Recent content by Anth88

  1. Anth88

    looking for a Berry indica strain

    hi. I'm looking for a good berry indica strain to run in my garden. plz comment with suggestions. I'm in uk
  2. Anth88

    end of cycle techniques. e.g. flushing, leaching, boiling. ice drying .....etc

    I have friends that swear by boiling there root zone. I've smoked it boiled. iced. flushed. I'm looking for different techniques to try myself. or to see if anybody else has come across any good techniques they use
  3. Anth88

    end of cycle techniques. e.g. flushing, leaching, boiling. ice drying .....etc

    always 1 with the mountain dew post aint there. jog on off my post lad.
  4. Anth88

    end of cycle techniques. e.g. flushing, leaching, boiling. ice drying .....etc

    hi. this post is for your end of cycle techniques. this could be anything that you do or dint do towards the the end of flower and to your plants. you might flush or you might leach instead. you may add cool air and ice or you might prefer to boil your root zone to start fermentation early...
  5. Anth88

    Nutrients for soil grows

    I started kind of the same. if your using soil try bio bizz. get a trip pack from ebay
  6. Anth88

    how to reduce internodal space

    dissappear off me feed ya troll. not got time for morons or juveniles
  7. Anth88

    how to reduce internodal space

    any tips on how to reduce the gap in between nodes. keeping plants as small bushy as possible. all theory wellcome thanks
  8. Anth88

    plant magic old timers range

    and wats that ur saying is full of chems?
  9. Anth88

    plant magic old timers range

    plant magic old timers grow schedule
  10. Anth88

    plant magic old timers range

    Granules is a granular innoculant made up of Mycorrhiza, bio-stimulants and over 20 strains of microorganisms. All these work to create an abundance of beneficial micro life within the soil. VEG BOOST is a powerful bio stimulant used to increase the activity of beneficial microorganisms and...
  11. Anth88

    Nutrients for soil grows

    anybody used plant magic old timers range along with bio silicon and organic mag powder? I'm growing barneys farm tangerine dream in bat mix
  12. Anth88

    plant magic old timers range

    any advise???
  13. Anth88

    plant magic old timers range

    hi. after a coco grow I'm back to using soil again but rather than special mix I've gone for bat mix and rather than go back to bio bizz nutes as pervious I thought about using the plant magic old timers organic range. just wondering if any/many have used this range of nutrients. the range I'd...
  14. Anth88

    plant magic old timers organics

    hi. after a coco grow I'm back to using soil again but rather than special mix I've gone for bat mix and rather than go back to bio bizz nutes as pervious I thought about using the plant magic old timers organic range. just wondering if any/many have used this range of nutrients. the range I'd...
  15. Anth88

    5 fruitiest indicas??

    hi. I'm a bit of an indica fan n wondered what people thought were the fruitiest indica dominant strains. so..... Can people please post there top 5 fruitiest indica dominant strains here Many thanks in advance