Recent content by BCHydro

  1. B

    Bubble Hydro and lighting system questions from noob

    Thanks for the info. I'm definitely gonna use Hydroton... I'm just wondering about the seedlings starting. I think I would start them in peat and then stack the hydroton around it after the stem starts to appear and the roots reach the edge. This is how I do tomatoes before transplanting them to...
  2. B

    Canada's Bill C-26. God help us all.

    It seems like the law specifies that they would need to prove intent to traffic. (Based on the link you posted). So it shouldn't affect personal use, which I believe is a human right. No selling to anyone though. I know the NDP will not support the marijuana sections of the bill, and I suspect...
  3. B

    Questions about bubbleponic roots, peat, and lights

    I hope this question isn't a stupid one. I tried searching for an answer before posting but it's quite specific so it's hard to find any info. #1: After doing some research I've decided to try the aeroponic bubble-method. It seems like the easiest and cheapest and doesn't require a pump. I'm...
  4. B

    Bubble Hydro and lighting system questions from noob

    I hope this question isn't a stupid one. I tried searching for an answer before posting but it's quite specific so it's hard to find any info. #1: After doing some research I've decided to try the aeroponic bubble-method. It seems like the easiest and cheapest and doesn't require a pump. I'm...