Recent content by ben350n

  1. ben350n

    Yes or NO

    i was thinking of something similar the dimensions i came up w/ were 4'x2.5'x5' w/ air cooled reflector, high cfm 120mm (130 or so cfms) fan for exhaust and passive intake on bottom left side, and 400w ceramic metal halide bare bulb hanging 6" above canopy and a 600w super HPS. with that you...
  2. ben350n

    resin production and metal halides

    might as well throw in bushmaster for the full emerald triangle:mrgreen: maybe 1 ml of each and a pint of penetrator into 2 gallons of water for foliar spray. Haven't done, myself, just speculatinbongsmilie
  3. ben350n

    HPS, MH, Floros, Phillips Cermamic Metal Halide has 'em all beat.

    400 Watt ED18 Philips Metal Halide HPS-Retro White 50 bucks :mrgreen:
  4. ben350n

    Ron Paul 2008

    wow, couldn't agree more. in lu(sic?) of ron paul i would still take obama over mccain
  5. ben350n

    Ron Paul 2008

    you are saying that as if they are one in the same... ron paul would help this country more than either candidate would, but he can't get in because this is a corrupt bullshit 2 party system, and he was silenced by mainstream media. MCCAIN/PALIN IS A TOTAL FUCKING JOKE!!! palin is not qualified...
  6. ben350n

    resin production?

    thx for clearin that up for me man! good thing i didn't try it hahabongsmilie
  7. ben350n

    finally got my indoor grow on

    they look super awesome man! can't wait to see harvest pics! keep it up
  8. ben350n

    $23 Activated Carbon Scrubber!!!

    super awesome diy filter, thx for the info:eyesmoke:you could throw put a screen on the end of the filter that meets the duct and fill the hollow filter with vapor phase activated carbon(better than fish tank carbon, which is liquid phase) for super boosted filtration. :mrgreen: 7 pounds would...
  9. ben350n

    resin production?

    thx for the tip!:hug: i'll check it out. can you recommend any brand names? foliar or in the res(hydro)?
  10. ben350n

    Slow demise of the mighty greenback

    i'm just saying that gold shouldn't be taxed as a commodity and become a legal currency. we can slowly transition from there to a gold standard, ie a gold backed dollar you are talking about. there is plenty of gold in the world, and it is more stable than the dollar by far, (just hit $900/oz as...
  11. ben350n

    resin production?

    i wasn't saying it adds moisture, i was saying that i heard that water deprivation made the plants produce more resin to make up for lack of moisture i'm not sure about the uv thing, i'll look it up though ty:mrgreen:
  12. ben350n

    Easy to Build DIY Carbon Filter

    so i have been looking at inline fans, and it seems like the cheapest one would be >100 dollars. i have seen filters that are filled with vapor phase activated carbon and have an inline fan (the one i found says 350 cfm). heres a link 10 X 14 Carbon Air Filter Hydroponic Odor Scrubber - eBay...
  13. ben350n

    resin production?

    Hey guys! I'm a little new to this, gotta question for everyone. I have heard elsewhere that completely depriving plants of water for 5-7 days before harvest makes the plant supercharge resin production to add moisture. Is this at all true? btw great forum, everyone is very nice and helpful ^^...
  14. ben350n

    Slow demise of the mighty greenback

    you can thank the federal reserve for most of this. the dollar goes down as they devalue the dollar more and more by just printing money out of thin air for wall street, and the price of gold and silver goes up. coincidence? i think not
  15. ben350n

    Heruk's Lowryder 2 & low ak47 x BlueB grow

    awesome grow log man, great shisha recipe too, thx :D