Recent content by Adler

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    Hey guys

    Hello All, me new here, feel good to be a part of this community, and me very happy to join this forum, hope i will learn some good things here and also share my knowledge....
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    Coming Back After a Long Hiatus

    Apply a mixture of turmeric powder and pineapple juice on dark circles, Apply cold cream 15 minutes before going to bed, Sleep for at least 8 hours in a day...
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    yeah hps is a lot for just regular herbs. Cfl's will cut down the power and heat a lot. Just make sure there daylight bulbs. Sunblaster brand are designed for growing and they also sell cfl's that have more of the red spectrum for flowering for when that time comes. But thats if your picky...
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    Energy drinks

    I like Xs energy drinks, They use be Vitamins as their major source of energy, They have zero sugar, zero carb, and caffeine levels of a cup of coffee...