Michigan Medical Grow Blueberry, Blue Cheese, Chernobyl


Active Member
Okay so I just graduated college and bought this cheap house to do a medical grow in. I have two patients looking to get to six (72 plants). I just harvested 13 plants from my first grow. They were under 2 1000 watts turned to 50%-75% for most of their life. I was in college 5 hrs away so the yield suffered from heat stress and water stress but the medicine is quality. I only pulled half a p. I have my temps under control and am living in the house. I am running two air cooled 1000 watt lights with a kessil 350 magenta and I will be adding my california lightworks solar flare 200 (400w output) in the next couple of weeks.

I have nine plants in my flower room right now. Blueberry, Blue Cheese, and Chernobyl. They are tomato caged and were vegged 20-22 inches before going to flower. They just went to 12/12 on monday. They are in subcool's 2010 super soil recipe. I want to boost my yield hopefully at least a pound per light, 2 per light would be awesome but I don't see myself getting that lucky on my second run.

I will post some pics tomorrow. I'm excited about this journal feel free to comment I'd appreciate any help or suggestions.


Active Member
Here are a few pics from the 13th.Pic one has a Chernobyl in the middle of the pic. Pic 2 is of blueberry. All of the plants in the green non tomato cage supports are blue cheese. securedownload-1.jpegsecuredownload-2.jpegsecuredownload-3.jpegsecuredownload-4.jpeg I have 4 under each hood with an additional plant underneath the kessil 350 magenta. I rotate every two days. All the plants are showing nice small budsites this week. I have never let plants veg this long before but after looking through rollitup posts and journals it seems like this is the way to go for a lot of people.


New Member
Nice looking crop there. If you don't mine i would like to watch your grow very close cause of the blueberry you are growing i have one seed from dutch passion of that seed and i am thinking about cracking it soon. It my first grow on high gens. i have a 4x4 tent that i want to do a drain and flood with and a 2 400w lights that i am planing on using. i have a few more gens of seeds. i hope that this blueberry is easy to grow and yields good for my first grow.


Active Member
Hey Kurtdog glad to have you on board! I hope to get going on hydro soon let me know how the yield is. The guy who sold me the clones said he didn't know the seed company but that the plants were a bit finiky, smelled like skunk in flower, needed cal mag during week six, and didn't smell like much until week three of cure. So far the blueberry and blue cheese are flowering faster than my chernobyl and showing no sign of burn or heat stress while the chernobyl is. I'm having an issue uploading the pics I took tonight. I will try again later. On a side note, one drop of superthrive per gal of water helped my chernobyls bounce back a bit from the signs of stress they were showing.


New Member
Thanks, I just have a couple of bag seeds going on right now and one seedling of afghan#1 going right now. This is my first grow and i am just trying a few things to make sure i am doing all right before i open the high gens i have. The funny thing is that i am using a couple of coffee cans as my DWC and a small tota to help me keep the water cool in the DWC. My nutes are Mills A,B & R @ 530 ppms. When i go into the room where i have thing setup at the smell is like a skunk from just 3 small plants. I cant wait until they have some size on them. I am just using a small closet to try this in for now. I have a 4 x 4 tent in the same room with 6" can filter and fan with a 400w light ready to go. I do have a quick question for you? What type of cloning system are you using and do you put your clones in rockwool or what ? I will try to upload a picture or two later when i figure out how to do the dang thing but in the mean time keep on smoking bongsmilie:bigjoint:


Active Member
Sounds like a cool set up. I like the coffee can idea. The pic button is the third one from the right below the quick reply. I have been putting my clones into rockwool but first soaking the rockwool with superthrive and ph'd water to 6.2 ish. They are on a tray with a dome the most basic stuff I could buy from the grow store. I first dip the cuttings in a rooting gel before putting them in the medium. I spray them every few days with ph'd water + superthrive and flood them with the same solution every few days as well. I drain all the water out immediately after I flood them. I just made more clones tonight with hydroton, hopefully those root well too. I am new to cloning so I am still figuring out what works best. photo-4.JPG

I added the solarflare 200 and the kessil 350 today. I threw in another blue cheese, blueberry, and chernobyl to go under the lights. I figure I'll rotate the plants around the room and hopefully the additional different spectrums will help produce good meds. I still need to close up my room and work out my venting, I have negative pressure in the room.


New Member
Urban your setup looks great. My little test setup is looking pretty good also. I am have big time problems with the water temps in this little setup right now. I had back surgery last year and the doctor gave me a ice machine thats pumps cool water a pad that i would lay on to help with the healing. I am trying to use it now in the small reservoir thats i am keeping the cans in. hopefully that will help me with the temps. If i am reading right you are using 2 1000w and 2 LEDs lights also to help the spectrums on the plants? IMG_3666.jpgIMG_3669.jpgIMG_3672.jpgIMG_3674.jpgIMG_3675.jpg here are a few pictures of my little test grow. As you can see the roots are going nice. The bigger root ball is on the bag seed and the other one is on the afghan. As they say on the TV THIS IS A TEST AND ONLY A TEST ! I hope to be moving things soon into my 5 gals buckets and tent Oh by the way my tent is a 5 x 5 and not a 4x4


You can only have 5 patients here in mi. But you can also be a patient yourself so that will make 72 total ladies.fuck man good luck, paying for all that shit, putting all the time in, dealing with all the stress an having 5 other people with their hands out isn't as easy as it sounds. That's how I started though lol. Had my card for a year, got a few grows under my belt an decided to jump in balls deep. I accumulated 4 patients plus myself. I ran around 55 plants in 3 rooms, clone/teen room, veg room an flower room. Shit it was like 5000-6000 in overhead before my first harvest. Got a few harvests under my new belt lol an started having patient problems, from there on I swore I would never take someone on unless they absolutely couldn't grow for themselves, or atleast with my help. Have fun an stay safe bro! If your ever around the 231 hit me up for a blaze out!


Active Member
Kurtdog that bag seed is taking off! I am using 2 hps 1000w and the leds to vary the spectrums of light. I think I remember reading that different light spectrums will influence potency and the high in different ways. I also took a 1000 mh watt bulb and non air cooled reflector and put it in the room. At this point I don't have money to buy another hps bulb so I'm hoping the mh spectrum will help ( I know its usually for vegging)? I have been able to pull a few more blueberry, blue cheese, and chernobyls into the flowering room, increasing my numbers to 16 flowering. All have had a 60 day veg or more. Monday was the beginning of week 4 and trichomes are developing nicely.

NorthernMi, I'm lucky that my two patients beside myself are friends. I have heard about people having issues like yours with patients so I am going to be sure to be careful as to who I add. Do you feel like all the work and effort is worth it? I will definitely hit you up when I'm around the 231!photo-1.JPGphoto-2.JPGphoto-3.JPGphoto-4.JPGphoto-5.JPGphoto-6.JPGphoto.JPG


New Member
Urban thanks your setup looks great there. I tell you that the one bag seed here is going crazy in growth. Topped her a few days ago and now it looks like a its going to have a 4 main stems spots. I also the afghani is going well. I do want to ask you, i'm leaving going out of town for 5 days at the end of this month. With the setup as it is now i am having to add water and nugs two or three times a week to the cans. Old baggie is eating up all like a fat guy at golden dragon buffet. So in order to combat that i am going to put them in soil a week before i leave. What i am going to use is Fox Farm soil and 5 gal smart pots for them. So what you think do you think it will harm them to go from hydro to soil ? And when i get back i am going to start the finial set in the tent. Looking at a 6 bucket RDCW in my 5x5 right now no problems with the test run for me. Thats when i will open up the blues and do like your doing. Also looking to get a 1000w to go along with the 400w. Here are a few pictures of my test subs. IMG_3682.jpgIMG_3683.jpgIMG_3684.jpgIMG_3685.jpg the big one is the bag seed and the small one is the afghani#1 both will be going into soil soon.


Active Member
Thanks Kurtdog looks like they are taking well to topping and the bagseed sure has a nice root system. I have never done hydro let alone gone from hydro to soil. If you are going to do it I would recommend making the switch before you go on your trip so you can monitor the initial stress. Also, I tried both airpots and regular pots on my last run and the airpots did not hold a lot of moisture which meant that the plants in airpots suffered the most stress from dehydration. Just a thought though.

I know it could vary a lot but does anyone have an idea of what I can expect to yield? Is 4-5 lbs reasonable with a 60 day veg in 7 gals, 3 1000 watters, one kessil 350 and one solarflare 200. 16 plants total. Temps stay between 68-82 degrees. I know subcool gets 4-8 ounces per plant with 4 under each 1000 but he has decades more knowledge and experience obviously.


New Member
Hello Urban .. How are you ladies doing? Urban i have a question for you ? The afghani i am growing is doing something that i have not seen before. The lower leaves are turning yellow but not in the tips there turning yellow all over, its looking like a leopard i have a couple of pictures of the leaves. Could you help me figure out whats going wrong. IMG_3686.jpgIMG_3687.jpgIMG_3688.jpgIMG_3689.jpgIMG_3690.jpgIMG_3691.jpg i know its not a water issue and i am only put her into 400 pms of nugs so i am lost to the cause of her to do this ?:? Her cousin is doing just fine and is getting so big now. She drinking about can of nugs every two days of 800 ppm cocktail. I hate that i am going to have to throw her into soil in a few days but no way she could be in water for five days unattained for that alone.


Active Member
Hey Kurtdog, that's really disappointing my friend Saginasty who is also a member here just pointed out to me that I have the same issue with some of my lower leaves. So far my flowers are looking great and the trichomes are really jumping off the leaves so I have sort of given up trying to figure out the issue. I noticed it is happening to the greatest degree close to where my ac was blowing so maybe it has something to do with temp or moisture.

Tomorrow is the beginning of the 5th week of flower. I am hopeful these ladies finish up in 8! Here are a couple of close up shots from the other day. Shout out to Saginasty for snapping these pics!IMG_1127.jpgIMG_1128.jpgIMG_1129.jpgIMG_1130.jpg


Active Member
Okay so I am in the middle of week 6. The Blue Cheese has 50% amber heairs but is farthest behind in resin production. The Chernobyl has layers of resin. The Blueberry plants are far ahead of the blue cheese in resin count but still behind Chernobyl and I don't think they will catch up. I see why people say Chernobyl is good for hash making. My Chernobyl does have a lot of brown spots on the leaves almost as if the lights are too close or temps are too hot but neither is the case. I thought it might be the superthrive I've occasionally added. Discontinuing its use has made my clones healthier and has stopped the brown spots from appearing. Glad I only spent $8 on it. Wouldn't mind getting my money back though.

During week 5 I added a few bottled nutes just because the plants looked like they could be beefier. I added Fulvex, Pure Blend Bloom, Hydroplex, Sweet, Power Flower, and Blast Off all in 1/4 to half strength amounts. The pics are from the end of week 5. I will have some pics of week 6 up soon. The close up is Blueberry.


New Member
Wow Your grow looks great. I am looking forward to trying my blues also after my test runs are done. Oh by the way i have put all into soil now cause i am having to leave to go out of town and there is no one to care for my test plants. The bad seed is so big and the others are growing good also. There all now on a 12/12 cycle now and i have them all under about 1400 watts. I have not sexed any yet but it looking like all are girls. How much longer do you think you have on them before there ready to come down? And how much weight do you think you will get from all ?


Active Member
You should get some good weight with 1400 watts and the good veg period. I wish I knew how much weight I was going to pull. Last time I got 8 ounces in about 40 gallons of happy frog soil, 13 plants total under two 500 watters and damn near killing them three times and floweing at 14 inches untopped.

This time I have three 1000 watters 16 plants all with multiple tops in 112 gallons of roots organic/super soil (better than happy frog IMO), and flowered at approx 24 inches. I'm praying for 3 lbs total, but don't know if it's possible. I'm not running CO2 yet because my room isn't sealed.

I'm hoping the first 8 will be ready to come down in two weeks at the end of week 8 but I'm willing to go to week 9 if it looks like they aren't at full weight. The rest will come down in the next 6 weeks. I have 2 headband and 2 powerkush plants that are vegging topped and 24 inches tall. I just put them into a scrog. Hopefully the scrog will up my weight as well as the 818 headband genetics. The seed package says 800+ g/m2 which is crazy since everything else I see is 400-600 maybe 650 g/m2. Hopefully I have a good pheno. People talk shit about powerkush being a weaker kush but some of the best weed I've ever smoked was some dinafem powerkush that my buddy back home grew in bubbleponics and botanicare. I actually have one running that way in my basement right now as a trial :) I want to see If I get more weight in hydro vs super soil.


Hey Urban looking good man. I Wish this grow the best i'm also a michigander, and you just happen to have two of some of my favorite strains. Small bit of advice I noticed you had used the word "luck" in relation with yield. Trust me brother keep doing what your doing learn your strain/pheno and what training they like and kick luck out of the grow. I like to save mine for fishing and lottery tickets! ;)


Active Member
Here's a bunch of pics I took today of the blueberry and the chernobylphoto 1-1.jpgphoto 1-2.jpgphoto 1.jpgphoto 2-1.jpgphoto 2-2.jpgphoto 2.jpgphoto 3-1.jpgphoto 3.jpgphoto 4-1.jpgphoto 4.jpgphoto 5-1.jpgphoto 5.jpg

The bigger and frostier plant is the Chernobyl. The blueberry smells nice but As far as yield and potency I can see that the Chernobyl is gonna be the keeper for me on my future runs. I have some Qrazy Train seeds from TGA I just popped. If Chernobyl is listed as a medium yielder I can't wait to see the yield on the Qrazy Trains since they are supposed to be heavy producers. Either way the grow is going well and I think this will be some potent medicine.

Welcome Chilln! That's good advice luck has to go. I've got to get my perpetual cycle timed just right and I need to seal that room. I bought the wood to block out the window and install a cold air intake fan. I'm hoping to make use of the cold Michigan night temps, especially during winter. The guy that did my electrical is supposed to put in some fans to blow cold air in to the room during the winter in the place of AC. He talked about using a temperature switch to cycle the fans on/off.


Gotta love michigan winters...this summer has been unseasonably cool go figure end of aug. And the heat kind of turned on a little. Oh well im ready for my salmon/ice fishing season look forward to it almost as much as harvest time. Hey if that window happens to be a basement window and your gonna board it and mount a intake fan if you have any question about security and looking a little obviouse from the outside plant a bush or somthing there. If your handy you can throw in some glassblock with a vent looks like a dryer exaust.


Active Member
Unfortunately it is the second story of my house. I was thinking of just leaving the window open and having a black board with a whole cut in it for the fan. I'm hoping that it'll just look like a dark room. Maybe I should attach the black ducting to the black plywood and then the fan to that? I'm open to suggestions as I am on a corner and this room is visible from a sidewalk outside of my house toward the back. Smell has not been a problem for some reason I think it might just go up into the air and get carried away.