Recent content by 3ringmike

  1. 3ringmike

    Taste and smell?

    I'm hydro, but have used this with soil also. Peace brothers
  2. 3ringmike

    Paper bag method ?

    I have always used brown paper bags as part of the cure. here is how I like to cure my buds: I trim the fan leaves. I don't keep these leaves. Next I trim the smaller sugar leaves. Not to tight. I save these leaves to make butter or oils. I hang the limbs that have been trimmed in in a fairly...
  3. 3ringmike

    Taste and smell?

    I have always used brown paper bags as part of the cure. here is how I like to cure my buds: I trim the fan leaves. I don't keep these leaves. Next I trim the smaller sugar leaves. Not to tight. I save these leaves to make butter or oils. I hang the limbs that have been trimmed in in a fairly...
  4. 3ringmike

    Ganjaluvrs Drying & Curing Broken Down into Understandable English

    This method works well for large amounts: Hang them until branches snap but don't break off clean. Put the buds in a brown paper bag, then put the paper bag into a plastic shopping bag. Roll the top of the paper bag to seal. Leave the plastic bag open. Reach into the paper bag daily to roll the...
  5. 3ringmike

    ideal lights out condition during flowering

    what is the ideal conditions to have when your lights are off during flowering?