Recent content by AnxiousNewbie

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    Germinated in light mixture of FFOF. Seeds havent popped yet. Should I water if neede

    I've got 5 Northern Lights beans germinating in beer cups filled with a 2-1 perlite/FFOF mixture under a T5. Beans have been in the soil for about 46 hours now. None have popped yet. What Im wondering is; if they dont happen to pop before the soil needs watering should I wait until they do pop...
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    Want to use inline ozone along with my carbon scrubber. Which is best?

    2 Identical flowering boxes - Heres the setup 3'x3'x5' 600w HPS 465 Dayton blower cooling the 600w HPS 265 Dayton blower pulling air through a Goblin Carbon Filter Passive intakes on the underside of each box My current situation makes security an apsolute, no expense spared, number 1...
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    How do you properly mix nutes? Im totally lost!

    bwinn27 - 0.5 grams per litre is 2 grams per gallon isnt it? Did you mean to say "if the bottle says use 0.5 grams per litre start out using 1 gram per gallon"? Thanks for the help BTW Anxious Newbie
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    Clone Straight to Flower Photo Period

    What size pot should you put the clone in once it has rooted if your going straight to 12/12? And how would this effect your feeding chart? Im assuming that you would skip the vegging cycle and go straight to your blooming chart, is that correct? At what PPM would you want to start out at...
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    How do you properly mix nutes? Im totally lost!

    I am totally confused on how your suppost to mix nutes. Ive read so many conflicting guides. Some say to mix your additives, then add your base to the point that you reach your desired PPM. Some say to mix your base, then mix in your additives, then either add more water or more of your base...