Hawaii Growers


In my 23 years of living on the big island, I have never come across any of those legendary strains. I always thought it was just peoples way of saying where it was grown instead of actual strains.

A couple strains I remember that had a reputation back around the time i graduated from high school, were "the death," "Johnny D's" and this one we used to call "the moss" because it tasted real musky almost moss-like. Then in early 2000's, it was pretty flooded with white widow around East Hawaii and still seems to be a local favorite.

Anyone ever hear of these strains besides the WW?
I hear the Johnny's is still around but kept tight in the family, haven't come across it in a while cuz i havent bought weed in years but it used to be all the rage and had HUGE crystal covered pods.

Still, I think all those came from seeds someone either bought back then and renamed.
Johny d's bu,I never hear that shit so long lol bringing back memories


Well-Known Member
Yo shek... sent u a pm but that molokai strain is legit. You dont see it anymore but i know some cousins still rockin it on the island. You definitely scored a rare gem bro.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Shecks sitting on some Gold.....and he didn't even mention the other 2 heirloom strains he holding.....

Sheck ya may have to start a thread to document the love.....


Well-Known Member
Was surfing Rock Point on the east end of Moloka'i and it was going the fuck off, had to go back Oahu so I gave my board to one of the boys and he popped his trunk and gave me a donkey dick bud that made my trip.....wish I could live there.....


Well-Known Member
Was surfing Rock Point on the east end of Moloka'i and it was going the fuck off, had to go back Oahu so I gave my board to one of the boys and he popped his trunk and gave me a donkey dick bud that made my trip.....wish I could live there.....
Lol... i know what u mean. Been trying to move back home for awhile now. Just not too many jobs...


Well-Known Member
right on brah! thanks for that coots. I can't wait till you smoke that badboy. superstoney!! it looks super healthy too. solid
I can't wait to smoke it too, She's just started week 5 and the resin is coming on strong. I've had the same plants in my rotation since June. I can't wait for this next round to finish! The YB/TW seems to like my soil combo, next time i need to let keep them veg a little longer, but my initial goal was make the S1's and harvest the pollen....cheehoo!


Well-Known Member
Was surfing Rock Point on the east end of Moloka'i and it was going the fuck off, had to go back Oahu so I gave my board to one of the boys and he popped his trunk and gave me a donkey dick bud that made my trip.....wish I could live there.....
Gotta love the aloha!


Well-Known Member
Damn just saw on the news that vice raided an underground bunker grow on the big island... crazy! You guys really go big ah... lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah, we go big!:hump: did i mention underground too? crazy though, theirs choke raids on the scanner that don't even make news. just had one two weeks ago in fern forest.


Well-Known Member
did you see the pic of their setup? Holy shit! I thought it was a stock photo they were using in the article but I guess it was actually theirs. Looks like they were running at least 20,000watts of lights, can't imagine how much fuel they must've been going through every week.


Well-Known Member
They (the media) said it was an un-sophisticated grow operation...then they showed the picture of the grow, "Un-Sophisticated" nigga please...lmao