Recent content by BDBandit

  1. BDBandit


    Hard to beat the local sunsets
  2. BDBandit

    The hardest thing to do when stoned

    Acting sober in front of professional types. If something makes me laugh its game over lol.
  3. BDBandit

    Depraved Sex Acts Dictionary (Abriged)

    What the fuck. LOL.
  4. BDBandit


    I miss fdd.
  5. BDBandit


    bandit, short for bdbandit, short for big dick bandit. Its a long story........
  6. BDBandit

    im new to rollitup... but not to the game

    Nigga have you not heard of a recycle bin. Cant lie though, nice smoke indeed.
  7. BDBandit

    I think I fucked up

    You're over thinking it man. No one is gonna kill you over a couple of grams. Really doubt they would take you for a measly $40 as well. Just do it or dont do it, bring a friend if youre paranoid about it. All comes down to how bad you want some smoke really.
  8. BDBandit

    Anybody who has or does work at Walmart answer only.

    Best drug dealer I ever had was my coworker at target lol. Got to smoke for free at every break too..was good while it lasted.
  9. BDBandit

    Anybody who has or does work at Walmart answer only.

    Looks like you answered your own question. Good luck with the job man.
  10. BDBandit

    What is the best decision you ever made and why?

    To smoke weed. Self explanatory.
  11. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    Cops were called, its taken care of.
  12. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    I appreciate your opinion, but I know for a fact the reason the dog was beat was because it wouldnt listen when told to ''get away from the carpet''. I was watching the whole thing on video. However lets use your example and say the dog was beat because it got close to some antifreeze...does...
  13. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    My friend says they are supposed to give away/sell the dog tomorrow. If that doesnt happen Ill give the address to all you hardcore muffuggas.
  14. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    Are you niggas for real
  15. BDBandit

    Animal abuse situation

    Maybe so, which is exactly fuckin why Im asking for help.