Attn ALL Female Members of RIU

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Well-Known Member
I am way too long in the tooth to be called a 'girl' but I am female. :)
I don't post, I lurk for tips n tricks. I just got up the guts (after 25 years) to start growing again - the internet is fantastic compared to 1984! You can tell by that year I'm pretty psyched to grow indoors and outside, and, in particular, to smoke some serious herb.
Nice to meetcha!
lol, you don't have to be a girl. I only require that you have breastesses. I'm glad you joined RIU, I lurked around for a while before I joined too! lol, I can't believe this thread is alive again....

Me, me, me... I'm female look at my boobies

(.)(.) <- that's the best proof I could show! ;)
( . ) ( . ) Mine are bigger!

LMAO, sorry, I had to do it. But thank you Ms MILF, for announcing your awesome presence to us all. We need to get all the females in here. If I were an Elite member I'd go to the ladies only section, but I'm not, so I can't, and I won't.

So I want to make MY OWN ladies, I dunno why. Maybe because I don't know a lot of women who like to smoke, so it make me feel better when I talk to you guys here.


There's treachery afoot
I'm in.....hmmm, proof...let's see....there is so much estrogen bouncing off of my walls that in seven years of growing have had only two males...and I enjoyed killing
Gurlz rule!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
only TWO males in SEVEN years? That's awesome, you must have the touch! lol, I dunno if I'd enjoy killing them, after all the TLC I gave them...

I've never had males, but that's cuz I've only ever grown from clones.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
Hi wicked - we do have a handful of ladies hiding around here. Er I should say women I really don't fall into the lady catagory myself :-) In the Elite section there is even a dedicated forum for the girls. The guys like to drop by occasionally but it seems they have lost interest in us when they realised there really wasn't cyber girl on girl action going on.

LMAO!!! How have I missed this thread all this time?!


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I am way too long in the tooth to be called a 'girl' but I am female. :)
I don't post, I lurk for tips n tricks. I just got up the guts (after 25 years) to start growing again - the internet is fantastic compared to 1984! You can tell by that year I'm pretty psyched to grow indoors and outside, and, in particular, to smoke some serious herb.
Nice to meetcha!

Hey, I remember 1984! I wasn't growing, but I was smoking - Mendo Bud was all the rage back then... High School, good times... fun times... high times... LOL



Well-Known Member
I remember 1984 .. and unbeknown to my mother, I had her watering my pot plants amongst her geraniums. LOL .. she soon caught on after they got tall enough and she gave me a ragging out.

The stuff we used to get was compressed columbian gold. Had a very strange taste and smell but powerful as shit ... well it was powerful 20+ years ago. Nowadays it would be crap.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
I had a plant in the window seal of my bedroom by the summer I graduated - my parents were kool about it, they didn't smoke or nothing - just said 'Go out and do something with your mother's garden', so I did... lol

That was a plant that lived agaisnt all odds, cause I didn't know nothing about growing nothing! Just water, sunshine, household plant food and my loud rock&roll!!!

Didn't grow again until about 5 years ago, but I've known a few who did from time to time. Isn't it just the greatest thing when someone gets you high with some great smoke and the tells you... wait for it... I grew this myself!

It's like music is playing and heaven has welcomed you in!... You know, like when you found this site... LMAO

I am so high, I am tripping myself out!!! ... lol

I do love it here though...

Oh yeah, the stuff nowadays is so much more exotic.



Well-Known Member
*soaking in the stoner estrogen vibes*

lol you guys are making me feel really 1984...I...*does the math*...well I guess I had been conceived, but that's about it...


Well-Known Member
I'm a weed-growing women as well. I'm still a bit surprised when some people refer to me as a dude in their posts. I thought the avatar I drew would be cute enough to hint otherwise!

As for verifying authenticity, you could simply include a piece of paper in your pic that had the date/time/statement that applies to this thread.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I believe I know most of the women on here if not all as far as distinguishing wether they are female or male


Well-Known Member
lol, I wouldn't expect everyone to show a pic to prove themselves. It is a marijuana site...

But yeah, i think it's wierd when guys call me "man" in threads. like, dude, I can deal with, because I say dude a lot...but "man"...I feel like I'm living a lie...

And I would think that my username is enough...WikidBchoftheWst...Wikid Bitch of the West....Lacy got it...maybe she's just a genius...I didn't say she's my hero for nothing (she can also roll a j one handed)


Well-Known Member
I think your nick is cool Wicked Bitch.. I got it the first time I read it too.

Ive made a few videos on youtube (me playing guitar) and the majority of the comments all refer to me as Dude, Man.. etc, you know the scene. <rolls eyes>


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I get called dude/man all the time, drvies me nuts, with a name like Chiceh, you think most would get it, lol. And my avatar should give it away too, she is soooo cute eh? lol. :mrgreen::peace:
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