Recent content by _eNVy_

  1. _eNVy_

    Electrical code question for 240v lights.

    How do you figure? 30a 2pole breaker - each pole of the breaker would be 120v passes inspection where I live. I'm not saying run (2) 240v circuits off a single 30a breaker! So don't be an asshole
  2. _eNVy_

    RIP Chris Cornell

    Just making the obvious link between drug abuse/addiction to opiates and depression. He was addicted to opiates btw. Which I'm sure ultimately resulted in the reasons for suicide.
  3. _eNVy_

    RIP Chris Cornell

    It's really unfortunate that drug addiction to opiates (heroin, prescription pills, etc.) is most likely the root of this mans short life. Always makes me question how oxy contin is marketed as a safe pain killer. It's basically time released heroin at a higher cost...
  4. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    No. Knocking something down to the foundation doesn't mean destroying said foundation also. I suggest actually following what our constitution says. And yes I'm white so what? Don't play the fucking race cards dude. Jews have been persecuted for a lot longer than black people have. Not to say...
  5. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    There's no point in me taking a side. it's like asking if I'd rather die by fire or drowning! Both would be horrible. Trump is a little crybaby punk idiot and Hillary is a crooked ass bitch too! Btw unclebuck don't you have other things to stroke besides a keyboard? Like your boyfriends dick!
  6. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    Kind of my thought process... the United States was basically founded by giving a big "fuck you" and standing our ground. So why not again give an even bigger "fuck you" to our current government and corporate agenda ran politics? Knock it down to its foundation and rebuild? Seems like something...
  7. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    Two people can be complete shit bags yet be totally different. No I'm not an anarchist either. If you are a supporter of big government then you are a shitbag also! But hey most liberal democrats wouldn't even be able to tie their shoes without the Feds stipulating on how to go about it. Before...
  8. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    Can we not read here? Didn't say they were alike. Said they were both shit bags which is true. I'm not defending anyone. I'd love to see our big government implode
  9. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    How is that naive?
  10. _eNVy_

    Justice dept appoints special prosecutor.

    Both trump and Hillary are worthless shit bags! Fuck our corporate government. It sickens me
  11. _eNVy_

    4x8 or 5x9 Gorilla Tent and Yield?

    I think tents priced fairly are actually a better option than building a room out of studs and drywall. I mean a 5'x5' room after lumber, drywall, mud, door, reflective surfaces, etc. is probably going to cost the same if not more than a tent (Unless you go gorilla!). I've seen perpetual grows...
  12. _eNVy_

    4x8 or 5x9 Gorilla Tent and Yield?

    I agree that gorilla tents are built sturdier and have better tent material. I still think that they rape us with the pricing! It's too easy to beef up and/or reinforce any tent to hold more weight for next to nothing in cost for materials. i personally think they should be priced around the...
  13. _eNVy_

    Indoor strain questions

    Great and Thanks! Don't know why I didn't think of talking to breeders on here kind of seems obvious to me now lol. And I'd probably choose fem if I had the option but it really doesn't matter to me much
  14. _eNVy_

    Can someone explain 80 CRI vs 90 CRI- LED

    Dude that's a gold mine worth of information! Appreciate the link. I have a lot more reading to do.
  15. _eNVy_

    Can someone explain 80 CRI vs 90 CRI- LED

    So through a quick read from a Michigan State University study. And according to that study, green isn't exactly useless but is inefficient (as I stated previously) so you're absolutely right on that one. I guess the best part of this would be that it is also able to penitrate the canopy far...