Recent content by bdog4u2

  1. B

    Post your Spider Farmer Led grows.

    Week 3 flower. Kings banner. 2 sf4000s with a 1000w hps in the middle. Some ask why the hps? I got a little over a pound more after adding it with co2. I actually needed the xtra heat also the room was to cool for co2 to make a difference and I'd rather get heat from more light instead of a...
  2. B

    4,600 watts of hps with organic raised beds

    The tent got a little toasty the other day and a few plants didn't like it but they bounced back quickly. I got off work late and wasn't able to unzip in time. I'm seriously thinking of putting a mini split in the tent so I cant always keep it zipped and it will control humidity
  3. B

    4,600 watts of hps with organic raised beds

    I'll be topping them soon and transplanting them into the beds where I will give them a week or so to stretch their roots before putting them into flowering. Everything I have is feminized except the king banner so if a good kb male pops up then I'll probably experiment a little. I did a cross...
  4. B

    4,600 watts of hps with organic raised beds

    I have been growing for around 25 years and I use to maintain several grow houses around 15 years ago until one of them got robbed and I lost about $150,000 from it and with a kid on the way I decided to give up on the large scale stuff. I usually do one crop a year for friends and the wifey. I...
  5. B

    Got spider mites

    Not down with the snap crackle pop
  6. B

    Anyone use outside air intake for grow room?

    I mostly use the air from my house but I do have electronic dampers connected to a thermostat and if it gets to hot in the room it opens and blends with house air. I also have a canister filter hooked to my return on my HVAC with dampers so at night when it's cold out I use the heat from my 5...