Recent content by Basket

  1. Basket

    Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

    Thank you very much, Ill do just that!
  2. Basket

    Professor Marijuana's 45 Day Grow Q & A

    Possibly a silly question since you grow indoors but Ill ask anyway, I've currently planted my first plant ak47/lowryder auto outdoors (yes yes auto) anyway, I'm just curious to ask, How soon can I start nuets on my plant, I want to make her big and strong but don't want to do it too early and...
  3. Basket

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Hello! First time PROPER grow, last time failed miserably, A question about nutes etc, What would you guys recommend I have an auto flower outside ATM yes yes (I know auto flower how gay) but I'm new so Its easy ha, What would you guys recommend for nutes in AUS/When would be the earliest time...
  4. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    Will do thank you very much for the help :)
  5. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    :[ never grown indoors might give it a try :)
  6. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    gahhh, That makes me mad since i bought 10 feminized seeds :(
  7. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    Yeah sorry just got my camera back this is my plant at about 3-4 weeks sorry about the quality of the photos, It's getting dark here :-o
  8. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    First outdoor grow (problem) Okay so I planted my first out door grow of ak-48 all was going well it's about 3 1/2 weeks into my grow when my bottom leaves started turning a tiny bit yellow, But today I noticed that my plant is growing seeds on top, which annoyed me because of the whole...
  9. Basket

    First outdoor grow (problem)

    Sorry wrong place!
  10. Basket

    Help with outside grow....sorta.

    so my seeds finally arrived *dances* :D, but when i started germinating one of my seeds probably literally 24hours later, i get told its going to be raining for 2 weeks straight approximately...great, thanks Australia anyway, so i thought meh ill plant it, under a light till the sun comes up...
  11. Basket

    Need Help??? Ask away!

    hey :) little new to all of this i was just wondering when people say "ready to flower" do i have to do anything special to make it flower or does it just start when it's ready,probably a silly question but i have no idea, because i will be having an outdoor grow.
  12. Basket

    Australian growers opinions?

    got told attitude was good for Australian residents because of it's super stealth shipping D:
  13. Basket

    crispy dry buds =(

    hah id hate going to prison, if it just like a schoolyard thing id be fucked hah but then again aus jail might be okay :), sorry to hear about your buds but the jar thing with something like lettuce does actually sound like a decent idea i might try that in the future if it happens to me, or...
  14. Basket

    Australian growers opinions?

    hey yeah i was a bit silly a few months ago and did very little research and ordered from i see now since im not baked at the moment compared to when i ordered that it was just blatantly stupid, but yeah i just ordered a bit from attitude seek bank, i got...
  15. Basket

    Australian growers opinions?

    so i recently tried to order some seeds, didn't go so well they never arrived never got a letter nothing..., i suspect it's the australian customs and they're just ridiculous can any aussies share where they get there seeds from etc what be the best first grow for me, any help given will be...