Recent content by antichemoguy

  1. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Here's where my wee garden is today. I have already removed some massive colas and today trimmed out the "underbrush".Then I took some pics. :)
  2. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    I agree on the manure DR.P as I have been topping my veg garden for years with it in the fall .I do it as the last step in the garden wrap up along with all scrap veg matter from the kitchen all year.
  3. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    I'll get it right yet
  4. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    I'll get it right yet
  5. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    OOPS-forgot the pics.:)
  6. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Hi Guys. Thanks for the info on the CHEESE Greenhouse;save In the pics below you can see the Cheese I referred to Seems to have sprung alive more since I thinned it out. Small low one is Blueberry where some large colas heve been chopped already. The ones that are really thinned out are spose to...
  7. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Thanks again for all the encouraging comments. I added a cupful to them 3 days ago and added two cupfulls today while watering.Here's a few shots from this AM The one on the left is a Blueberry. Looks good to me and the buds are growin nicely. The one on the right is supposed to be a CHEESE? On...
  8. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    So I looked at these plants this am with a loup and I see good things happening ,buds and trics starting to form :) I stopped at a hydroponic place and had a chat with a pretty good guy who seemed to know all about growing med cannabis. After re-iterating all I have said here and referring to...
  9. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Thanks again for the replies. Another question. I had 2 more plants is cups that I stuck in the ground beside the others. TOO CLOSE cu they are growin like ' weeds"-no pun intended:) They are about 12-16 in high but being squeezed out by the others. I now have more room after removing a spent...
  10. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Thank you all so much for the replies. I will take all the advice and put it to use.I will not fertilize now but will get some organics ferts as suggested to have on hand. If they yield as well as our tomatoes and garlic did this year -I'll be a happy camper. :)
  11. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    @perdidobandito I read that somewhere also. Being as I am going to be making my meds from it I would rather not use the fertz and sacrifice a bigger yield.And again-I think I still have SOOoooMUCH to learn for the next stages of a grow-the harvest,drying and curing.If all that works out I would...
  12. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    @oilmaker68-- The strains that are growing: Cheese, Blueberry and Pineapple? So I am told:) The guy that gave me these says that one is a good Indica (Blueberry) and the others are a blend of Indica and Sativa? I can see a difference in the leaf structure of the Blueberry, compared to the...
  13. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    Thanks for the replies but it is TRUE.-I have NEVER grown before and I was astounded when they started climbing higher and spreading. So you all agree they look great and I should just leave them alone. How about the big fan leaves. Some say leave them others say pinch em off? Cheers eh:)
  14. antichemoguy

    Fertilize or Not

    G'Day to you all:) I've been reading and reading and just getting more confused.Since surviving colon cancer surgery I rejected the idea of chemo and radiation and started researching Cannabis Oil. Sourced product and made RSO. It seemed to do a number on any cancer that was in me.:) The latest...
  15. antichemoguy

    Crock Pot Cannabutter for Dummies

    Hello and THANKS for this thread. I have read it through and am going to start at the beginning and read it again:) I have never ever made anything from mj except for an "arse of meself' a few times while puffin torpedoes.LOL Yesterday a friend of mine gave me a bag with 2 oz of very fine...