Black Widow


Well-Known Member
someone told me that if i hang out in my garage with my car running i will this true? ps, im in the garage right now!!!!


Well-Known Member
Man Im bummed I thought this was gonna be about some bud called black widow... sounded good.

I really am stunned that you actually ruined bud with a poisoness spider!


Active Member
don't be so mean, this doesn't even sound as close to as dumb as when i hear people with their belladonna trips and such.

eat a spider. whatever, it's annoying. eat some belladonna... different reality. talking to people that aren't there.

stupid's not the word for it... just gross and really really bored with good old mary jane


Well-Known Member
Are those blotters in your avatar? What site did you find that pic?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I found it on google image search, I just typed in like 'lsd" or "acid" or "blotter"... something like that lol :P

don't be so mean, this doesn't even sound as close to as dumb as when i hear people with their belladonna trips and such.

eat a spider. whatever, it's annoying. eat some belladonna... different reality. talking to people that aren't there.

stupid's not the word for it... just gross and really really bored with good old mary jane

Yes, smoking a spider thinking it'll get you high, and then actually thinking it DID get you high is stupid. there is no other word for it. Like someone said, this guy's a definite candidate for a Darwinism award.


Well-Known Member
this sounds like one of your older friends ("used to do it back in high school all the time") was really fuckin with you!! just to see if you would actually do it. so you prolly rounded up some of your age group friends and did it. older people like to fux with gits!! haaahaha


Well-Known Member
It bit me. And I didn't like it. That's what it did. All that dead tissue and pain. It sucked. Fuck Black Widows.

Also, I tried actually looking it up to see if there is any validity to this but I can't find a single page about the subject. So until I see some proof, I'm considering this to be bogus. I still can't believe you smoked the spider... A small bite will spread and kill tissue on contact and do some damage to your nervous system yet you actually smoked it? I wonder what your lungs are gonna feel like in a week. I'd call poison control and ask them what would happen because you have a dumbass friend who decided to smoke a poisonous spider.
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