Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost


Well-Known Member
Blue Cheese March 5 - May 11




Well-Known Member
Beautiful sure the mothers of those clones would be proud today. awesome timelines, i really enjoy seeing each of your strains develop differently. its almost like watching 3 grows in one. i was gonna wait til the blueberry was posted before i commented but couldnt help myself. thats gonna be some fine smoke for sure man good shit.


Well-Known Member
That's insane man , great job. The stem is a trunk lol
Thanks puff! All 3 are really starting to show off now. Still got a few more weeks to go and I am feeding them pretty hard so they are showing some stress. Thanks for stopping by, I am definitely interested in following your grow. You are right about at my favorite time of flower, weeks 3-7, love watching those buds swell.

Beautiful sure the mothers of those clones would be proud today. awesome timelines, i really enjoy seeing each of your strains develop differently. its almost like watching 3 grows in one. i was gonna wait til the blueberry was posted before i commented but couldnt help myself. thats gonna be some fine smoke for sure man good shit.
Ya man! I was going to wait till later this week to post the BC update but I couldn't help myself either lol. The timelines are nice I think hey? Let's people see the grow without sorting through pages of my inane jabbering. When you going to update that Devil man? How's that BJ doing? Keep me in the loop bro! LOL peace
awesome! also! SUBBED!
Thanks Cloud! Ugh I hate your avi man, FF VIII Malboros were such a pain in the ass! You can see how much of the lower stuff I cut out, and I keep cutting my girls right thru to harvest if some rogue fan leaf or node pops up. So no worries man you are looking sweet over on your side for sure.


Well-Known Member
timelines are great man, if i were a bit more computer savvy id throw something like that up myself. Big devil should be done in about a week, ill post an update sometime tonight or tomorrow. im thinking one last watering of fresh water and harvest her when shes all dried up well see though. Blackjacks doing good too, shes starting to get her first set of 5leaves, real tight node spacing, you kno just being blackjack.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Cloud! Ugh I hate your avi man, FF VIII Malboros were such a pain in the ass! You can see how much of the lower stuff I cut out, and I keep cutting my girls right thru to harvest if some rogue fan leaf or node pops up. So no worries man you are looking sweet over on your side for sure.
HA! I know right! i believe they resided on the island closest to hell/heaven.. man was their bad breath horribly crippling! if you didn't have a strategy for em you'd be dead within minutes.... ah.. memories!


Well-Known Member
Blueberry March 5 - May 11




Well-Known Member
The BJ timeline is the only one that looks like it displayed properly to me. Should be rows of 2 pics side x side not a single row of pics. Looks fine when I preview my post then displays wrong in the journal. IDK WTF this is why I usually use photobucket.
Edit: Now the BB looks like it displays right! LOL I don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Great timelines Stone! Glad I got to retrace the thread and see them all after you posted them. Love to see early plants with deficiencies or burns grow up to be monsters ... inspiring stuff really. Keep it coming mate, going to be a nice harvest, and just around the bend too :)

KC :weed:

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Just wanted to drop bye and say thanks for the trimming tips, It was hard coming from someone who likes that tree look but alas it needed to be done... I got a feeling Im gonna get a BIG growth spurt here in the next 3 days too than after that start packing on the real weight, so far I really like how sticky they are! I love the time lines you do and Im thinking that when I put the e+f tables in the 5x5 (Where the nurseries at now) I will line up one of those web cams to do a true time lapse! Well either way thanks again your plants are lookin killer Stone. -S0uP


Well-Known Member
Got called back early to work today, damn engineers and their blasted efficiency. Totally wasn't ready to go back either, still in vacation mode. :cuss: My workmate kept giving me that "Dude WTF?" look but we made it thru the day. Good thing to be back tho, was getting RIU on the brain and spamming updates, lol. :lol:

Outstanding bro! Gonna be a great harvest and looks like killer smoke.
Thanks bro. Should be a nice harvest I'm hoping. I'll be sure to have some for a fishing trip to sample! Pruned a couple of leech buds that were under the canopy and although early and underdeveloped all three had remarkable taste and aroma already. Can't wait for that 4 month cured sample!

Great timelines Stone! Glad I got to retrace the thread and see them all after you posted them. Love to see early plants with deficiencies or burns grow up to be monsters ... inspiring stuff really. Keep it coming mate, going to be a nice harvest, and just around the bend too :)

KC :weed:
Smashing KC! I was going to stagger the timelines over the week but got update fever yesterday or something. Sorry for the mass update spams! This is the first time I really paid attention to getting pics for a timeline and it turned out pretty well. I like seeing the growth frame by frame. I like the side by side layout of the BJ and the BB timelines, wish the BC would have formatted the same. It is getting close, a little less than 2 weeks and I'll look to begin flushing. Peace

Just wanted to drop bye and say thanks for the trimming tips, It was hard coming from someone who likes that tree look but alas it needed to be done... I got a feeling Im gonna get a BIG growth spurt here in the next 3 days too than after that start packing on the real weight, so far I really like how sticky they are! I love the time lines you do and Im thinking that when I put the e+f tables in the 5x5 (Where the nurseries at now) I will line up one of those web cams to do a true time lapse! Well either way thanks again your plants are lookin killer Stone. -S0uP
Hey man no problem, glad I was able to offer any advice that helps a brother out. You are going to love the growth explosion to come, I'm getting anxious to see it too man. Do you run a P/K boost of any kind? I like to hit them with a 1/4 str dose of liquid koolbloom about day 18 or so, about 3 days after my flush at day 14. They really eat that shit up and start to boom from there. Thanks again for stopping by, it's getting closer over here.


Well-Known Member
Almost missed the BB timeline this thread is moving so fast. awesome bro, all 3 timelines were great (BJ was my fav tho, just somthing about her). have you tasted any samples yet im curious to know the review on that BC aka Permafrost.


Well-Known Member
Almost missed the BB timeline this thread is moving so fast. awesome bro, all 3 timelines were great (BJ was my fav tho, just somthing about her). have you tasted any samples yet im curious to know the review on that BC aka Permafrost.
Yes I did sample some small leecher nodes I cut off last week. I didn't plan on saving or smoking them, just left them with the other trimmings in my cab. But I was cleaning up some in there and found nicely dried nodes from all three. All three had remarkable taste as I said and got a nice mixed buzz from smoking them. The BC tastes like cannabis probably originally tasted. Skunky, earthy, cheezy. She has just a hint of sweetness from her BB heritage but she is mostly skunky, cheesy funk to the max.


Well-Known Member
I had mentioned earlier in the journal that my last 2 grow the runt at the start ended up the biggest plant. This grow I had thought that the BB was the smallest at the start but looking through the timelines the BJ clone was def the smallest one. Should keep that trend going then, unless the BB really blows up in the last couple weeks.

BB on left BJ on right.




Well-Known Member
you were right man. my plants recovered instantly and bud site growth has definitely picked up! after this grow i will definitely be hitting you up on advice on a scrog! Cheers!