Recent content by biggysquals

  1. biggysquals

    630 cmh hood

    Does anyone make a dual bulb air cooled 630 cmh hood only????
  2. biggysquals


    Think your right I’m starting to think I have root rot. I have a buddy running the same exact nute program and he has happy healthy plants.
  3. biggysquals


    Certainly not trying to argue your suggestion just don’t really see where there could be an enviroment issue just circulating I am running co2 so as far as I know there is no need for fresh air.
  4. biggysquals


    Lights are 2ft above canopy temps are steady between 79-82 at canopy humidity is at 70 lights on 60 lights off co2 is at 1200 ppm have two fans on low
  5. biggysquals


    Got my hands on a ppm meter. Ppm is 60 out of the filter.
  6. biggysquals


    Was planning on flushing and removing all run off. I guess I’m confused at where the conversation is going.
  7. biggysquals


  8. biggysquals


  9. biggysquals


    Need to purchase a new ppm meter plan of flushing with slf 100 and watering with just base nutes(no cal mag) after they dry out hopefully a fresh start will help the issue
  10. biggysquals


    Just watered when I took pics
  11. biggysquals


    Gmo garlic cookies, 7gal pots, pro mix, botanicare silica blast @ 5 mil per gal, canna bio @8 mil per gal, canna bio rhiz @ 8 mil per gal, gh cal mag @ 2.5 mil per gal, mammoth p @ .6 mil per gal, alternating between 1/2 teaspoon of real growers recharge per gal and compost tea in a box at...
  12. biggysquals

    Read This First!

    Gmo garlic cookies, 7gal pots, pro mix, botanicare silica blast @ 5 mil per gal, canna bio @8 mil per gal, canna bio rhiz @ 8 mil per gal, gh cal mag @ 2.5 mil per gal, mammoth p @ .6 mil per gal, alternating between 1/2 teaspoon of real growers recharge per gal and compost tea in a box at...
  13. biggysquals

    Too much information what is my issue?

    I’ll try that thanks