The behavior of the right vs the behavior of the left, a study in contrast.


Well-Known Member
Q9 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?*
*The use of chemical weapons by any country is a “red line,” that is an action that would require a significant*
*U.S. response, including the possibility of military action.*
Agree .......................................................... 58*
Disagree ..................................................... 35*
* Depends (VOL) ........................................ 3*
* Not sure .................................................... 4*

El Tiberon

Active Member
These idiots couldn't understand a simple gamma matrix if they spent a year attempting it. They don't have the capacity for anything other than the giveaway 12 years of education their country offers.


Well-Known Member
why are you laughing?

are you too dumb to understand that 291 is a more than valid sample?

do you just want to prove how dumb you are really badly tonight?

if it's the latter, you are doing a great job at it, let me assure you.

Actually I think anyone here can determine that you cannot provide any evidence that most Americans support the Obama's war. Your post a shady ass pdf with no news article on it what so ever, anyone could have made this and stuck it on backserver. On top of that the question you keep referring to looks like a hindsight project that they scrambled to do the day after all the other polling, hence why the * and far less people than the other poll.

They have a sample size of the first question of 700 and on the question you take so much pride in only 291 showing this poll is very flawed.


Well-Known Member
Uncle buck should take 5.... His judgment appears to be impared. As he said earlier that 291 people was an acceptable sample.. He must have made a typo.... I hope.

I didn't say that Buck did. The two questions he is posting is from the same poll but the one he keeps pointing to has a big fat asterisk saying it didn't poll as many people on that question.


Well-Known Member
Here's once link of 4 polls, 3 having 1000 each and the other 700 showing that the Ameican people oppose action on syria
lol, you just posted my "shady ass poll" as proof. how dumb can you fucking get?


here's a thought, try not to post polls that you yourself have called "shady ass", and while you're at it, throw out all those other broadly worded, vague polls as they are meaningless.

find some polls that ask specifically about the course of action that obama is contemplating and see what the polling says about that.*

OK, sweetheart?

thanks in advance, my dumb friend.


Well-Known Member
that is the raw polling data, you fucking idiot.*

the raw polling data is then distributed to news outlets who makes news articles. see how that works?

and if mine is shady, the ones you posted from gallup are total horse shit since NBC news has much more accurate polling than gallup.

keep repeating it though if it makes you feel better.

too bad that NBC news had credible pollsters conduct the poll.

obviously you are not familiar with how polling works.

they will often ask the same question in various ways to see how wording affects the responses.

if you ask people broadly if they want to go to war with syria, 50% say no, 40%+ say yes.

if you ask people specifically if they want to conduct that certain operation on syria, the results flip.

the same thing has been demonstrated for other questions.

that you are too dumb to understand this concept, much less understand that the name of the people who did the poll is not in the address bar of your web browser, is a testament to your insufferable stupidity.
Apparently you can't figure out changing the number of people from question to question directly effects percentages. Then doing so will also flaw your over political alliances data. I posted way more evidence far more accurate than that bullshit you posted.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say that Buck did. The two questions he is posting is from the same poll but the one he keeps pointing to has a big fat asterisk saying it didn't poll as many people on that question.
so tell me about sample sizes then.

why is 291 not a sufficient sample size for a question designed to see how responses change when you switch from a broad, vague military action, to the very specific one that obama is contemplating?

i look forward to your very scientific, statistical analysis.



Well-Known Member
lol, you just posted my "shady ass poll" as proof. how dumb can you fucking get?


here's a thought, try not to post polls that you yourself have called "shady ass", and while you're at it, throw out all those other broadly worded, vague polls as they are meaningless.

find some polls that ask specifically about the course of action that obama is contemplating and see what the polling says about that.*

OK, sweetheart?

thanks in advance, my dumb friend.
The other 3 asking the direct question should we air strike/missle strike and all overwhelmly appose.


Well-Known Member
Apparently you can't figure out changing the number of people from question to question directly effects percentages.

tell me how that works.

Then doing so will also flaw your over political alliances data.
was that a sentence in english?

I posted way more evidence far more accurate than that bullshit you posted.
you posted THE VERY SAME POLL that i did, dumbass!

and the questions were vague and broadly worded. what do you not get about this?

why do you think congress is limiting the scope of the military action? do you think they get that americans don't want a broad, overreaching action, like was done in iraq?

you are too dumb for words.


Well-Known Member
so tell me about sample sizes then.

why is 291 not a sufficient sample size for a question designed to see how responses change when you switch from a broad, vague military action, to the very specific one that obama is contemplating?

i look forward to your very scientific, statistical analysis.


Nothing scientific to it, it's simple math dumbass.


Well-Known Member
The other 3 asking the direct question should we air strike/missle strike and all overwhelmly appose.
oh, you mean the questions that asked americans if they wanted some broader action?

DUH. fucking DUH.

why are you still being dumb? do you not get how the wording affects the response?

a majority of americans (50%) are in favor of the action obama is proposing IF you ask them specifically about it.

a larger majority of americans (58%) agree a red line was crossed and syria needs to suffer consequences.

the president has the support of the american people for the plan he is proposing, not for a broader plan that unreliable pollsters at gallup are asking about.



Well-Known Member
yeah sure they are oh they're oh so vague

"conduct military airstrikes" and "conduct military action" and "air strikes to aid the rebels" are BROAD and not what the president is proposing, hence they get less support.


this is what the president is proposing, and a majority of americans support it:

Q8X Now, more specifically, if U.S. military action in Syria were limited to air strikes using cruise missiles*
launched from U.S. naval ships that were meant to destroy military units and infrastructure that have been*
used to carry out chemical attacks would you support or oppose this U.S. military action in Syria?**
Support ................................................................. 50*
Oppose ................................................................. 44*
* Not sure .............................................................. 6*
* Data reflects responses among 291 adults interviewed on 8/29*

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
ha ha ha ha ha.... I picked you on the previous thread... YOU ARE A GUN OWNER exactly as i described.....omg, im laughing hard and i have a sore gut.... It hurts, but your sad.....and FYI - he DID try, and no civil war.

ps; there is a bright side to the last 2 sentences of your post.
Obama didn't try shit. He just stuck his big toe in the water and went, "brrr, I'm not taking your guns, just kidding!" Real trying would be sending the military, door to door; the police, door to door; and telling your neighbor, "Give me your guns, we have a roster, you will cooperate." If Obama tried for real to take our guns, it would result in civil war the like the world has never seen. I may call Obama stupid, but I know he ain't that stupid. You have no clue how serious Americans take our guns.


Well-Known Member
pretty spectacular night for nontheist.

first, he consistently mistakes the address bar in his web browser for the publisher of a poll, and the publisher of that poll put their name at the top of every single page of the poll.

then, he calls that poll "shady ass" and "trash" before citing THE VERY SAME POLL to me.

but even better than his inability to understand how wording changes responses, and how support for "taking military action" is less than support for the specific action obama favors, which is supported by the majority, is his complete and utter grasp on the english language.

see my sig.


Well-Known Member
pretty spectacular night for nontheist.

first, he consistently mistakes the address bar in his web browser for the publisher of a poll, and the publisher of that poll put their name at the top of every single page of the poll.

then, he calls that poll "shady ass" and "trash" before citing THE VERY SAME POLL to me.

but even better than his inability to understand how wording changes responses, and how support for "taking military action" is less than support for the specific action obama favors, which is supported by the majority, is his complete and utter grasp on the english language.

see my sig.
Buck why dont you just come out and say you support oxygen and see if the Right-tards suffocate?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
such a grand and easy to use meme:

all persons who disagree with you are "on The Right" and they oppose EVERYTHING you favour simply to stymie your noble goals.

all "righties" are unthinking drones who follow the commands of their overlords, without question.

Righties are ALWAYS wrong, and thus by extension YOU are always correct.


you are pathetic.