Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year


Well-Known Member
Damn. If u buy 20gal pots and fill it with soil, bat guano, earthworm castings, Hydroton,and a few other things it grows MONSTERS!
I pretty much use only soil mixes for indoor. A little bump of organic nutrient teas here and there and straight water 75% of the time :D


Glassblowing Moderator
I work at a hydro store that has an in house soil mix. And this stuff works well for indoor or outdoor. We make veg or flower mixes.


Well-Known Member
I work at a hydro store that has an in house soil mix. And this stuff works well for indoor or outdoor. We make veg or flower mixes.
That's cool, how does it sell? Do they list the soil amendments so people know exactly what's in it? How much does it sell for?


Glassblowing Moderator
It's 30$ a 20lb bag. It comes in the camouflage grow bag. He has a list of what's in it. It's a lot of fox farm additives and misc other things. It works awesome. He has been selling it for years and people buy it out a lot. We are constantly making it. Sometimes waiting lists. Some only use it because it's how they started and it works. I get it dirt cheap. Ha ha.


Well-Known Member
Hope all is growing good for my fellow Michigan growers this year.... I did not have time to put any out bummed but that's life wishing you all a happy harvest!


Well-Known Member
Here are a couple of Michigan plants. I wasn't going to, but I put two plants outside. They got a late start, but have done good enough for me. They are confidential cheese and cataract kush. They should both be done by the first week of October, maybe the last week of September if I'm lucky. Hopefully the weather stays calm these last weeks. Good luck everyone.


I've been busy with a baby on the way but I still have 2 that are doing real good. I'm going to try mainlining next year and see if that helps my yield. My plants grew real tall (7 ft) and the main colas look the best. I'm going to see if I can bring the height down and the number of colas up. I'm looking at middle to late October for harvest. They put on a lot of weight this last week and the pistols are still white so I hope they keep getting thicker.


Well-Known Member
hey all where the hell did summer go? wow pics look great. good job guys. i have 1 tangerine dream outside. only because i was worried bout it hermi.. been having a lot of trouble since i froze out last winter, but im hoping to have it figured now. ph'ing my water now abd using the fox farm line up for nutes. since that change my buds are tight and looks like a tablespoon of sugar.

@ hic.... u still got my #? are u living up here now? i trieed to call the # i have 4 u but it say ur not taking call at this time.

catch all u guys later

hammer :peace:


Well-Known Member
So any strain recomendations for next years outdoor in michigan? am looking for fast finishers...mine won't be done for another 3 weeks