Recent content by bear10

  1. B

    My vision

    No I haven't been trimming any branches off I have them in a big bed I built for them in soil and are bent and wrapped around eachother like a maze at this stage lol. It is just an idea I had to create a mini jungle lol. I am more growing for the hobbie and luv it tbh. I am trying new things...
  2. B

    My vision

    They look deadly mate. Did u veg for long? I'm talking about growing twigs comapered to them. I have a grow at the moment and the bitches are topped once and now have 3 foot branches and are all tied down and wrapped around each other and nearly done
  3. B

    My vision

    But they would be very small only 2 branches each
  4. B

    My vision

    The square holes would be 2 inches squared so about 36 plants without any veg
  5. B

    My vision

    Hi ok I have a vision in my head that I would like to put into practice but before I do I thought I would share it here to hear your opinions and to see what you think. I was thinking of building a 3-4 f tall grow chamber. 3f wide and 4f long. Ok inside this chamber I am goin to have LEDs...
  6. B

    Vertical garden questions

    Ah I see now wat u mean. Is that your setup? Did u build or buy it?
  7. B

    Vertical garden questions

    What do u mean little holes?
  8. B

    Vertical garden questions

    I'm gonna do my studying and see if I can gain the knowledge and confidence to do full hydro. What is your opinion on tha vertical diy system I posted a link to??
  9. B

    Vertical garden questions

    I think u are dead right I will start off in soil and try a few in hydro at learn a few things before jumpin in the deep water by goin full hydro and end up pulling every hair out of my head lol.
  10. B

    Vertical garden questions

    Hi all I am setting up a new grow room in a couple of weeks. I am looking to go vertical with this grow. I have 1.5x1.5 metre sq space in mind. I want to invest into some new equipment. I don't know weather to go soil or hydro. I would love to go hydro but the equipment seem to be expensive and...
  11. B

    moved from HPS to LED

    I have grown with led and hps and in my opinion led are brilliant at vegging but not that good at flowering. I find the buds just don't get that sticky feeling with the led lighting system. It saves a fortune on electricity and is great for no heat. But the hps flowers stickier buds. So I now...
  12. B

    Flowering advice

    Thanks mate
  13. B

    Flowering advice

    Thanks mate that's the plan. Do you think they will grow much more bud??
  14. B

    Flowering advice

    Thanks for all the replies and good advice. It's all cleared up for me now thanks very much. It was the only part I confused about because the Internet says different things and I didn't know who to believe. I knew I had a good few weeks left by the looks of things. thank you all
  15. B

    Flowering advice

    That's what I thought but I didn't want to make the mistake of going over the harvest time. I have these girls in a big box of soil growing and have topped them early to create a bush type appearance. I have grown these same strain 2 times before and the first time I got them around harvest time...