3 Black Kids..


Active Member
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.


New Member
The bleeding hearts will be here crying soon as soon as they are done kissing their boyfriends. This is just a drop in the bucket! This shit happens everyday and most liberals will be angry that you even brought it to the publics attention. It doesnt fit well with thier idea of everyone getting along even though its just not going to ever happen. Rep + my ninja. Just search hate crimes on live leaks and you tube see who most of the vics are ?


Well-Known Member
i dont know. I'd love to jump on the racsim bandwagon. but snitches get stiches. Rat is lucky he learned it early.
on the other hand. I didnt listen to the raw tape. Were they hurling racial slurs. did they call him a creepy ass cracker?


Well-Known Member
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.
It is not racist. The victim narc'd on the other kids for selling weed and they retaliated.

I want to see the retard that thought it was good to send them all home on the same bus fired... The school district should have figured out a way to separate these kids.


Active Member
i dont know. I'd love to jump on the racsim bandwagon. but snitches get stiches. Rat is lucky he learned it early.
on the other hand. I didnt listen to the raw tape. Were they hurling racial slurs. did they call him a creepy ass cracker?
The kids are being charged with hate crimes.


Active Member
It is not racist. The victim narc'd on the other kids for selling weed and they retaliated.

I want to see the retard that thought it was good to send them all home on the same bus fired... The school district should have figured out a way to separate these kids.
I understand the "narc" and "snitch" angle 100%. Kids shouldn't be subject to be in that position in the first place. What is this autistic kid supposed to do about being pressured into buying/using the product these kids are trying to sell. What about kids that get bullied and don't ever say anything? As we become adults it's different. Did Snowden snitch on the NSA? What if your kids where getting sold drugs and getting bullied everyday at school? Extreme violence comes to my mind. Letting the school/authorities do what we pay them do sounds like a better plan to me or a good first start.


Well-Known Member
wait wtf, hes a corky? I never heard that in the news. They were trying to sell weed to a corky and then got mad when he snitched? so along with being hate criming criminals they are also retarded?

gotta make that cheddah yo. my bitches be needin to ice her wrist.


Active Member
wait wtf, hes a corky? I never heard that in the news. They were trying to sell weed to a corky and then got mad when he snitched? so along with being hate criming criminals they are also retarded?

gotta make that cheddah yo. my bitches be needin to ice her wrist.

Kid almost got hit by a truck as he was trying to run away.


Well-Known Member
that video is from feb and its about a kid getting beat up at a bus stop.
wtf does that have to do with the current case?
are you just trying to put out a bunch of gossip or are you retarded?


Well-Known Member
The bus driver was 64 years old, lets see you take on 3 goddamn young thugs when you're 64. A narc I don't agree with but these fucking violent criminals I agree with less.
odd, now that I look for it I can't find the comment someone made about the bus driver , thus leaving my comment irrelevant :/


Active Member
The bus driver was 64 years old, lets see you take on 3 goddamn young thugs when you're 64. A narc I don't agree with but these fucking violent criminals I agree with less.
It doesn't sound like this bus driver let it happen, he more or less didn't feel like he could do anything. What a mess.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Several things went wrong here.

1) Prohibition

2) Public school

3) 3 kids beat up a single kid

All 3 things spring from the same source. All 3 things begin with one party or parties initiating aggression against another. Somewhere in here there is a pot calling the kettle black joke, but I can't figure it out.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how school was where any of you attended, but we had a group of kids that ruthlessly pounded on bullies for shit like this. The members of that bully ass kicking group consisted of anyone and everyone that could get there in time to beat some ass. Some did it to protect the weak, others for fun of kicking ass for rightesous reason. Few did nothing.


Well-Known Member
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.
Kid shouldn't of snitched.


Well-Known Member
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.
this thread is more suited to stormfront, and so are you.


bud bootlegger
a girl's getting raped by a group of kids, you witness it.. do you say something to someone, or do snithces still get stithces? what it it were your daughter, sister, neighbor, neice, what have you..
mind you, i wouldn't call the cops if someone broke into my house and shot me, but i can't stand that snitches get stitches bs ghetto ass shit..


Well-Known Member
I just laughed a little at the level of thought that went into your post.
i had a good laugh at the level of thought that went into creating this thread, and the mindset of the person who would create it.

but i didn't laugh as hard at this thread as i did when you said that i "made up" the correlation between poverty and crime.


Well-Known Member
Viciously beat up a white kid for telling school officials that they tried to sell him drugs.


Where's all the bleeding hearts on this one? Why isn't this story on every news channel 24/7? NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson.... Hello? Is this racist? If the boys where white beating up a black you better fucking believe this would be a huge story with riots and people wanting the kids jailed forever. I love how the media can pick and choose what stories they run and decide what to make a big deal out of.
yeah, they shouldn't even let black kids in school...