First time florida guerilla grow needs help


Well-Known Member
yea I'm going to be sure to use it for sure. now are you saying plant a marigold and use the canola oil and garlic for spray or add marigold to the canola spay? And with the garlic can i use garlic power, minced garlic or fresh garlic chopped and mashed up. Now this today when i finaly got to look at the girls. I noticed that on some of the leaves theres seems to be some white speckles forming. i wouldn't say they look like spots as they are not uniformly circles. More or less like light white freckles. Hopefully since i caught it the first day it happened i can get it corrected before it becomes a problem.
you can mix all of them together, a high concentration of oil in your spray is like fly paper if you want to spray it around the room, if bugs touch it they'll stick.
but if you want to spray the plants, mix a half tea spoon of canola oil, a couple marigold flowers, some diced garlic(i dont think the type of garlic matters and dicing isnt a necessity, anything natural and smelly like garlic will probably work) and add it to foliar feed, i prefer rainwater for its minerals an pH if you arent already using it i suggest using it for your foliar feed. hit the bottoms of the leaves, after using this spray i advise really spraying the shit out of those leaves. they'll hide in calyxs so keep your eye out, the first spray might only kill 95% of the mites and they reproduce quick, just make sure to hit the bottoms of your leaves with this spray every 2-3 days, spray it around your room as well, along with the bottoms of your pots. those specs are the mites, eating at the leaves. keep these plants away from the other or they could easily get infested.


Active Member
Update on grow: Thank you very much CrazyHazey i used ur reciepe and it was a success. Now my big goofy self is dealing with another problem. Sunday I decieced it was time to give a folar feed. well just just say this about half of my plants thought it was just a bit too hot and have so wither spots on them. And the other half just loved it! haha!. so today when i got home it was time to give them a watering. so when i did i made sure to give the leaves a good spraying hopefully get some of the feed off. but now i know the 1/3 strength is still too much and step it down to 1/5 and hopefully that should be just right. Going tonight to go get the USB. so with any luck I'll have some pics up tonight.


Well-Known Member
Update on grow: Thank you very much CrazyHazey i used ur reciepe and it was a success. Now my big goofy self is dealing with another problem. Sunday I decieced it was time to give a folar feed. well just just say this about half of my plants thought it was just a bit too hot and have so wither spots on them. And the other half just loved it! haha!. so today when i got home it was time to give them a watering. so when i did i made sure to give the leaves a good spraying hopefully get some of the feed off. but now i know the 1/3 strength is still too much and step it down to 1/5 and hopefully that should be just right. Going tonight to go get the USB. so with any luck I'll have some pics up tonight.
great to hear man! love it when shit works out when your growin. slowly up the nutrients from 1/8 the suggested serving. i only use a drop or two of super thrive(they sell it at lowes, home depot) per gal in my foliar feed, and feed them fulvex and rainwater for trace minerals(order bontaicare samples, wont regret it). i also use bontaicares RHO along with my compost teas, root systems are lovin it.
ill be checkin in when those pics come up.


Well-Known Member
The plant with the pink hairs is awesome! I can imagine how much your kicking yourself for not cloning it! I am going to have to check out the pink sativa. Bud porn for sure!


Active Member
yea i know too many pics but i just had to catch up. sorry that its not in order. had problems trying to get it to post with the pics on page and not a bunch of tab buttons everywhere.


Well-Known Member
The plant with the pink hairs is awesome! I can imagine how much your kicking yourself for not cloning it! I am going to have to check out the pink sativa. Bud porn for sure!
haha thanks, it was insane since that was my first bagseed, came from some shit brick weed. and i had the same prob ase


Active Member
IMG_0425.jpgIMG_0444.jpgIMG_0445.jpgIMG_0446.jpgIMG_0448.jpgIMG_0426.jpgIMG_0427.jpgIMG_0428.jpgIMG_0429.jpgIMG_0430.jpgIMG_0431.jpgIMG_0432.jpgIMG_0433.jpgIMG_0439.jpgIMG_0440.jpgIMG_0441.jpgIMG_0442.jpgIMG_0443.jpg these are all my bag seed babies and the one i found outside and potted. A few weeks later she started to bud and here she is.


Well-Known Member
Man, don't you hate it when you burn your babies? I gave mine their first fish emulsion yesterday and it looks like I watered it down enough, no damage so far...but my flowering plants have a few white specks on some of the leaves...I'm gonna check em out better tomorrow when the sun comes up, hope it's not spider mites. If it is I will be using your concoction or going to get some Mighty Wash which is supposed to zap them. Luckily plants are pretty resilient!


Well-Known Member
not too bad, if the burns progress at all id just flush them. and that healthy perked up look is great, thats what you should shoot for. their roots are getting good air. try poking holes 2" away from the stem, the soil will wick out and inspire new growth by breaking the root endings.

and i like those marigolds, im cloning mine actually. i think im gonna transplant the clones to every pot, and add some garlic.


Active Member
Man, don't you hate it when you burn your babies? I gave mine their first fish emulsion yesterday and it looks like I watered it down enough, no damage so far...but my flowering plants have a few white specks on some of the leaves...I'm gonna check em out better tomorrow when the sun comes up, hope it's not spider mites. If it is I will be using your concoction or going to get some Mighty Wash which is supposed to zap them. Luckily plants are pretty resilient!
honestly it worked great! i did two doses. one of just canola oil, minced garlic, and water. The second was of the concoction I threaded about in Organics. Which now that I've added some marigold to it. So hopefully it should handle any future problems.