fine. The Hydroton is a problem but I dont know how to fix it. I washed it 5 times soaked for 3 days in 4 ph water ran the farm for a week prior to planting and it still effected the Ph but as the nutes increase the floranova keeps it in check and the next time you use the hydroton it will be better.
The link in my sig has some pics of my first grow.


Active Member
Looks good man, subbed. We are at the same growth stage. Tuning in! Check mine out my Blue mystic grow (sig link)


Looks good man! I'm on my 2nd Ballz inspired grow now just flipped her on the first. Dont wait 3 weeks to add nutes you will probably have some deficency's at least I did on my current grow. The first grow I started her at 200 ppm using 50 ppm tap water and Cal/mag and she was fine. The Hydroton is a problem but I dont know how to fix it. I washed it 5 times soaked for 3 days in 4 ph water ran the farm for a week prior to planting and it still effected the Ph but as the nutes increase the floranova keeps it in check and the next time you use the hydroton it will be better.
The link in my sig has some pics of my first grow.

Thanks brother. Love to hear from other Ballz growers! Ya on nutes I'm thinking somewhere between the first and second week. I looked back at Scotty's Pineapple Express thread and he started it out on like day 7 so I'm getting close. I definitely need Cal/Mag where I'm using mainly distilled water. Do you start the Cal/Mag right from the beginning with the other nutes?

Not so worried about the hydroton anymore. I changed the water out a few times and the pH is stabilizing. The plant seems happy so I'm happy.

Checking out your grow after I update, peace.


Looks good man, subbed. We are at the same growth stage. Tuning in! Check mine out my Blue mystic grow (sig link)
Dude I was real close to getting Blue Mystic when I ordered my seeds, don't know why I changed my mind now but it's definitely on the list. It's such a freakin pretty plant. This Aurora should treat me good though, from what I hear it's pretty stony shit. Checking out your grow after I update, it will be interesting to compare our plants thru the growth stages.


I just took a sample and the pH is just under 8, pretty much where it is stabilizing now. There's not much I can do about it right now so I'm just going to leave it alone. If I changed the water now it would just rise to the same pH again within 24 hours. The plant looks dark green and seems healthy.



Active Member
Dude, we are on the exact same day... 6 from germ.. Ill def be watching your grow. Just uploaded some new pics of mine.


Did another reservoir change last night, seemed to help with the pH. My Hanna meter has been reading like .2 high for pH lately, I calibrated it last night and its doing it again this morning. But my pH is definitely in the high 6 low 7 range, so I'm happy with that.



Made the ScrOG today. Same idea as Scotty's although I put legs on mine and made a table since I cant attach anything to the tent sides. Was a bitch to get in the tent so that's where it's staying, still plenty of room to work underneath.



Active Member
Made the ScrOG today. Same idea as Scotty's although I put legs on mine and made a table since I cant attach anything to the tent sides. Was a bitch to get in the tent so that's where it's staying, still plenty of room to work underneath.
What's the distance between the top of your waterfarm and the screen?


Active Member
How will you be changing your water? I just bought a drain valve and will be installing it soon. Just cant imaging changing the water with everything growing through the scrog screen. My buddy mineralz has a similar setup and installed a drain has a fill hole in the rez lid. Not sure if I am going to scrog or just LST.. Decisions decisions...