Recent content by afgan

  1. afgan

    pro mix in Ontario

    Promix is $30 per bale at any hydro shop in Ontario, and there are not many towns in Ontario that arent within 20 mins of a hydro shop. And they will give you a discount on 20 bags, but you do realize that 20 bags is nearly a ton? about 1600 lbs? I would recommend using it as well.
  2. afgan

    600w 4x4 HydroHut Silver Edition Grow With Multi Strains

    Statik, nice looking grow. How are those Hermies making out? how many do you have in total (hermies) I am on Day 21 and just discovered 4 of 12 of my plants are hermies. I have treated them with reverse and put a styrofoam barrier between them and the non affected plants. My hermies are...
  3. afgan

    How much u think I'll yield??

    It is hard to tell without something to reference it's size too, like some sort of object beside it, looks like at least a couple oz's though
  4. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Is anyone following this? More pics tonight! The buds are now thickening like crazy, my light cycle runs overnight so when I wake up for work in the morning I can see a difference after 7 or so hours!! They seem to be doing a lot of ripening in the dark as well....which is good! I am...
  5. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Thanks for reading
  6. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Well the buds are starting to swell now! It has been a busy week. I will start with my clone cabinet. I have posted pictures in earlier posts of my cloning cabinet. I had 32 clones rooted and in cups that I took from my plants in week #3 of veg. I had 20 Afghani an 12 White Rhino, 20 of my...
  7. afgan

    grow room safety

    Timers can be a fire risk as well...make sure you check the rating
  8. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Well..... I am overwhelmed with all of the replies and I will try to address them one at a time hahaha.... All jokes aside, the grow room is functioning at a nice steady balance right now. No issues with heat or humidity, good circulation, the plants have a vibrant green color and the canopy...
  9. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    I feed/water my plants using the wet/dry method. At the beginning of each week I feed tham to the specs provided by Dutch Master and then allow them 3-4 days to soak it all in. Once dry, I use clear water and flush them to prevent salt and mineral build up on the roots. And then I repeat. So...
  10. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Thanks + rep back at ya Here are some new pics
  11. afgan

    Afghani Grow. 2 x 1000w (Flower Pics)

    Welcome, After reading through many grow journals I was inspired to begin my own. Unfortunately, I am currently on day 11 of flowering so I can not provide veg. pics for this grow, I do have pics of my clone cabinet though. To bring you up to speed.. THE MISSION I began this cycle on Dec...
  12. afgan

    Optimum Ventilation setup

    Wow, thats sounds like a dream operation for most people. The first thing I would advise is that your ventellation system will have to be VERY adjustable. You are living in an area (Colarado?) where outside temperatures fluctuate from one extreme to another, therefore, when working with a grow...
  13. afgan

    d.c. beard's Hash Berry and Super Skunk F1 Grow 400w In Soil w/ PICS

    This is a wonderful grow dc, you should be proud.
  14. afgan

    HELP!! Cant determine whats wrong with my plant!!PICS!!

    My apologies, I was under the impression that when you said "yeah ive learned, me and my buddy just went to the local hydro store and got some happy frog for our next grow.." I just assumed that was a soil or soil less brand, not overly familiar with that name, I am loyal to pretty much one...