Recent content by bigblack

  1. B

    how much per eighth?

    So many people have misconceptions and are making their opinions seem like the only way to go. Many people enjoy a nice brownie or cookie once in a while. The effects can be up to 5x stronger when ingested because your getting a lot more THC when you cook with it. I'm going to go on a limb...
  2. B

    Cooking with Bud - I'm new, need basics

    You will be fine doing this. Shouldn't be kept longer than a day or two I'd say.
  3. B


    I have a 125watt compact fluorescent , a 100 watt compact fluorescent , and 45watt and a 24 watt... Am I anywhere close to being ready? I'm sorry for the lack of substance with this thread, but I'm a COMPLETE noobzor. This will be a closet project real small 2 plants... I guess... Any advice...
  4. B

    Denver here i come

    :peace: Denver is a great city. I'm in the vicinity. I have a few questions for an indoor project, thanks in advance - BB