Fucking Bats


Well-Known Member
So just got home from work and very hapilly went to my dungeon ass basement to check on my rooms and a bat starts flying everywhere all crazy. Let me remind you that its only about 7ft tall down there so this thing is flying head high. I cant stand them they freak me out. Somehow I got the courage to go back down with a broom thinking I am going to beast this thing and take it down....Not a chance about 10 misses and screams later I gave up and am half scared to go back down....wtf to do....after some quick searching aparently there isnt to many ways to kell the bastards but to catch them and take them out....Fuck shit fuck! Good thing I just bought those light timers


Well-Known Member
I figured someone would think its funny besides me...ha...the guano crossed my mind briefly before it flew by my head again and thought this thing needs to die...I have freshly transplanted NL clones and 4 blue cheese I wanted to top before Going outside in a few weeks tonight....completely ruined my night dammit....Let me get a few more beers in me here and I might just go down there in a few minutes and take it on....lol


Active Member
just go down there....blast some music to confuse the bugger (im assuming since they hear hella good) , and work it over with tennis racket. job done ha ha


Well-Known Member
I will just have to handle it tomorrow...My lights in the veg room go out in 45 minutes and thats a damn good excuse....ha


Well-Known Member
Comic relief like no other!

Bats dont like moth balls.....neither do I.

You can try some of those tar strips. I hear they work alright if you can get enough of em up.

I suggest you just bite your lip and go billy bad ass on the fucker myself. I wish I had a problem this interesting to deal with!


Well-Known Member
This right here is some funny shit. Comic relief like a mufucka. Thanks for the laugh, and I like the tennis racket idea, put some kinda head gear on tho, and a jacket and thick gloves, go prepared bats can be vicious. LOL> Good luck.


Well-Known Member
So just got home from work and very hapilly went to my dungeon ass basement to check on my rooms and a bat starts flying everywhere all crazy. Let me remind you that its only about 7ft tall down there so this thing is flying head high. I cant stand them they freak me out. Somehow I got the courage to go back down with a broom thinking I am going to beast this thing and take it down....Not a chance about 10 misses and screams later I gave up and am half scared to go back down....wtf to do....after some quick searching aparently there isnt to many ways to kell the bastards but to catch them and take them out....Fuck shit fuck! Good thing I just bought those light timers
chill out!!! that bat is afraid of the giant monster with a broom! just chill! for christ'sakes! bats operate on radar.they will not(unless you happen to be the bride of fenkenstein!) get stuck in your hair! in fact they can(and do) fly within inches of your head. they are WAY too nimble to hit you(unless you're talking about 100,000 trying to exit a cave!). they need to eat in excess of 2,000 mosquitoes a night! and any other bugs as well...just name it, and quit thrashing about! you'll give it a complex!!!


Well-Known Member
like mentioned above, bats are a good thing. kill the bat and the insects have no predator. i'd rather have a bat. :)

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
thats kinda cool it cant hurt you i would leave it alone. but if you must a simple pellet gun it will have to land eventually:evil:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
when i was at lake arrowhead at dusk bats would come out and we would toss pebbles in the air and the bats with there sonar would swoop out of nowhere and grab them thinking it was a insect fun stuff particularly when buzzed:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The bats are among the coolest things on earth they buzz my porch lights and keep the night bugs from swarming my screen door which is full of holes so im very thankful.


Active Member
I've had bats in my house before and gotten them out, but you need to stay calm--don't go waving a stick at it or anything--just wait. Keep the lights on and eventually it will find a place to hang and snooze. Grab yrself a small plastic container with a lid. Trap the bat inside the container and then quickly push the container against the ceiling or wall (whatever flat surface is closest). Next carefully slide the lid between the wall and container and attach it. Finally, walk outside and release the bat.

Done this several times and it is easy. It's the exact same thing animal control would do if you could call them--although they'd test it for rabies too. Don't let it bite you and you don't have to worry about that.



Well-Known Member
LOL - It's like Fear and Loathing in your basement.

On Nov. 11, 1971, Rolling Stone published the first of Hunter S. Thompson's two-part Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (RS 95). Following, is the story's epic beginning.

We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold. I remember saying something like, "I feel a bit lightheaded; maybe you should drive . . ."And suddenly there was a terrible roar all around us and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and screeching and diving around the car, which was going about 100 miles an hour with the top down to Las Vegas. And a voice was screaming: "Holy Jesus! What are these goddamn animals?"
Then it was quiet again. My attorney had taken his shirt off and was pouring beer on his chest, to facilitate the tanning process. "What the hell are you yelling about," he muttered, staring up at the sun with his eyes closed and covered with wraparound Spanish sunglasses. "Never mind," I said. "It's your turn to drive." I hit the brakes and aimed the Great Red Shark toward the shoulder of the highway. No point mentioning those bats, I thought. The poor bastard will see them soon enough.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
bats are cool i mostly have an amalgem of insect friends in my grow(window open) moths mosquito hawks etc... but a bat would be way cool i would let him or her hang indefinetely not a threat to me or my plants so like a small winged friend. besides i could easily take a bat in a fight no prob:fire:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Bats are indeed cool little creatures!!!! I'm not sure how I would feel about a bat in my house though.... mostly because of the 'disease factor'. I'm not trying to spread fear... but bats can in fact carry diseases like RABIES and SARS. These can be passed on via the guanno (poop) as well as from a bite... and some say via simple air transmission.

I guess what I'm saying is a pet bat ... that has been checked out by a vet would be ok with me.... but some bat I know nothing about.... I'd get it out of my house PRONTO! I wouldn't try to kill it.... I'd try to set it free using a net to catch it.... but if I couldn't ... I'd kill it.

I feel the same way about stray birds that fly down my chimmney... I don't know where they've been. They get stuck in my chimney and my dog goes crazy trying to crawl up the chimney to grab the bird. I have to lock my dog up... wait for the bird to come down... then I open the door and try to shoo them out..... usually they'll find the open door... but twice I've had to throw a towel on them and then scoop up the towel and free the bird outside. I throw the towel away after that..... I have a sanitary cycle on my washer... but I figure ...why take the chance......

Honestly I don't think I'm being paranoid... I live near the beach and lord only knows where that bird came from or has been or what it's eaten. I've never had to kill a bird... but I most certainly would if I couldn't safely catch and release it.

I'm certain I'll get stoned (and not in the good way) for this.... but that's how I feel about it.... so let the rock throwing begin :D
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