I started out with 1 teaspoon mixed with 1 litre of water that I distributed across my plants (that's roughly 1 tablespoon per gallon). I didn't measure it in grams, I just followed instructions
here. It says up to 2 tablespoons per gallon. I will do a lighter mixture now with 1/4 teaspoon per litre and spray it on the leaves (i have no idea how much to spray, I guess until they are all covered with it). Which numbers are optimal?
As for fertilizer... I haven't got any, I was planning on using urine mixed with water (done it once so far - forum thread
https://www.rollitup.org/organics/17800-using-urine-fertilizer.html), it seems to be working for people. In the past I haven't used any fertilizers at all. I will try to find some water solububle or liquid fertilizers tomorrow. There are not many time release pellets in my current soil. On the package it says "enriched with NPK 15:9:9 & Start 10:52:10 fertilizers". I'd say drainage is fine. It's not packed very tight, when it dried up, it formed canyons. I added more fresh soil to cover it up. Ph is off too (5.5-6 according to the package). I really don't have access to a proper grow shop here so I had to order my soil online and it was the best I could come up with (8x3 litre packs, carrying them home from the post office wasn't easy lol). Anyway... when I planted the seeds I only had 9 litres of soil in that pot so it wasn't very deep. I topped it up afterwards and here I am. All in all I just needed something to grow as quick as possible.
Thank you all. I appreciate your help. Gonna go and mix up that salt spray now.