Recent content by Aeg

  1. Aeg

    First Time Grower. Is it a male plant?

    Bumping this topic just to show people an example of someone who equates time spent on a forum with experience in reality You know literally nothing about me
  2. Aeg

    COB-NL-S5 indoor Grow

    Overview This model is currently on Amazon as the following products: Hollandstar COB x5 - 120$ CRXSunny x5 - 120$ Mastergrow x5 - 200$ Bestva x5 - 200$ Many of the x3-6 units use the same bizarre COB, using the same model COB chip two vendors have listed completely conflicting spectrum...
  3. Aeg

    First Time Grower. Is it a male plant?

    If it's good on a genetic level or is from a good strain you should consider breeding it with one of the females