Sudden problems? Water ph testing! Nutrient lockout? Advice needed :3


Well-Known Member
Last thing I will say to you, There was no problem in this thread until you decided to poke your head in, that is a fact. Also okay you have been here longer which means you are all knowing and makes you smarter!!! Praise the 1,812 posts!!!

Have yet to see you post 1 helpful constructive thing


Well-Known Member
Sorry to resurrect this thread but my plants are not doing any better.. There is still some major bleaching and yellowing on a lot of leaves and then they eventually just dry up and fall off. I still have some dark spots on some leaves and general stunted growth.. Seriously feeling discouraged right now :/

Waiting for my ph and tds meter in the mail!
have your meters showed up in the mail yet sailor? I am not going to feed that troll anymore I just ignored him which I should have done long ago.
this guy is such an idiot he can't see how he helped fuck up this girls plants, and even after being told so, he wants to blame me for it,LMFAO. Dude, i own a hydro store and this is my life, so I do know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, keep listening to this noob or I can help you get it right. Your plants don't eat themselves, this guy's so stupid.


Well-Known Member
this guy is such an idiot he can't see how he helped fuck up this girls plants, and even after being told so, he wants to blame me for it,LMFAO. Dude, i own a hydro store and this is my life, so I do know what the fuck I'm talking about. So, keep listening to this noob or I can help you get it right. Your plants don't eat themselves, this guy's so stupid.
He didn't fuck up her plants man lol I could be way off but wouldn't a transplant into a different, good quality ganj growing soil be better.


Well-Known Member
He didn't fuck up her plants man lol I could be way off but wouldn't a transplant into a different, good ganj growing soil be better.
We were trying to avoid something so drastic, She might have to. To try and get a clean start for the plants. She ordered some meters to help her check the TDS and PH to see if anythig is out of wack in the current soil.

Also I think she said it was hard for her to get good soil like FFOF or anything like that
He didn't fuck up her plants man lol I could be way off but wouldn't a transplant into a different, good ganj growing soil be better.
he gave her advise that didn't fix it, and after i told him so, he continues to offer bad advise. i offered to help her and he wants to blame me because i told him to stop with the bad advise. I'm not offering help unless she is going to listen.


Well-Known Member
Wow man. One hint of a chick getting plant troubles and the advice is flooding in. I need to change my tac lol
Wow man. One hint of a chick getting plant troubles and the advice is flooding in. I need to change my tac lol
well then, if you think that's what it's about, your as dumb as the other guy, you noobs have fun guessing at her problems, I'm gonna go smoke some quality grown smoke.
later losers


Well-Known Member
I think the top and tail of it is, is that she has used stuff that isn't really the best for growing bud. If i were her i would get down the hydro store and pick up a better soil, better nutes and maybe something to help with the stress. I cant see a transplant killing them. If they die, fuck it and start again. That's just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Just a light heart'd joke man. No need to spend your time scrolling through google images to find a picture of what looks to be that bald dude off star trek (gay) to express how you feel lol


Well-Known Member
Poor girls thread is getting destroyed and that dude doesn't even care. Sailormoon Create a new thread asap so this doesn't keep going on in your thread
Poor girls thread is getting destroyed and that dude doesn't even care. Sailormoon Create a new thread asap so this doesn't keep going on in your thread
if you gave a shit about the girls plants, you would Shut the fuck up and quit offering bad advise. Why are you so stupid you can't see that?


Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted in here yet It's been a really busy week.
I don't think there's any point in turning down other people's advice. That's why it's advice, everyone has different advice to give. VictorygardensHydro i'd be curious to know what you suggest but I think it's fruitless if we go at each others throats for the sake of difference of opinion.

Here are some pictures I took today. My plants are getting worse so I don't know what to do at this point. I don't mind starting over, this was a cheap fun experiment for me so I don't have hundreds of dollars going down the drain.
Again, I am eternally grateful for all the time people have given me to help and answer my questions :) (as a side note, and i'm sorry if this is completely irrelevant but I am also growing radishes in my grow box and I haven't experienced any problems with those plants.. I am using the same soil for the radishes as well as other house plants with zero issues to date).

