Recent content by ahoo

  1. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Your right it could b due to haveing so man tops.. I was LST.. I had all the branchs bending outwards but new tops kept jumping from the center till it filled up..
  2. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Im useing 2 Advanced Platinum p300 LEDs.. So im very confident their getiing enough light. The leaves themselves stay small becuse they're getting enough light that they dont need to expand so much. I live in a humid area.. i have 2 fans inside circulating the air.. leaves do move.. After...
  3. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Thanks .. i guess i just picked a strain that doesn't yield as much
  4. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Not really.. i started giving koolbloom dry.. for extra phosphate.. one more feed n then im gonna flush.. oh well i guess ill find out the yeild after i harvest n dry them.. lets see if it was worth it lol
  5. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Thanks guys I havent looked at the trichomes still waiting on my magnifier.. Since its my first grow i thought maybe im doing something wrong...
  6. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    From what i read 56 days. I was just wondering if i should feed it more :/.. right now im feeding every 2-3 days n plain PHed water once a week. Im on day 46
  7. ahoo

    Week 7- Bud Growth slowdown??

    Hey guys, So my first grow is coming around nicely. However i'm into week 7 and it seems the buds are growing in a very very slow rate. By now I thought they'd be huge. I still have 2 3 weeks to go what could i be doing wrong or is this normal? Flowerbomb Kush Coco Flora Grow series...
  8. ahoo

    Yield expection?

  9. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol ya 3 gal smart pots.. it had handles which i folded down n used it for the LST.
  10. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol posted it from my ph.. dont no how but it made 2 posts.. I think I got the gist of it :bigjoint:
  11. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Lol well it all depends on the stains too.. general rule of tumb is 1-3 feeds before you water. Some feed twice n then water.. i would recommend feed then water.. n let 25% of the water run out so u get those extra nuts out..
  12. ahoo

    Yield expection?

  13. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Carbonated water??? I never heard of that lol.. now where do i get that
  14. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Will send u a pic with out the leds tonight
  15. ahoo

    Yield expection?

    Yea! I just thought it was maybe ph issue or nuts.. its only a few leaves i couldn't find any bugs..