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  • It's going great! I'm a couple weeks away from harvesting the White Castle. Looking forward to seeing your grow, keep me posted!
    Cool, that should help it out. You can never go wrong with more light. Might have to make a blind or something to shield the light from your bed.
    The first few leaves always tend to die and yellow off, that's normal. Transplanting them too many times will cause a lot of stress, if you don't have rooting hormones than I would just go to the largest size pot and call it good.
    You may want to get some Superthrive or something similar to help with the stress and make sure they have enough water, don't over do it though. You can plant straight to a large pot also instead of transplanting a bunch of times to save from stressing them too much.
    Curing, as far as I know, pretty much makes the smoke smoother more than anything. I don't know if it increases potency so much as makes it easier to smoke. After the buds fully dry you'll just store it in a clean glass jar and open it for a couple minute each day to exchange the air. Do that for a couple months and then it's done. Chances are you'll smoke it all before that time comes.
    It's because it was early, the plant didn't get a chance to make all the different cannabinoids that give you the full high feeling. That's the same kind of high that I get when I smoke mine that came down early. To me it seems like a really zingy head high that goes real quick. Not too bad though.
    Just let them dry real good before you smoke or they'll taste like shit. Start watering just water now also.
    Sounds like you'll be more prepared for your next grow. The first one is always a learning experience. Shrooms are really easy to grow, I did it once before and they turned out ok so I figured why not do it again. Believe it or not, shrooms are less harmful to you than Asprin.
    You'll be able to tell. Most mold will be white spots starting in the buds. If it's rot then dark spots.
    As long as you keep air moving on them they should dry fine. Stale air makes them mold fast.
    I just cut the stems the morning I wanted to harvest and went trim happy with some sissors. I strung up some string in my room and hung them to dry. I left a fan running in the room to keep the air moving and I have a dehumidifier so I put that in the room and set it to 50 to help it along. A week later or so and they were done.
    No. The only thing you have to worry about is too much rain or frost at this point. Don't sweat it, they'll be fine.
    Well for the sake of your girls I hope you can hold onto them a little longer. You'll be more than happy if you can get them to finish.
    You still have quite a while for any of them to mature. Not sure why you're set on a date but if the plants don't get light then they will die. They need light to finish fruiting. If you can keep them going you will end up with a good amount of good smoke.
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