Recent content by BigBudBandit

  1. B

    How to obtain a license to cultivate and/or sell medical marijuana in CA?

    What commonly happens is dispensaries buy certain amounts and resell them. They buy the weight fromm growers in general some caregivers some illegal...that's where the money is.
  2. B

    Doing Micro Grow Outdoors Ontario

    It sure can be done. Instead of planting in spring where the plants would veg for 2 months, plant in early July. They will only get about 2 or 3 weeks of vegging and stay small producing only 1 or 2 ounces of bud. I plant on the middle of June and get 3 footers which usually give off a few...
  3. B

    ICE bud anyone?

    I've seen it online and heard people in my area talk about it and nobody has anything to say. Looks like a gnarly ass strain but it doesn't seem to be a favorite.
  4. B

    Organic Out-Door Low Ryder stealth guerilla suburb op

    Very interesting grow, I've always wanted to grow lowryders outdoors. I'm definately tuning into this grow. It kinda looks like they aren't getting too much light tho... But idk if it was just early/late in the day or maybe it was just cloudy. But anyways don't forget that even tho lowryders...
  5. B

    Cannabis should be licensed and sold in shops, expert says

    Absolutley cannabis should be legal because it's no different than alcohol... Except less dangerous. They both intoxicate you, but for some reason alcohol gives you stupid ideas and makes you naseaus, not to mention a danger to others. Cannabis just chills you out and let's you relax, and you...
  6. B

    Houston we have a problem

    Sorry, to be more specific I gave sum seedlings a full water bottle each everyday around 3 in the afternoon and nothing happened. And idk why the fuck any1 would water their plants multiple times a day unless they were growing outdoors in a scorching hot place where the soil dried up extremly...
  7. B

    outdoor purple buds

    Wowserz! I'm pretty sure that this thread/post ISN'T 2 years old cuz I found it under new posts. Thanx for clearing the weight up 4 me, I just never hav seen sum1 call it that. Is that a purple strain or was it just cold?
  8. B

    Is this a magnesium problem?

    I use milk of magnesia on my plants. It's magnesium hydroxide, it's way cheaper than the plant stuff u get online or at a garden store and like half the price(4.99) and u can get it in the pharmacy isles.
  9. B

    outdoor purple buds

    Btw bro, I fucking love ur avatar pic. Would u happen to kno wat the URL is for it?
  10. B

    outdoor purple buds

    Well hey, at least u got sum bud. How much did u get?...I don't quite understand how much 3/8 is. Looks good tho smoke dat shit
  11. B

    why the fuck are my plants growing so slow!

    Maybe u shouldn't veg them for so long, I mean 4 months is enough start budding them pal
  12. B

    25$ For 1 Gram Of Purple Kush

    Sounds mad yummy but I'm tired of this price crap. For 25 I'd rather just get myself 3gs of mids, it'll last me longer. But that's why I started growing my own. Keep tokin
  13. B

    Houston we have a problem

    Could be overwatering but it's just as likely its got nute burn, I'm putting my money of nute burn because as long as the soil is well drained and ur container has holes for the water to drain the. It's pretty hard to overwater, I've given seedling a full Water bottle and nothing happened. I...
  14. B

    Help needed with different growing methods?!
  15. B

    What's everbody smokin' on and flowerin?

    I've given up on buying from other people, smoking my outdoor shit from last year. Not growing season yet but when it's time, imma keep growing my bagseed. I love surprises!